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Topics - Xeda112358

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13]
TI-BASIC / Zeda's Hex Codes
« on: January 29, 2011, 11:26:20 pm »
Hey all you BASIC programmers out there (and occasional Axer)! I have something that YOU might like. You know those amazing little creatures? Those hex opcodes? Well guess what?! I've got em :D

Here is a small PDF that I have been working on that has a mild sample of about 40 hex opcodes. If anybody has cool suggestions, lemme know and I'll see what I can conjure up!

TI Z80 / CopyProg
« on: January 29, 2011, 02:53:08 pm »
So, again, I have a neat/random program that I want to add to BatLib, now. It was an idea from TIBD for me to make an opcode to copy programs to a string and it was a whole separate idea for me to copy a string to a program. However, this time, the request was to make it copy programs out of archive! So, I got my brain together, planned it out, and now I have this wicked and powerful program... in 123 bytes.

So here are some cool points to keep in mind:
-This is not limited to copying programs
-It can copy from archive or RAM
-It is not limited to copying to programs

The uses of this?  :
-Copy a picture to an appvar or program to make custom pictures
-Copy programs from archive for temp use in games
-Storing things to strings to play with

I hope this proves useful to people! Oh, and as always, opcode included :P

EDIT: Newer version:

TI Z80 / Math Attack!
« on: January 27, 2011, 11:38:47 pm »
As mentioned earlier today/yesterday in a recent article, there are fewer BASIC project releases. This isn't much, but it is at least a fun start! Well, fun if math=vitamins for Zeda's (not a Doctor Tran reference).

BatLib / Creepy-Crawlies (Bugs)
« on: January 26, 2011, 09:51:49 pm »
This topic is meant for the discussion of bugs in BatLib. Currently, I am aware of three bugs (off the top of my head):
-The fonts don't seem to work in OS menus
-GetStats is not liking archived variables (it crashes when used on them)
-It crashes randomly, even on BASIC code.

Here is a screen shot of that last one. The first crash happens after 19 iterations, the second at 2346, the third at 827, and the fourth at 799.

BatLib / BatLib Ideas/Wishlist
« on: January 23, 2011, 04:08:03 pm »
I decided to start this because I noticed a comment from way back in the beginning from DJ Omnimaga that I never really answered/noticed:
Sounds interesting. I wonder what kind of sprite stuff you plan to add. I think you should go with some features that other APPs like xLIB doesn't have, because xLIB, Celtic III and Doors CS 7 already do a lot of stuff and if your library only does a small portion of what those apps do, those apps kinda obsoletes your lib, while if you add even more stuff, people might see your lib as an alternative. I think that it would be cool if you added sprite masking, grayscale (using two sprites like in Axe and everytime you use a certain command, the checkered pattern is inverted).

It would also be nice if you had a tilemap feature that displayed maps which has their map data stored inside pics and allow pixel-testing from pic data. In Illusiat 6, 7 and 9 through 12, all map data is stored inside pics, but I am forced to recall the pic on the graph screen to pxl-test it.
-I am not sure that I will be able to get gray scale working because the app only has control when the sum( command is used.
-Sprite masking is definitely something I can do.
-I can also try to create a tilemap routine that reads tile data from pictures, however, I only plan to let it use one picture at a time.
-That pxl-test idea is a really neat idea that I think I want to implement. In fact, I think I want to make a command that lets you draw in pictures, too, not just the screen. Pretty much, I want to extend all of the drawing routines in BatLib to be able to use a picture file instead of the graph screen.

Thanks DJ!

So, if anybody has any ideas, please feel free to post. I may not be able to add it now, but I couldn't add DJ's features, before. Now, a few months later, I have the skill required.
EDIT: Wow, it looks like I missed even more!
Suggestion for a feature: Extend the Delvar command so it can also delete archived variables, pictures, lists, matrices and strings. Also do you have a command that checks if a list already exists?
Sheesh, I wish I would have payed attention. Um, I can add those without a problem. In fact, it would be pretty easy.
To determine if a list exists or not, using command 41 returns ".BAD NAME" in Ans if the var doesn't exist. This doesn't work with named lists, yet, so I will need to modify that, but it works with lists like L1. (Actually, you can get it to work, but the process is slightly complicated).
Deleting a var will be fairly easy.

Math and Science / Math! (and that is not a factorial)
« on: December 07, 2010, 06:49:07 pm »
Okee, so it seems that people here like math, oddly enough :D . So... I have my.. erm... "notes" if you will. Some of this is so out there and abstract that it makes minds explode (that has only happened 2 in 7 times, so the odds are in your favor!) Some of this also is a way to attack the Riemann Hypothesis, so besides the fact that I believe in the development of knowledge and understanding, I should probably not be releasing some of my notes. However, it is pretty well known that I am indeed attacking these areas of math, so I am willing to give you all some food for thought. Also, if you guys have any equations or anything that you have come up with, please feel free to post. I would prefer if this topic was limited to original ideas (of course, those ideas will need non-original ideas to explain, I am sure), but whatever, math is math is fun is fun. So, here are my notes and y'all better ask questions fast because when I leave Friday, I will be home where internet access is very severely limited. I will be gone until around January 16 or 17 of 2011. Graphmastur so far has a pretty good grasp of my main algorithm, but there is sooooo much more to it that I need to be reminded to explain (like the fact that the ratio of the coefficients seem to converge to 19/750) Anywho, here goes (and sorry for my hand writing :D I don't exactly meet the requirements for certain stereotypes). By the way, I have led a fairly sheltered life, so there are many notations that I have come up with, not knowing that notation already existed. I have been using proper notation as I learn it, but I cannot guarantee that this all will exactly fit your styles or tastes in "writing" math :D

ASM / Battery Level
« on: November 29, 2010, 08:19:26 pm »
Does anybody know of a way to check the battery level without using a B_Call? If you have code, hex or mnemonics are fine. Thanks

General Calculator Help / BASIC (Ab)Uses of Assembly Opcodes
« on: November 20, 2010, 04:03:37 am »
As many of you know by now, I program in hex on the calculator, but once upon a time I was a BASIC programmer-- a maker of RPG's that spread through my school, games, and math programs. Many of these programs in some way or another used an assembly opcode to make them better. Naturally, as any curious person would do, I started to play with the opcodes. After hundreds of RAM clears, I would make headway and create my own opcodes.

So what is this topic about? For those BASIC programmers (or interested Assembly programmers) I want to make some DIY assembly opcodes-- codes that I will explain how to safely modify for desired effects!.

Now where to begin... output? Okey dokey then... Here is an example program. I will explain stuff afterward:

Green is okay to change, it won't harm anything
Blue has rules if you want to change it
Red should not be changed

The blues are what need to be explained.
  • The 210000 is the coordinate to display the text. 210100 will display one row down. 210001 will display one column over. Do not go off the screen or it will crash.
  • The 21A89D is changed if you add or take away any code before the C9. For example, if you add EF4645 to the beginning, that is 3 bytes of code added so you use 21AB9D. If you take out the 210000224B84, that is 6 bytes removed, so you would use 21A29D
  • The 0C is the size of the string to display. This will not harm anything if changed. 0Ch=12 which is how many bytes gets displayed.

Feel free to ask questions because I am sure there will be some. I jumped right into it without explaining a lot of it, mostly because it is 4:00AM here and I haven't slept yet...

BatLib / BatLib
« on: November 19, 2010, 01:06:33 pm »

Latest Update: 29 September 2012

I have made mention of this project before, but it was kind of dead at the time. On top of that, I was working on my other project, BASIC ReCode. For the past day or two, I have been working on SpriteLib and yesterday, I had a small breakthrough. I am still working on both projects, but they are going to take turns in my attention. So here is a bit of the background of why I decided to finally make a topic...

I went to bed this morning a little after 2:00 AM. I woke up at 7:30 ish, wondering if I should get up. For about 20 minutes, my sleepy brain made the logical connection that since all I did yesterday was program, it must have been Saturday and so today was Sunday. I fell back asleep deciding I would sleep in and program a little later. An hour later, I jumped out of bed very suddenly, surprising my brain and body. While I tried figuring out what my body was doing, my brain was screaming "CRAAAAAP! IT'S FRIDAY! I HAVE CLASS!" So naturally, I got in the shower, thinking about SpriteLib. Half asleep, my brain started screaming "YOU FORGOT THE 23! THAT WAS THE PROBLEM! READ YOUR OWN NOTES!" So I ran back to my room, got on my computer to see what I was talking about. Sure enough, in the APP that I have been trying to find the error in for four months was missing one byte: a 23 (also known as "inc hl"). After I added the byte (and fixed another call effected by this change), I sent it to my calculator and sure enough, it worked.

So now I get to go through my code, fix any other things modified by this change, and then SpriteLib will be in APP form, using a parser hook with "int(" and no longer relying on Str1 and Str2 for some commands :D YAYYYYYYY Once I get a few commands finished, I will upload the APP.

EDIT: I am skipping my last class to work on this right now :D

ASM / Something is wrong...
« on: November 13, 2010, 12:11:04 pm »
In my latest program I am having a problem with this code:
Code: [Select]
Call ConvRStr        ;Converts a decimal string into hex and stores it to BC
ld a,c
ld (curRow),a
Call ConvRStr
ld a,c
ld (curCol),a
ConvRStr converts a string of decimal digits into hex in BC. So "123" would make BC=7Bh. ConvRStr works properly, but the code isn't setting the cursor position correctly. Any ideas why?

EDIT: Okay, never mind. I have no idea why, but I decided to add the code to actually display text and it worked. I am still confused about why it didn't work before, but it works now. My problem is fixed now.

TI Z80 / [Project] BASIC ReCode
« on: November 11, 2010, 10:53:52 pm »
I have already unveiled this project on TIBD and I am liking it enough to post it here. I started this back near the end of June, but after a few days I finally came across something called Axe Parser. I thought Axe was pretty cool and was pretty far along compared to my start of a programming language, so I put it aside. Then I started thinking. Axe doesn't actually execute the code it compiles, which is what mine did. Mine was an interpreted language whereas Axe actually compiled it into an assembly program. Axe has the advantage of speed and the fact that it is pretty far along in development, whereas mine has the advantage of using less memory. I just checked my computer yesterday and it seems that I have deleted everything except one random file which detailed the first few commands. Today I started over and I made the basic outline of the program and I made the Pause command. The Pause in my original program was very similar to the one in Axe and I did not change that.

And for those who are curious, yes it is in hex at the moment. I have got two small calls in their mnemonic form, I will work on the rest when I have time (so right now).

prgmA is the program
prgmB is the example use (not really much of an example)

ASM / Swapping Pages during Program...
« on: November 10, 2010, 12:34:41 pm »
Okay, I have another APP related question. I have another random project that I am working on and I wanted to store all of the data in an APP, but have it called and executed by an assembly program. If I load it into 4000h, what problems will I have while the program is running? I still don't know what that page does, I only know that I swap that page to copy archived data to RAM sometimes.

ASM / App Help
« on: October 31, 2010, 01:45:46 pm »
Okay, so I have been programming in assembly for almost a year now and I want to turn my programs into an App. I have tried on several occasions to make Apps, but something isn't working for me. Do I need to make each b_call myself? And why doesn't it work when I make a parser hook that works on that page?

Introduce Yourself! / Hello-ha!
« on: October 31, 2010, 03:21:59 am »
Well, I decided to say hello, so hello. My skills lie in BASIC and Assembly for the z80 calcs. I do my assembly programming in hex and I have quite a fun time with it. I have made some programs, mostly dealing with aiding BASIC programmers and programs. Some examples include SpriteLib, EnLib, EnPro, and many others. I need to sleep.

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