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Topics - calc84maniac

Pages: 1 2 [3]
F-Zero 83+ / F-Zero Progress Thread
« on: November 11, 2008, 09:02:35 am »
I am making an F-Zero game (which happens to be, unless I am misinformed, the first "real" 3D racing game for the 83+).

The engine basically just takes a 32x32 tilemap and draws it in a "3D view". More recently, I added a sprite routine and a routine to find where an object should be drawn in this 3D world. It draws one of 3 sprites depending on how far away it is. Right now, I have only drawn a sprite from the back of the ship, so it looks a bit strange without rotation.

Anyway, the latest screenshot shows all of this:

I am planning to implement a scaled sprite routine instead of the normal one so the ship can be drawn at any size, if there's enough speed left over.

Also, I think this will be a 2-page app, because the levels take up so much space (1KB each) and it's much more convenient for the user: I doubt you'll need any RAM free to play this game unless it's to use a high score Appvar.

I'm also planning link play. ;)

Project M (Super Mario) / Project M Screenshots
« on: September 08, 2008, 11:05:27 pm »
Here is the list of screenshots from newest to oldest:

Project M (Super Mario) / Progress of "M"
« on: September 08, 2008, 10:59:31 pm »
Project M is a Super Mario Bros clone for the TI-83+ family.
Features so far include:
  • Smooth-scrolling animated tilemapper
  • Support for many different types of objects. These include: sprite objects, enemies with customizable movement types, bouncing blocks which hurt enemies, flying debris, mushrooms, bouncing coins, and possibly more I haven't mentioned.
  • Tiles detect collisions from various sides.
  • You can grab coins by hitting them with blocks.
  • Sprite routine is masked and clipped, and it is possible to manually clip the associated object (such as ones that go into pipes or powerups rising out of blocks).
  • Powerup and death animations.
  • Animated coin counter and lives counter.
  • Pipes! Incomplete, however, because it only supports going down into and coming up out of pipes (none of the other 3 directions yet).
  • The game is around 6000 bytes so far (not including the map, which I haven't separated from the program yet).

Things I need to work on:
Variable map heights

Latest screenshot:

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