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Messages - m1ac4

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Computer Programming / Re: java applet color help
« on: May 12, 2011, 10:00:32 am »
A quick google search on the subject turned up this webpage.
So the code displayed that site that would generate a random 24-bit color would look like
Code: [Select]
Random r = new Random();
Color  c = new Color(r.nextInt(256), r.nextInt(256), r.nextInt(256));

Casio Calculators / Re: Possible to screen capture...?
« on: May 10, 2011, 07:41:57 am »
Though manually typing a larger program into an emulator is an absolute pain, it can still be quite worthwhile to get animated screenshots.  Just make sure that you configure CalcCapture's settings properly so all of your hard work comes out looking good.

News / Re: CGPN: April 2011 newsletter available
« on: May 10, 2011, 07:29:30 am »
Minesweeper and Conway's Game of Life were both ported to the Prizm in C.  That is why the Prizm made such an appearance because these games mark the beginning of a new era of Prizm programming, especially now with a working GCC compiler.

News / Re: Tanks and Aliens
« on: May 04, 2011, 07:37:54 am »
In other news, I will be receiving my Prizm on Friday ;D
Excellent!  ;D
It has been quite enjoyable to see all of the developments in this area.  Thanks to all involved  :thumbsup:.

Casio Calculators / Re: Getting Geometry and Physium? [solved]
« on: May 02, 2011, 02:40:33 pm »
I got it working yersterday and I've got some games.
Glad to hear that.  ;D

Casio Calculators / Re: Casio Prizm + truecolor ?
« on: May 02, 2011, 07:24:04 am »
In the hidden diagnostic mode you can actually toggle the color setting between 3 and 16 bit.  There is a sample picture included in those test menus that you can see the differences with.  So maybe there is a setting somewhere that needs to be changed for 16-bit color to work?

Casio Calculators / Re: Getting Geometry and Physium?
« on: April 29, 2011, 07:34:44 am »
If you haven't been to this page then you can (maybe) find it here.  Go to the fx-9860 series section and select Add-in Software.
However, you would see that there aren't any actual links to the add-ins (they appear to be locked), it looks like you need to register an account and your calculator to get to those items.  I'm not quite sure about that but hopefully it works.

And don't worry, this board is for anything and everything Casio that isn't directly related to the hacking discussion.

Casio PRIZM / Re: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.1)
« on: April 28, 2011, 09:51:03 am »
I tested and even with no color command I still got the glitch. This is not a color-related bug, but rather with non-ASCII tokens. I tried myself on my Prizm using OS 01.01.0200 and 01.02.0200.
Hmm, I only noticed it one time with one character.  Perhaps I didn't notice something...

Casio PRIZM / Re: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.1)
« on: April 28, 2011, 07:25:29 am »
Since sjasogun1 is using a fx-9860GII to write the game, everything should be black and white.  As a result, the Locate Glitch shouldn't apply unless a Prizm owner manually added color to the game.

Casio PRIZM / SwitchRPG
« on: April 26, 2011, 07:36:56 am »
This RPG (which still remains somewhat nameless) is my first attempt to write a game for the Prizm.  It takes advantage of the basic language's strengths and attempts to downplay some of the weaknesses (it takes 5-9 seconds to draw an area on the screen).  Development has been halted for the time being but I will gladly pick it up again in the future, especially if hybrid basic becomes possible or if I have time to try to write it in C or anything related to that.

7*21 areas-5 included now in this release
Dialog with other "characters" (those would be the magenta T types)
Color  :hyper: (limited due to you-know-what)

Progress:  100% of minimalist storyline Complete!
53/53 areas have been created.
53/53 areas are present on the calc.
53/53 areas have been storylined.

Screenshot of the previous version.  Does not represent the current version though, I anticipate an animated screenshot of the real game coming soon. nvm, trial expired...

More Screenies (They're not supposed to be transparent, transparency is not supported in the game

Available now is the first release.

also, no colors in battle. when I tried, it colored the wrong stuff
Yeah... the Locate glitch strikes again.  Games will look a lot better when that gets fixed.

Because it is too early in Prizm development for easy screebshots to be made, options for making screenshots are limited.  If you want an animated screenshot then you will have to download the Casio FX CG-10/20 manager, type all of your code into the program editor like normal and use calccapture to make the animated screenshot.  I tried this method with a program and after a very long stretch of copying code one key at a time, the final product looked like this:

It's not easy to use this method.  The time it takes is ridiculous and its hard to configure calccapture to get the right speeds (at least for me).  This method is impractical and needs to be replaced with an emulator with Wabbit-style capture.
Edit: Just to clarify, this screenshot is waaaayy to fast.

These things look quite useful, thanks.
* m1ac4 bookmarks google translate


sorry about that. forgot to declare all of the variables that I used :P
search for RanInt#(45,70) ->Z and put this after it:
Code: [Select]
can you tell me if that works?
It works now, thanks.

The game looks good so far but when I encounter the first enemy the battle draws out properly but then I get a Domain Error message.
Here is where the error happens:
Code: (Casio Basic) [Select]
If N
Locate O,6," "  <-This is where the error is.  At this point, O=0 and the error is thrown.
If O<K
By commenting this line out, I guess that it is supposed to erase a shot after it leaves a space.  Hopefully, you can get it fixed quickly.

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