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Messages - mdjenkins86

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TI 68K / 89 Basic Tutorial
« on: June 12, 2005, 01:19:00 pm »
Wow, that is really nice.  This might make my battle system so much easier...I off to learn a new language...Don't worry, I still have every intention to finish my tutorial...but wow.

TI 68K / The Sword of Darkness
« on: June 12, 2005, 10:18:00 am »
and that, is what the titanium is all about.
Madison is 4768 bytes * 3 because it is composed of 3 layers, the visual, the physical, and the eventful.  Oh, by the way, this will by crunched down using every compression method possible.

TI 68K / 89 Basic Tutorial
« on: June 12, 2005, 09:55:00 am »
Ok well here is the first chapter WITHOUT FORMATTING

Chapter 1: Good Bye, Cruel World

From, the home screen while the desktop is turned off:  APPS, 6 if running ASM 1.0 or 7 if running ASM 2 or higher, 3 for new program, for program name enter ?hellowd?.  Type the following code as followed:

Disp ?Good Bye, Cruel Would?

Input and output.  This is how you as the programmer communicates with the user, the person running your program.  The be honest, Input and Output is how we communicate and is a way of life.  When you go to work, you input your time and services.  The output is your paycheck.  When you ask someone for his or her name, you are outputting the question (or inquiry).  Their response is the input.  Repeating their name back to them would be output.  When you put your MAC card into an ATM that is input.  The ATM then uses output when it asks you?re for your pin.  When you enter the pin, this is input.

In general when dealing with a calculator program, input is something that the user does to interact with the program.  Some sort of output usually and generally follows this input?if the user presses (inputs) enter then display (output) ?Thank You ? on the screen.

On 68k calculators, there is a separate reserved screen for input and output.  This is completely and utterly independent of the home screen.  To view the I/O screen press F5 from the home screen.  Press ESC to return to the home screen.  Clearing the home screen will not affect the I/O screen and clearing the I/O screen will not affect the home screen.

The program listed above is an example of simple output.  This program doesn?t have code to except input from the user.

Disp ?Good Bye, Cruel World?

The program launcher, that is the force that runs your program, will begin executing your code after Prgm statement is detected. Concordantly the program has no life beyond the EndPrgm statement.  Thus, all code should be written between Prgm and EndPrgm.  You will notice that ?Hellowd()? rests above the Prgm statement.  Hellowd is the name of your program and () is the space where you can input arguments for that program.  Arguments will discussed in a later chapter so don?t focus on that too much just yet.

As I stated, all code between Prgm and EndPrgm is open for execution.  In the program above the only code that is executable is ?Disp ?Good Bye, Cruel World??.

Disp is the simplest output function in BASIC.  To display a literal, that is to display a string you use quotation marks.  To display a number, you can simply type that number without quotations.  To go to the next line, use a comma.  Input the following code to see the result.

Disp ?The world?s greatest.?
Disp 45
Disp ?Infinity?, 42,?Complex?, 6*7

TI 68K / The Sword of Darkness
« on: June 12, 2005, 09:52:00 am »
Well Lets see...
Madison is complete
Meridian is complete
Infinity Isle is complete
Bad Land Castle is complete
Main Continent is really big and is still in development.
Underneath Bad Land Castle is next
Starship DION
Plus underground networks.
About 8 maps

TI 68K / 89 Basic Tutorial
« on: June 12, 2005, 09:31:00 am »
Opps... Could you move this to Announce your project section for me Kevin. My bad...

TI 68K / The Sword of Darkness
« on: June 12, 2005, 09:18:00 am »
The map is 99% complete because I am only only to add one thing to it.

Madison is a farm based culture, and they have the land to prove it.  Other maps, Like Meridian and the Main Continent are much more complex and have less play on land and more on structures, like buildings....

I also want different areas to have different atmospheres.

TI 68K / 89 Basic Tutorial
« on: June 12, 2005, 09:12:00 am »
I will post info related to the tutorial here in this topic

TI 68K / The Sword of Darkness
« on: June 12, 2005, 09:00:00 am » is where you will find an update from Desmond Online

Gaming Discussion / DS games
« on: June 12, 2005, 08:55:00 am »
Hmmm...don't know. Will Check

Site Feedback and Questions / Omnimaga Goes Gold
« on: June 12, 2005, 06:30:00 am »
Well you have to admit Omnimaga is pretty impressive.

TI-BASIC / [TI-89 BASIC] Runing archived programs in BASIC
« on: June 12, 2005, 06:28:00 am »
C is king...68K or ASM is faster than C, but much harder to do.  68K is uber low level.

Other Calculators / Why do you program for calcs?
« on: June 12, 2005, 06:22:00 am »
I program becuae it allow me to tell storys in a visual form.  It allows me to take control of a universe and lets me shape it to fit my desires.  It responds directly to my creativity.

And also because making my own RPG rocks  B)cool.gifB)cool.gifB)cool.gif

TI-BASIC / [TI-89 BASIC] Runing archived programs in BASIC
« on: June 12, 2005, 05:22:00 am »
One of the reasons why you don't see many 68k App games is because the Flash App made with TI SDK are very unflexable.  They are confined to menus and such.   Of course, it would be possible to create a graphical RPG in FLASH 89, but it might very well kill you.  That is for super advanced developers from a time hereforth unknown to man.  The code is very close to 68K which is very difficult and not very well known.  C is the highest that many are willing to go.

Site Feedback and Questions / Omnimaga Goes Gold
« on: June 11, 2005, 04:49:00 pm »
The TI RPG scene is heating up, and the force behind it is Omnimaga - Kevin Outllet's brainchild. For those of us who are just returning from a year on Mars, Kevin Outllet has recently propelled himself to the forefront of the TI 83 scene with is widely publicized RPG RUBEN QUEST.  His unique blend of story telling and eye candy are both inspiring and appealing to the general TI gamer.  The most amazing thing about RB is that, dispite its ASM support, it is mostly entirely devised in BASIC!

Omnimaga, named after an early production,has become the center of RPG development across many different platforms, including HP and Casio.

By the end of next week, his web page is expected to recieve 10,000 hits, an average of over 100 a day, making him golden.

Congradulations Kevin!

News / The Sword of Darkness project page added
« on: June 11, 2005, 04:26:00 pm »
Goodnight...I will hopefully have something of great intrest for you mananna

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