TI-Nspire / Re: nspire Linux Questions
« on: December 20, 2015, 05:11:54 am »
Your linuxloader is too old, it does not know the dtb command.
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TI-Nspire / Re: nspire Linux Questions« on: December 20, 2015, 05:11:54 am »
Your linuxloader is too old, it does not know the dtb command.
TI-Nspire / Re: New TI-Nspire emulator: Firebird Emu« on: December 15, 2015, 01:46:43 pm »Quote Just to ask: why GPL3 and not MIT?The work put into firebird should always be accessible to everyone in form of source code, the MIT license allows to use any part of the source in any product (even commercial) without having to open source it as well. 33
TI-Nspire / Firebird: New version v0.30« on: December 15, 2015, 01:16:10 pm »
New version 0.30 with greatly improved usability!
With more than 120 commits since the previous release, this version contains various new features, improvements and bug fixes. The main goal was improved usability across all platforms. There’s also a Wiki at https://github.com/nspire-emus/firebird/wiki/Installing-firebird now. And by the way, the license is now GPLv3. Download:
Linux(video): ![]()
TI-Nspire / Re: nPDF - A document viewer for the Nspire« on: December 09, 2015, 10:12:59 am »Or even better, point to the same file, containing the current release with all installers.You can still use the PRG file, even if your ndless_resources supports Zehn. It will detect that automatically and load the Zehn part of the file directly. 35
TI-Nspire / Re: nPDF - A document viewer for the Nspire« on: December 08, 2015, 12:22:34 am »Quote Also, you don't need to use the PRG file on OS 3.6. The ndless_resources.tns file from Ndless 3.9 that has Zehn support actually works on 3.1 and 3.6. Just replace your ndless_resources.tns with the one from 3.9, nPDF.tns should run. Unfortunately, this isn't well-documented.You can still use the PRG file, even if your ndless_resources supports Zehn. It will detect that automatically and load the Zehn part of the file directly. 36
TI-Nspire / Re: New TI-Nspire emulator: Firebird Emu« on: December 01, 2015, 08:21:12 am »Quote While trying to reposition some of the floating docks, I clicked by mistake on the Close icon ( right beside the Redimension icon ).Simply right click on the space on the right of the menu bar. You can unhide all docks that way. Quote Meanwhile before implementing such feature, a paliative would be to start Firebird Interface on Tabs mode, or at least indicate the existence of that option for the naive users on a README file.The tab interface is going to be removed at some point, as the docks interface is in every way superior. Quote The Flash Menu could be improved if it include the option of not only Saving a Flash Image, but also of Loading another previously saved ( or already available one ), without the need of opening the Settings / Nspire tabs and selecting a Flash Image and Boot1 file ( from that tab options ).In my TODO list, there's an entry for "Kits": Pre-selected combinations of Boot1+Flash, selectable from within a menu. Quote Also at the Create Flash Image menu, Boot1 is indicated by a Manuf tag and placed below Boot2 which shows up a bit confusing for the naive user to fully understand that a Boot1 file is required at that point.Without boot1 selected, there is an error message that is displayed on the first start, indicating that boot1 is missing. Quote A bit more explanations on a README file would let the users know exactly what to provide on each field, with instruction for them how to obtain Boot1 and Boot2 image files from their own physical calculators, by meens of ndless and polydumper.There were some additions to the firebird wiki recently: https://github.com/nspire-emus/firebird/wiki/First-Time-Setup Quote While trying to Generate a New image file from the Create Flash Image menu, ( with all the required files provided and correctly identified after each selection, except for the provision of Diags which I left None and selected to Boot from Boot2 and Not Diags ), I ended up with an Application Crash on Windows 7 32bits.There was a bug introduced recently, but AFAIK it's not present in beta2. Can you reproduce the crash reliably? Quote Overall my very First impressions on Firebird were very good ones, showing up as a Very Promising Project due mainly to its broad range of covered platforms, with a vast array of implementations, based on a Same common ground, leading its final users to an easier adaption from one platform to another.That's currently being worked on and will be linked to in the release of the next beta version. Quote and the "definitive" closure state of floating Docks described on the Windows port, and which I dont know if similar behavior could happen on other platforms like Android ( and where I simply do no know how to Restore the equivalent of a Registry entry on a Android ARM Tablet without root access ).On android it's using the mobile UI by default, although there's a compile-time option to use the desktop UI, in which case the tab interface should be used, as it uses less space. Quote Thanks very much for All the attention, hoping to have provided Valuable points requiring some attention on future releases of Firebird,Thanks for the feedback, it is very much appreciated! Quote PS: A missing option for the Non developer users would be to allow not only for Firebird to Start Emulation Automatically, but Also allowing the choice of starting with focus on the Keypad window open ( in place of the Serial Monitor actually selected and opened by default ). The inclusion of a simple ( exclusive ) Selection option ( by means of Radio Buttons ) between Keypad and Serial Monitor, would allow for such configuration, leaving both developers and common users the ability to opt for their preferred choice of initialization.That is actually a bug, I just fixed it in the repo. Now it's possible to open firebird and directly use the calc. 37
TI-Nspire / Re: New TI-Nspire emulator: Firebird Emu« on: November 02, 2015, 01:48:04 pm »Quote Yes, what I ment was "suspend and resume".Then I have some good news for you, it is being implemented right now! For now, it's only in my devel repo (https://github.com/Vogtinator/firebird), but once I ironed one some issues it's going to be in the next release. Currently auto-suspend/auto-resume and suspend/resume from/to file are implemented and working (for me). It's not completely integrated into the UI (no error or success messages) and not implemented in the mobile UI at all. I can't do the latter properly as I don't own an Android or iOS device (the emulators f*****g s**k), so I'd need some help there. Quote Having first to save the scratchpad in a document and then save the flash, coupled with the boot time of the emulator makes it really unconvenient.It still makes sense to save the flash, in case the snapshot gets lost, is somehow inconsistent, firebird threw up or the snapshot format changed (which might happen occasionally, it's directly writing a (non-packed, but I might change that) struct to memory). Quote I understand the issues with the RAM dump. I would guess that most of the users of the meulator would be like me and not use it for heavy work (in that case the HW would be much faster). I that case the RAM should be mostly empty a compression should be very effective.Not implemented yet, but I will likely do that. Likely just deflate, should be enough. Quote I know you do it for fun, but this would be a recognition for your work and would make people think that there is quite some work behind this software.There are still huge parts of original nspire_emu code from goplat and everybody has to benefit from donations IMO. 38
TI Calculators / Re: Nspire CX CAS - Custom User Menus???« on: November 01, 2015, 08:31:33 am »Quote I've heard of literally only one weird issue, and it is/was when there were many, many menu itemsTwo, at least: "Class has ended", visible in KhiCAS and the Ndless 3.6 installer ![]() 39
TI Calculators / Re: Nspire CX CAS - Custom User Menus???« on: October 31, 2015, 05:05:31 am »
The only way I'm aware of to add custom menus is through Lua's toolpalette: https://wiki.inspired-lua.org/toolpalette.register
It's very buggy sometimes, though... Quote Also, is there a way to create a function or variable that stores EMPTY elements? Such as in the case of rref([][][]). If I could just type a command and have that text appear, then I could fill in the blanks.I don't think so, it might be possible with some fiddling, but blanks are a very special case AFAIK. 40
TI-Nspire / Re: New TI-Nspire emulator: Firebird Emu« on: October 26, 2015, 10:18:53 am »Hi Vogtinator,Thanks for the feedback! I mainly develop the (ARM emulation) core on a rpi2 and the mobile UI on my laptop, so having some feedback from those actually using the android part is very appreciated! Quote I have anyway some comments that I consider quite important to make the app usable:If you hit the save icon it saves to the flash file, but I guess you mean more "suspend and resume" like. It was partially implemented (code from ncubate), but there was so much important stuff missing, that it was just much easier to remove it completely again. I'll consider adding back support for it, but it isn't that easy. For instance, the internal data structures of the emulator for USB transfers etc. and the RAM contents, which make more than 64MiB (data + flags, although the flags may be unnecessary) have to be saved to a temporary file. That is not only a lot of space it occupies, but also really bad for the storage medium it resides on... Quote - This might help as well with the second big issue: startup time.I can't really improve that much, as it is using a quite complicated self-built ARM-to-ARM JIT, but I guess it's not an issue anymore after the suspend-resume feature is implemented. Quote I am asking myself if there people really USING these emulators or if there only around perosns developing them.Firebird is mainly targeted at developers and programmers, for easier file transfer and debugging than HW, but not really (but it should work just fine) at end-users. Quote I think that if you concentrate on developing the Android (and IOS) variant (this is what puts you apart from the other branches of the main emulator) you can have a good success among the many kids that use the nspire at school.That's not possible for multiple reasons: - Firebird is and stays open-source - I'm not 100% sure about the legal issues - I don't want that anybody has to pay for that ![]() - We're multiple devs, where should the amount go? Quote It might be I am completely wrong and I did not understand the "right way" of using the emulator.There is no "right" way. If it works, it works and if it doesn't, something is broken. Quote I would be gratefull if anybody would comment and tell me how people is using it efficiently.I'm not "using" (in the sense of making calculations and such) firebird on mobile at all (wouldn't work, I don't have either Android nor iOS devices), but the desktop version does not really suffer from the startup time. Especially the much bigger cache (I believe, I didn't really benchmark that) on desktop CPUs has a big benefit on emulation speed. So it is just as you described, start firebird, wait a few seconds until it's loaded, do stuff, save occasionally and close it. 41
TI Calculators / Re: Ti Nspire CX problem« on: October 09, 2015, 11:56:31 am »
You're right, right now ndless is not supported on OS 4.0, although that might change in the (close? far? IDK.) future.
TI-BASIC / Re: insreting pdf and alike to ti nspire cx cas« on: October 09, 2015, 11:50:38 am »
There's also a web utility to convert pdfs into lua code (as stupid as it sounds...) on tiplanet.org: https://tiplanet.org/forum/editgx.php
General Calculator Help / Re: Installing CAS on TI-Nspire CX Non-CAS« on: October 03, 2015, 10:36:11 am »
The latest nLaunchy supports OS up to 3.9.1.
TI-Nspire / Re: New TI-Nspire emulator: Firebird Emu« on: September 28, 2015, 02:37:29 pm »Quote How do I reopen closed docks/tabs? One day, just for fun, I closed every tab and now I cant seem to bring them up again. I'm on the windows 0.20 build (windows 7 x64 professional)Just right click on the free space of the menu bar (right of the "Flash" menu). On Mac the issue is that there is no (real) menu bar, so it's impossible to open a dock if they're all closed, so it's disabled to close them all on Mac. Quote Works without issues on my other computer so far.Glad to hear, thanks! 45
Site Feedback and Questions / Re: TI-Nspire Downgrade Problems« on: September 22, 2015, 02:39:25 am »
No, sets the minumum version to itself.