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Messages - Happybobjr

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 166
Math and Science / Re: Calculus AB in Short
« on: March 06, 2013, 06:00:13 pm »
Quotient rule is extremely easy for us (me and classmates)

The easiest way we've found to remember is by saying it like this.
(Say in southern drawl)
Low D-High, Minus High D-Low, All over Low Square.

Its got a pattern to it like the quadratic formula to the Jack-in-a-box tune

Other Calculators / Re: The infamous 83+ OS 1.17
« on: March 02, 2013, 04:05:12 pm »
I have a couple friends with it.
One of them won't receive anything but lists it seems.

Computer Usage and Setup Help / Re: Installing linux
« on: February 25, 2013, 05:47:13 pm »

Make sure after installing, you close the disk drive after you take the disk out when it pop out. Then press enter.
If you don't and just hardshut down it, it fails.

General Calculator Help / Broken Calcs
« on: February 19, 2013, 08:21:26 am »
Hello everyone, I am currently in possesion of three TI-83+'s that I have failed to fix.
All three have hardware issues that renders the screen useless.

Any of you think you got a chance to fix them or want to try?
I'll ship within the US for free (atleast for one calc), but outside will probably be too much for me.

TI Z80 / Re: Four Level Grayscale Video
« on: February 02, 2013, 06:43:56 pm »
This is wonderful :D

TI Z80 / Re: Pokemon Topaze (Axe)
« on: January 25, 2013, 05:37:05 am »
Basically, he wants you to check if an enemy pokemon's level is enough for it to have evolved and if so, make it the evolved form.
Actually, I think he is suggesting the opposite. For example: Dragonite evolves from Dragonair at level 55. As such, you shouldn't normally encounter any Dragonite used by trainers or in the wild that are under level 55. However, I believe there have been some exceptions in pokemon games, but usually that isn't the case.

Yup, that was it :)

just a few tiny more things.  Could you add HD surround sound music and make it 3d with a 1080 x 720 resolution? :P jk

TI Z80 / Re: Pokemon Topaze (Axe)
« on: January 23, 2013, 09:13:34 am »
Hope its not rude to make a request but,  could you please add like one line of code that will check that a pokemon encountered (in wild or trainer) it high enough leveled for its evolutionary form?

Many of my friends have noticed this, and i think it could be simple to fix.

Math and Science / Re: Physics Theory - Any Suggestions?
« on: December 29, 2012, 10:04:08 pm »
^ Agreed, I'm interested in hearing and analyzing.

Portal X / Re: Portal X (Prelude) Bugs
« on: December 07, 2012, 05:35:32 pm »
^ Darn. I don't want this fixed. thats how I beat it :P

Portal X / Re: Portal X (Prelude) Bugs
« on: December 04, 2012, 06:38:18 pm »
*facepalm*  probably...

Portal X / Re: Portal X (Prelude) Bugs
« on: December 04, 2012, 05:55:34 pm »
Umm this is a pressing one.

Here is what I did:

Went into portal level maker (with zstart run from homescrene)
OS 2.53 MP (in classic)
New level pack named Boobies. (yes i am immature)
Went into level one and I don't think I changed anything.
I exited that, and then exited all together.

My screen turned bright blue.  I made sure to remove my batteries quickly of course.
I don't know if it was portal editor or not, but i figure its good to know its a possibility.

TI Z80 / Re: [AXE] need a project :o
« on: December 02, 2012, 11:20:42 am »
Well Pokemon hasn't been done to death as no pokemon game was finished before topaz.

Computer Programming / Help with converting text to data.
« on: November 30, 2012, 11:25:02 pm »
Hello everyone.

I was hoping someone here could give me a hand.
I have about 420K of data for a program. I am able to cut it down to about 250K by using nibbles instead of bytes per character.

I have it set where:
Code: [Select]
Page 0
0 - special case
1 - go to page one
2 - go to page two
3 - go to page three
4 - go to page four
5-15 Use corresponding characters.

Page 1-4
0-15 use corresponding characters

anyways, I have no idea where to start out in turning my text file into appvar's.
Can anyone help? It'd need to be able to write one nibble at a time.

If you don't feel like writing code or anything, could you please point me in the right direction?
What language I should use etc.

Math and Science / Re: 8 Balls
« on: November 27, 2012, 10:19:20 pm »

Math and Science / 8 Balls
« on: November 27, 2012, 08:02:17 pm »
Ok, after seeing Builder's awesome riddle, which I solved (ok, not really), I figured I could be nice and make you think of two at once. >:D.

You have 8 identical Blue Lobsters and one balance. Lets say it looks like this.

One of the lobster's weighs slightly more than the rest, but you can't tell by holding it or anything.  You are overcome with the sudden urge to know which one is the one that weighs more.  Warning though, you have only time enough to use the balance twice before Netham attacks you with a Banana Razor!  How can you tell which is the heavier?

Spoiler For In other words:
1) 8 lobsters. 7 weigh same. 1 weighs tiniest bit more.
2) 1 balance
3) You can only use the balance twice
4) Find the heavier lobster

Same rules apply to mine as his. There is no trickery.
You can't just say 'Oh! this one feels like it might weigh more.
Good luck.

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