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Messages - shmibs

Pages: 1 ... 120 121 [122] 123 124 ... 126
Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Piworld Sprites Poll
« on: August 03, 2010, 08:53:48 pm »
B1 because it's cleaner looking than it's outlined counterpart and has delicious hair shading

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: August 03, 2010, 08:01:54 pm »
504: the two have been so closely associated in your mind that every time you are rickrolled you instantly lose as well
505: you have two sets of rechargeable batteries because you had a traumatic experience once when you really wanted to code but had to wait for them to recharge
506: you were in the other room, just sitting down to get some actual work done but then ran back in here with the express purpose of typing this post :P

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: August 03, 2010, 06:08:34 pm »
498:your index finger is sore from clicking the refresh button on omnimaga home page so often
499:you have the home page set to auto refresh every 5 minutes, but you still click refresh because that's too long to wait
500:you're ecstatic about posting the landmark rule number 500!

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: August 03, 2010, 05:47:15 pm »
well thanks then =D

something wonky definitely did happen with the earlier versions, but it must have been only similar, then, in which case i havent seen it again and am going to assume that it's fixed

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: August 03, 2010, 03:25:21 pm »
um... this is supposed to happen, right?

ram clear is useless; the only fix is deletion and replacement
furthermore, this isnt the first time it's happened

TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
PROD#: 0A-3-02-2B

this is axe .4, but i've had the same thing happen on earlier versions as well
EDIT: and here's everything in my arch, if you think it might help
Code: [Select]


Gaming Discussion / Re: Multitask
« on: August 03, 2010, 02:43:13 pm »
118(dang, that's hard. i was using my foot for the spacebar :P)

Portal X / Re: Portal X
« on: August 02, 2010, 10:15:33 pm »
/\this(to raylin)

wonderful to see progress, and i am very look forward to that source

Gaming Discussion / Re: Greatest Mario of all time
« on: August 02, 2010, 09:57:15 pm »
wow, that fellow sounds like a more profane david malki

General Calculator Help / Re: Raylin's Rules for Making RPG's
« on: August 02, 2010, 09:45:17 pm »
[Raylin] Rules edited in.

Portal X / Re: Portal X
« on: August 02, 2010, 08:34:55 pm »
Its more like so i have a way to create levels for my engine without figuring out the RLE compression and converting all the hex and the coordinates by hand :P
...which sounds like a lot of fun actually!

are you going to release an annotated source for this ever?(that dynamic generation of tiles you mentioned has piqued my interest[or have you already and am i just proving that im lazy and dont bother to read through whole topics])

Other Calculators / Re: random stuffs
« on: August 02, 2010, 08:01:53 pm »
.4 and no
EDIT:HAHA, i posted without having to go back and edit it... wait... DAMNIT =D

TI Z80 / Re: Battle Ship
« on: August 02, 2010, 07:20:04 pm »
i think i remember that lunar lander?(or was it a different one[regardless, fine precision games like that just dont work with ascii :P])
i'd love to see the others remade, though

Other Calculators / Re: random stuffs
« on: August 02, 2010, 07:05:30 pm »
nice catch there, thanks =D
it draws to the buffer and then shifts
EDIT: ok, it looks like i tricked myself here... that specific screenshot is from a prog which DOES draw to the backbuffer  ::)
i made one afterwards which did not(and because of that couldnt draw on the outside rim of pixels) specifically to see if people could guess and then posted the wrong one...
also, i dont think i've posted a single thing today without going back and editing it afterwards :P

Other Calculators / Re: random stuffs
« on: August 02, 2010, 06:45:46 pm »
/\/\bingo/\/\ ;D
it draws to the backbuffer and then displays shifted up, down, left, and right in sequence
here's the same thing sans gray

this system actually looks pretty good on still frame pics: dithering displays as midlevel gray, resulting in psuedo 3 layer

as for the 4level that just draws two different sprites on the buffer and back buffer and then alternates between them without any of quigibo's fancy pants algorithms
Code: [Select]
:conj(Str1,L5,64:2→{rand^64+L5}:"FREQ:→Str9:0→F→C+8→A→B:Repeat getKey(54):Text(0,0,Str9:Text(20,0,F►Dec
:Pause 50:F+(2*(getKey(3))*(F<6))-(2*(getKey(2))*(F>0))→F:End
:FnOn :Repeat getKey(15)
:If getKey(3):A+1→AStop:End
:If getKey(2):A-1→AStop:End
:If getKey(1):B+1→BStop:End
:If getKey(4):B-1→BStop:End
:FnOff :LnReg
:Lbl A
:DispGraph:If C=3:0→CEnd

the other one is fairly simple to make; it was the idea that i really liked

and the walking engine:
Code: [Select]
:Repeat 0
:If getKey(15):Goto Q:End:0→C
:If getKey(3):1→D→CEnd
:If getKey(2):2→D→CEnd
:If getKey(1):3→D→CEnd
:If getKey(4):4→D→CEnd
:If getKey(3) and (D=1)
:If {Y+4*S+X+7+GDB1}<3
:If getKey(2) and (D=2)
:If {Y+4*S+X+5+GDB1}<3
:If getKey(1) and (D=3)
:If {Y+5*S+X+6+GDB1}<3
:If getKey(4) and (D=4)
:If {Y+3*S+X+6+GDB1}<3
:If C
:Lbl Q
im pretty clueless when it comes to axe optimization and i made this a while ago, so tell me if you see anything obvious


TI Z80 / Re: Battle Ship
« on: August 02, 2010, 06:19:20 pm »
just tried it out, and i am impressed
i rarely play anything in basic anymore, but this one's a keeper. props =D
EDIT: i glanced through the code really quickly and didnt see any obvious optimizations (cept mebbe where you used 1->x:1->y and then later 1->x:ans->y), but i like i said i havent messed with basic in a while and never on a screen this large, so...
DOUBLE EDIT: here's the code
Code: [Select]
:"MH  →Str1
:DelVar TDelVar SDelVar LRepeat S=20 and T=20
:DelVar G1→R
:Repeat R=11
:Repeat K=21
:Output(X+AG,Y+Anot(G)+8L,sub("* ",2-[A](X+AG,Y+Anot(G)+8L),1
:If Ans=31
:Repeat Ans
:DelVar HFor(A,0,expr(sub(Str2,R,1
:If not(H
:If L
:If not(L
:Lbl 1
:Repeat S=0 xor T=0
:Repeat K=21
:Repeat Ans
:If 1<[A](X,Y-8L
:Goto 1
:If not([A](X,Y-8L
:Goto 1
:If 1=[A](X,Y-8L
:If L
:If not(L
:DelVar [A]ClrHome

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