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Messages - lkj

Pages: 1 ... 31 32 [33]
Introduce Yourself! / Hello!
« on: September 13, 2011, 12:07:27 pm »
Hi! I'm Luc and I'm new here. I can program a little bit (C and TI-basic ;)) but I want to get better, so I came here. I own a TI-Nspire CAS.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Motherload discussion
« on: September 11, 2011, 11:45:42 am »
Because of this topic I'm also addicted now  :banghead:

[DE] Off-Topic / Re: Wer ist ein Deutscher (oder kann deutsch sprechen)?
« on: September 11, 2011, 09:07:24 am »
Ich bin Schweizer, also spreche ich auch Deutsch  :)

Ich gehe in die 11. Klasse und habe einen TI-Nspire CAS, für den ich in C programmiere. Allerdings kann ich es noch nicht so gut ;)

Calculator C / Re: Problem with C code
« on: September 07, 2011, 03:06:20 pm »
Thank you
Sometimes I make really silly mistakes...

Calculator C / Problem with C code
« on: September 07, 2011, 02:28:05 pm »
I have a problem with the following  code:

Code: [Select]
for(w = 0, w < levelheader->number_of_eggs, ++w){
        //do something
Where levelheader is a pointer to a struct:
Code: [Select]
typedef struct LEVElHEADER{
    uint16_t number_of_eggs;
When I try to compile it, I get these errors :
test.c:7:18: warning: value computed is not used
test.c:7:54: error: expected ';'  before ')' token

I just can't find the problem ???

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