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Topics - supergems
« on: April 11, 2019, 02:46:53 am »
full version that emulates the 38G, 39G, 40G, 48S, 48SX, 48G, 48G+, 48GX, 49G, 39g+, 39gs, 40gs, 48gII, 49g+ and 50g: Emu48 for Android for Android Source Code
« on: March 20, 2018, 04:36:05 am »
2018.02.12 updates the most substantial 2018.01.24 short: - Use the new Graph 3D app for plotting functions that define Z in terms of X and Y
- Explore math functions through touch using the newly enhanced unified Explorer app
- Easily toggle decimals to special values of (a/b)*π, (a/b)*√(c/d), ln(a/b), and e^(a/b)
- Calculate bonds, cash flows, dates and more with the greatly enhanced Finance app
- Improved help throughout the system with more examples
- Improved user experience in finding functions and variables
- Quality and reliability improvements through the system
HP Prime Firmware: Connectivity Kit: Prime Virtual Calculator Emulator: Connectivity Kit for MacOS: Prime Virtual Calculator for MacOS: Prime – Release Notes -------------------------
Date Released: 2018/02/12
Internal Versions ----------------- Firmware Version: 2018 02 12 (13441) Virtual Calculator Version: 2018 02 12 (13441) Connectivity Kit: 2018 02 12 (13441)
Description ----------- Primary focus in this release is to correct some regressions introduced in last version. Think of this release as a re-release of the previous version 2018 02 12 (13333).
Resolved issues and changes excluding CAS ----------------------------------------- 1. Resolved issue with DIMGROB command causing issues with existing programs 2. Resolved issue with empty list in geometry 3. Resolved issue with some unicode characters 4. Resolved issue with EXPR and nested list calling 5. Resolved issues with a few spelling or syntax issues in the on-calc help.
Resolved issues and changes in CAS ---------------------------------- 1. Resolved issue with | in the CAS creating permanent variable HP Prime – Release Notes -------------------------
Date Released: 2018/01/24
Internal Versions ----------------- Firmware Version: 2018 01 24 (13333) Virtual Calculator Version: 2017 01 24 (13333) Connectivity Kit: 2017 01 24 (13333)
Description ----------- This release of the Prime Calculator firmware and associated PC software delivers significant new features and fixes outstanding issues. This document is not a complete list of all changes, but highlights specific items. All users of the HP Prime calculator are encouraged to upgrade for the best possible experience.
Please back up your calculator before the update. Any existing data on the device may be wiped during the update process.
Primary focus in this release is new apps and app enhancement.
Graph 3D: 1. Symbolic view: a. Enter up to 10 definitions for Z as a function of X and Y 2. Plot view: a. Use touch screen to view plots from different positions b. Plot multiple surfaces simultaneously to see how they relate to each other c. Choose surface coloring options to bring out features of plots i. Top / Bottom: allows shading to communicate shape without distraction ii. Checkerboard: emphasizes connection between surface shape and X / Y coordinates iii. Elevation: emphasizes Z connection between surface shape and Z coordinate. iv. Slope: reveals X / Y partial derivative features of surface - such as minima, maxima, and saddle points d. Surface coloring options can be controlled via Plot Setup and, for quick changes, via the Plot view's contextual menu e. Change function definitions while in the plot view to see how surfaces depend on constants 3. Plot Setup a. Change grid size to trade off calculation speed against quality of visual results
Finance App: 1. New Financial Calculations supported: a. Interest Conversion b. Date Calculations c. Cash flow calculations d. Depreciation calculations e. Break-even calculations f. Percent change calculations g. Bond calculations h. Black-Scholes calculations 2. Plot views for TVM and Cashflows 3. Table based depreciation and cashflow calculations
Explorer app: 1. Replaces existing 3 explorer apps 2. Allows exploration of: a. Linear b. Quadratic c. Cubics d. Exponential e. Logarithmic f. Trigonometric 3. Explore using a familiar interface shared with the Function app a. Touch and manipulate graphs directly b. View tables of values c. Directly edit expressions and see changes. d. Calculate table of variations directly
New Functionality (Connectivity Kit) --------------------------------------- 1. Improved color pickers using a system default window
New Functionality (Calculator Software) --------------------------------------- 1. New Graph 3D app 2. New unified Explorer app 3. Extensive enhancements to Finance app 4. Improved graphics and interface for PC version of the HP Prime. Better color contrast, hover, and key clicked images. a. User created skins may now be installed in "<Documents>/HP Prime/Skins" directory 5. Upgraded CAS to latest version. Also turned on many new CAS commands: a. adjoint_matrix b. bernoulli c. blockmatrix d. c1oc2 e. c1op2 f. changebase g. colspace h. count_eq i. count_inf j. count_sup k. cycle2perm l. cycleinv m. cycles2permu n. dfc o. dfc2f p. domain q. evalb r. groupermu s. is_cycle t. is_permu u. lll_reduce v. nop w. p1oc2 x. p1op2 y. perminv z. permu2cycles A. permu2mat B. permuorder C. rowspace D. simplex_reduce E. tabvar F. tcoeff G. chisquaret H. kolmogorovd I. kolmogorovt J. multinomial K. randvector L. wilcoxonp M. wilcoxons N. wilcoxont M. insert
6. User key defines have been repositioned in the key handling process. They now will be done FIRST before anything else a. Now all keys can be defined except SHIFT button, OFF and USER key. b. Returning -1 will do NO operation in user key definition. c. Returning -2 or less will perform default key behavior. d. Be careful with your key definitions or you may hide some system functionality unintentionally
7. Internal color has been reworked to use 32 bit color. This means images as backgrounds will look nicer and gradients will look nicer. Programmer will appreciated the rework to make sure all ALPHA information for drawing commands behaves consistently. 8. ROTATE command upgraded to allow rotation of GROB objects. 9. Added the ability for small plots in Home/CAS history to display fullscreen using the "Show" menu key 10. Added useful information from AProgram and Programs variables to provide information on compilation failures to programmer if needed 11. Greatly enhanced toolbox catalog a. Catalog now adds user items, CAS functions, and app functions b. Search indicator highlights search capability better c. Info icon allows viewing of total number of defined functions and useful information d. App functions are visible with application icon in choose next to function name
12. Added a variable catalog that lists all system variables. Look and feel similar to new function catalog. 13. Removed Finance function "DoFinance( )" as it was no longer useful. Other similar functions in other apps (such as DoInference, Do1VStats, LinSolve) are scheduled for deprecation in a future release 14. Improved help for programming and drawing commands by creating example programs showing utilization. These may also be used as a template for new programs created through the program catalog 15. New "Empty" application. a. This is meant to be for programmers to make stand alone applications that do not reuse any existing app views b. HP recommends using this app type if you are creating a brand new app c. Access the "Empty" app by saving a copy of the existing app, and picking "None" as your base app type
16. Added support for more standard derivative form in Function app 17. Improved graphing of continuous functions in the Function app to improve graphing of vertical asymptotes 18. Added ability to do multiple implicit differentiation - ex: implicit_diff(x^2+y^2-5,x,y,2) 19. Added SUPPRESS and INSERT commands for list/matrix/vect/string. Also added new CAS "insert" command 20. Added a new date picker through system in places where dates are asked as input. Added CHOOSEDATE user command to get date input in HPPPL. 21. Added two new spreadsheet app functions - ClearCell and CellHasData 22. CAS random number generator changed to use meserene twister 23. Added →Qπ function and modified the [a b/c] key in Home to cycle through this value first, then PDQ fraction, then mixed fraction, then back to decimal. 24. Modifed WAIT(0) to not time out at 60s, but timeout 100ms before TOff auto power off time. 25. Added a new command QPI and bound to the home [a b/c] key. Allows finding rational ratios of a/b, c/d*sqrt(a/b), a/b*pi, etc.
Resolved issues and changes excluding CAS ----------------------------------------- 1. Resolved issue with digit grouping in User function define box 2. Resolved issue with allocation of too much memory on a string program call 3. Resolved issue with the ESC key in the program editor not exiting the copy menu like the rest of the system 4. Resolved issue with BINOMIAL_CDF losing precision at extreme values 5. Resolved issue with slant on ' " characters used in DM'S" angles in monospaced and bold fonts 6. Resolved issue with Android version losing first character when calling UPPER or LOWER on a string 7. Resolved issue with longer variable names in Solve app being hidden with ... 8. Resolved issue where logistic fit performed strangely with out of order data points 9. Resolved issue with using a list directly in Stat 1/2 Var app for columns on subsequent calculations 10. Resolved several issues with graphical drawing command consistency and ALPHA values 11. Resolved issue with "Info( )" and "Reset( )" functions in custom app programs not working as described 12. Resolved issue with INPUT when choose list field was defined as null 13. Resolved issue with INPUT not accepting/converting fields that are specified as Real/Int to expected values - auto converts if possible now 14. Resolved issue allowing HVars to define user defined functions (similar to define box) with a more compact sytax - HVars("foo",{"A","B"}):='A*SIN(B)' 15. Resolved issue with PRINT to ensure last printed item is shown on the screen instead of top of terminal 16. Resolved issue where a vector*matrix could sometimes return extra invalid numbers in resultant vector 17. Resolved issue with "order_size(n)" returned as part of taylor polynomial preventing graphing in function app 18. Resolved issue with derivatives of inverse trig functions in Degrees or Gradians using home numerical deriv 19. Resolved issue with [i, -i] .^ -1 20. Resolved issue with the negative sign being hard to read sometimes, especially on fractions 21. Resolved issue with ADDCOL transforming matrices to complex matrices internally 22. Resolved issues with too long names being accepted - EXPORT thisismyreallylongname12345678901234567890( ) accepted and would cause many issues 23. Updated constants to used NIST 2014 values. 24. Resolved issue with parenthesis being needed for limit, sum, product, diff, int followed by a power for clarity 25. Resolved issue with FREEZE functionality not behaving as expected 26. Changed WAIT(0) to time out roughly 100ms before auto-power off happens rather then 60s. 27. Resolved issue with line plot in stat 1 var ignoring frequencies.
Resolved issues and changes in CAS ---------------------------------- 1. Resolved issue with e^(1+i) dropping parenthesis on copy 2. Resolved issue with int((((144)+((((981/100))^(2))*((x)^(2))))-((((24)*((981/100)))*(x))*(sin((40)*(pi/180)))))^((5/10)),x,0,181/100) 3. Resolved issue with int(exp(-x),x,inf,-inf) 4. Resolved issue with diff(Beta(3, 4, x, 1)) 5. Resolved issue with fPart not appearing in catalog 6. Improved printing of (x^2)' or similar will now print using ' instead of diff(x^2) 7. Resolved issue with simplify(atan(3^(1/3)/sqrt(7))+5) 8. Add horner(P,x,newton) for Newton iteration on polynomials 9. Resolve issue with sum(1/X^2,X,1,inf) 10. Resolve issue with lu([1,2,3]) 11. Resolve issue with pmin for nilpotent matrices (when proba_epsilon==0) 12. Resolved issue with limit(x^2*sec((1/x)),x,0) 13. Resolved issue with solve(solve([v10^2+v9^2-1,v10*v9^2-v10*v9+v9^2-v9,v9^3-2*v10*v9-v9^2+2*v10-2*v9+2],[v10,v9])) 14. Resolved issue with solve([y-u1+u2=0,x-2*u1*y+u3=0,u1*(2-x-y^2)=0,u2*x=0,u3*y=0],[x,y,u1,u2,u3]) 15. Resolved issue with row reduction with parameters when det==0 16. Resolved issue with printing NOT (NOT (x>5) OR x>3 | x=1) 17. Improved solve for quadratic equations like csolve(x^2-(1+sqrt(3))*x+2) or csolve(i*x^2+x+1) 18. Resolved issue with series(Si(u), u=0, 7) 19. Resolved issue with cos/sin(2*pi/6-pi/3) 20. Resolved issue with derivative of Beta function 21. Auto-extend the field for eigenstuff, auto-extend the field for + - * / if arguments belong to a different finite field with same characteristic 22. Resolved issue with solve(4≥(y^2+1),y^2) 23. Resolved issue with $ with step if variable is affected (like in k:=3; [(k^2)$(k=2..11,3)]) 24. Resolved issue with fix for upper incomplete gamma function with negative second argument, int(exp(x^3),x,0,6) is now working 25. Resolved issue with idivis of integers >= 231 26. Resolved issue with Psi(x,0) 27. Resolved issue with desolve(diff(y)=a*cos(y)-b,y) 28. Resolved issue with zeros(x^4 - 3x^3 - 2.75x² + 12x - 5)
« on: March 24, 2017, 10:36:25 am »
« on: February 13, 2017, 04:38:17 am »
« on: February 13, 2017, 04:32:32 am »
« on: September 06, 2016, 03:43:27 pm »
New calculator OS, Connectivity Kit and Virtual Calculator at Prime – Release Notes -------------------------
Date Released: 2016/08/29
Internal Versions ----------------- Firmware Version: 2016 08 29 (10637) Virtual Calculator Version: 2016 08 29 (10637) Connectivity Kit: 2016 08 29 (10637)
Description ----------- This maintenance release of the Prime Calculator firmware and associated PC software delivers fixes to outstanding issues. This document is not a complete list of all changes, but highlights specific items. All users of the HP Prime calculator are encouraged to upgrade for the best possible experience.
Please back up your calculator before the update. Any existing data on the device may be wiped during the update process.
New Functionality (Connectivity Kit) --------------------------------------- 1. Improved USB communication speed and reliability to Prime calculator New Functionality (Calculator Software) --------------------------------------- 1. Changed Sequence Symb view to improve operation 2. Improve memory handling when receiving larger files coming from connkit 3. Improve linear solver app to use more digits internally to enhance precision
Resolved issues and changes excluding CAS ----------------------------------------- 1. Resolved issue when deleting the backups using shift-clear in memory manager 2. Resolved issue with overwrite backup with no prompt or warning 3. Resolved issue with 'Airy' CAS functions being in catalog unintentionally 4. Resolved issue with BLIT incorrectly reporting syntax error with 12 arguments 5. Resolved issue with r8151 and earlier notes not being directly loadable 6. Resolved issue with complex settings being linked incorrectly with home/CAS 7. Resolved issue with dot operator .^ in home not working like r8151 8. Resolved issue with INPUT string getting double quotes. str:="test"; INPUT({{str,[2]}}) 9. Resolved issue with Ans pointer and simplify/exact/approx key clicks 10. Resolved issue with multiple equation solving in solve app not returning result for short answers 11. Resolved issue with Sequence Symb view and tapping in certain state and place 12. Resolved issue with RECT transparency (and others) not matching r8151 behavior 13. Resolved issue with switching digit grouping - even with pragma in source 14. Resolved issue with GRAD mode and ARG function 15. Resolved issue with AFilesB on hardware calculator alone 16. Resolved issue with 2 argument IFTE in advanced grapher 17. Resolved issue with high CPU use in connkit 18. Resolved issue with graphing when using chained comparison operators to match rest of system 19. Resolved issue with memory browse screen taking a longer time to load 20. Resolved issue with SCALE 21. Resolved issue with (,) for decimal in number and the Solve app 22. Resolved issue with search in help tree being case sensitive 23. Resolved issue with drawing a vector of plotparam in geometry app 24. Resolved issue with showing strange numbers in stat app results instead of NaN 25. Resolved issue where a sketch in stat 2var application would sometimes disappear 26. Resolved issue in Function app where the cached derivate was used on tangent/slope 27. Resolved issue INTERSECT of a single list returned a list of 0 28. Resolved issue with ARG returning error on 0 29. Resolved issue with "shift" function not appearing in command catalog 30. Resolved issue with DelAVars
Resolved issues and changes in CAS ---------------------------------- 1. Resolved issue with numer/denom("string"/1) 2. Resolved issue with EIGENVV([[2,0,0,0],[2,2,0,0],[1,-1,2,-1],[0,1,0,2]]) 3. Resolved issue with a:=(2^(4*x)+4^(2x))/4^(2x+1); limit(a,x=inf); 4. Resolved issue with intersection of hyperbolics 5. Resolved issue with is_element on certain figures 6. Resolved issue with integrate(1/sqrt(-9-x^2)) 7. Resolved issue with int(cos(x^2/2),x,1.,-1.) 8. Resolved issue with solve(abs(6x - 3) + abs(6x + 9) - 12=0); 9. Resolved issue with desolve(y'+y=2*exp(-x) and y(0)=3) 10. Resolved issue with substitution returning wrong limits like for limit((x^2-121/25)/(x-11/5),x,11/5) 11. Resolved issue with a:=sqrt(3)*1/30*atan(2*(-(sqrt(3))/2+tan(5*x)^(1/3))); simplify(a); 12. Resolved issue with int((a*sec(x)^2-sin(2*x))*(cot(x)^3+1),x) 13. Resolved issue with int(abs(2x-5),x,0,5); 14. Resolved issue with int(1/sqrt(-9-x^2)) 15. Resolved issue with int(cos(x^2/2),x,1.,-1.) 16. Resolved issue with int(1/(1+x^2)) in degree mode 17. Resolved issue with fsolve([X^2-Y-1=0,-X+Y^2-1=0],[X=0,Y=0]) 18. Resolved issue with int(ln(tan(x))/(sin(x)*cos(x)))
« on: June 11, 2016, 05:38:18 am »
The trick to properly install last version of HP Prime Virtual Calculator with WINE on GNU/linux is to use winetricks:  * 'winetricks vcrun2013' * set Wine Configuration to emulate Windows 7 HP Prime VC and EMU48  HP Prime Virtual Calculator
« on: June 06, 2016, 08:50:42 am »
Thnaks to John H Meyers for these marvel programs!topic/comp.sys.hp48/Ud03tImdu-w: %%HP: T(3)A(R)F(.); @ HP49 ONLY! - downloadable file (use Kermit)
@ Programs ENG-> and ENG<- accept REAL numbers (no units), @ changing the exponent by 3 each time (displaying as a string); @ use NORM to change string back to the original real number:
\<< { * - } ENGX \>> 'ENG\->' STO
\<< { / + } ENGX \>> 'ENG\<-' STO
\<< STR\-> \>> 'NORM' STO
@ Subroutine (not for direct use): \<< LIST\-> DROP RCLF \-> a b f \<< { { 514. DOERR } { 3. EXP ENG \->STR { DROP DROP } ENGX } { DUP "E" POS DUP2 1. + OVER SIZE SUB UNROT 1. - 1. SWAP SUB DUP STR\-> 3. ALOG a EVAL STD \->STR DUP "E" POS { DROP SWAP } { SWAP DROP SWAP STR\-> 3. b EVAL \->STR 1. OVER SIZE 1. - SUB } IFTE "E" SWAP + + } } { 0. 2. } 3. PICK TYPE POS 1. + GET EVAL f STOF \>> \>> 'ENGX' STO
@ Programs U-> and U<- accept UNIT objects only, @ transforming them to other equivalents @ using different unit prefixes, e.g. 123.4_m = .1234_km
\<< 0. UU \>> 'U\->' STO
\<< 1. UU \>> 'U\<-' STO
@ Subroutine (not for direct use): \<< \<< "yzafpn\Gmm.kMGTPEZYYc.d.Dkhk" "YZEPTGMk.m\Gmnpfazyyh.D.dmcm" IFTE DUP ROT POS 1. + DUP SUB \>> \-> d p \<< DUP TYPE 13. \=/ { 514. DOERR } IFT DUP :INNERCOMP: #54AFh SYSEVAL :{}N: #5459h SYSEVAL DUP 2. GET "1" SAME 3. 2. IFTE DUP2 GET IF DUP TYPE 24. == THEN :CHR>$: #37AA5h SYSEVAL d p EVAL NUM IF DUP 46. \=/ THEN :COERCE: #262F1h SYSEVAL :#>CHR: #5A75h SYSEVAL 1. \->LIST REPL ELSE DROP DUP2 1. SWAP 1. - SUB UNROT DUP2 1. + GET UNROT 3. + OVER SIZE SUB + + END ELSE UNROT DUP2 1. SWAP 1. - SUB UNROT 1. + OVER SIZE SUB ROT "." d p EVAL NUM :COERCE: #262F1h SYSEVAL :#>CHR: #5A75h SYSEVAL SWAP :umP: #2D76Dh SYSEVAL 3. \->LIST SWAP + + END :INNERCOMP: #54AFh SYSEVAL :EXTN: #5481h SYSEVAL CONVERT \>> \>> 'UU' STO
{ ENG\-> ENG\<- NORM ENGX U\-> U\<- UU } ORDER
@ End of HP49 downloadable file (EVALuate it to install programs) examples 0.01 'ENG\->' 10.E-3 'ENG\->' 10000.E-6 'ENG\->' 10000000.E-9 'ENG\->' 10000000000.E-12 0.01 'ENG\<-' 10.E-3 'ENG\<-' .01E0 'ENG\<-' .00001E3 'ENG\<-' .00000001E6 'ENG\<-' .00000000001E9 5000.E-3 'NORM' --> 5.
examples with units '1_m' 'U\->' '1000._mm' 'U\->' '1000000._\Gmm' ('\Gm' = 'μ') '1_m' 'U\<-' '.001_km' 'U\<-' '.000001_Mm'
« on: April 21, 2016, 02:56:10 am »
Hello, new official version can be found at stated by Tim on This is a major release with a lot of new functionality, and extensive under the hood work in prep for later things. The marketing "blurb" is as follows:
- Use the touch screen to move and stretch your function plots and see how your changes affect the equation
- Enhanced touch screen curve sketching with cubic support
- Add a picture to the background of any graph
- Draw your own fit with your finger in the Statistics 2Var app
- Improved help throughout the system
- Quality and reliability improvements
Note: Due to a need to format the internal flash structure of the calculator, all data will be lost during this update. Perform a "backup" using the connkit to save your data if there is anything you need to keep. If you click the "backup" button on the update screen and it immediately pops up a "failed" message, just click backup again and it should be fine.
The manuals are not yet ready for posting as they were delayed due to some unfortunate circumstances. On calculator help is up to date however. HP Prime – Release Notes ----------------- Date Released: 2016/04/14
Internal Versions ----------------- Firmware Version: 2016 04 14 (10077) Virtual Calculator Version: 2016 04 14 (10077) Connectivity Kit: 2016 04 14 (10077)
Description ----------- This release of the Prime Calculator firmware and associated PC software delivers significant new features and fixes outstanding issues. This document is not a complete list of all changes, but highlights specific items. All users of the HP Prime calculator are encouraged to upgrade for the best possible experience.
Please back up your calculator before the update. Any existing data on the device will be wiped during the update process.
New Functionality (Connectivity Kit) --------------------------------------- 1. Progress bars on each calculator in tree to show transfer status 2. Calculator and content pane now dockable windows. Connkit will remember and restore position/state of all windows 3. Network mapped working directories supported 4. Ability to add plot backgrounds to graphing applications 5. Proctor mode to automatically start exam mode on connection 6. Improved polling and sending of response data back to classroom 7. Invalid .hpprgm files will be attempted to load as plain text if possible. Will attempt to determine text encoding format 8. Turned on IP networking for future usage
New Functionality (Virtual Calculator) -------------------------------------- 1. Added confirmation on emulator reset menu press
New Functionality (Calculator Software) --------------------------------------- 1. Ability to manipulate functions in the Function app a. Change expressions into other forms b. Reposition and modify existing expressions c. Cubics now also recognized in sketch and manipulation 2. Use a picture for graph background a. Choose from a built in image library, or add your own b. Fit image to screen, or position at a specific Cartesian location 3. Sketch a function directly in the Statistics 2Var App 4. Recovered ~8MB of RAM for user use 5. Improved interaction between CAS functions and HPPPL program. CAS functions can now access directly HPPPL local variables as expected 6. Sequence app now allows N..N+1..N+2 form 7. Gradian support for angle mode 8. EQ function for exact equality test of list. EQ({1,2,3},{1,2,3}) -> 1 9. =CHOOSE(...) now makes a drop down selector in the spreadsheet 10. LNAME function to extract variable names from home functions 11. Added UNION function 12. Support for jpg read/write. AFiles("file.jpg",[1-100]):=G0 13. Direct access to images stored as files. G1:=AFiles("myfile.jpg") 14. Plot scatterplot/ode wizard in geometry app 15. Added alpha blend to BLIT commands 16. Added IFERR feature to enable access of the error value from the Ans variable on error 17. Added support for alpha channel in PIXON commands 18. Enhances PLOT-TABLE of Function, Polar, Parametric, and Sequence apps to bring up new G1,...,G9,TableSelection chooser for choosing what to copy where 19. Option for split stems in stem leaf plot 20. New backup manager. You can now create, archive and restore backups on your calculator directly from memory manager 21. VERSION() can take an argument to return that part of version info 22. TEXTOUT functions now return pixel coordinate of the end of the printed text.
Resolved issues and changes excluding CAS ----------------------------------------- 1. Resolved issue with excess power drain while in exam mode and calculator was "off" 2. Resolved issue with use of complex arguments for some drawing commands 3. Resolved issue with certain RPN programs causing issues when called from stack 4. Resolved issue where quadratic explorer SOLVE function will now return complex results 5. Resolved issue with "Cannot find solution" with negative seed values 7. Resolved issue in printing of complex with negative second component 8. Resolved issue with color chooser in note screen 9. Resolved issue with AVars accessing files from another application sometimes causing issues 10. Resolved issue with "CAS." being appended in spreadsheet 11. Resolved issue with declaring a LOCAL in home screen 12. Resolved issue with calling ΠLIST with vector 13. Resolved issues with SWAPROW/SWAPCOL 14. Resolved issue with REPLACE on lists behaving inconsistently 15. Resolved issue with INPUT choose lists and >9 items 16. Resolved issues with SORT 17. Resolved issue with summation rejecting non-integer values. Allows smooth plotting 18. Resolved issue with small plot previews in home/CAS not using current app plot window 19. Resolved issue with GETKEY working after third screen tap 20. Resolved issue with lists and comparison operators 21. Resolved issue with calling function such as DATEADD when named spreadsheet cell exists as "DATE" 22. Resolved issue with DIFFERENCE and calling multiple lists as arguments 23. Resolved issue with user app vars not showing in VARS menu 24. Resolved issue with long hold on grid chooser not selecting item 25. Resolved issue with exact() and approx() via [a b/c] key not setting Ans in CAS 26. Resolved issue with fraction^power not displaying (fraction)^power for clarity 27. Resolved issue with complex numbers and units needing ( ) for clarity 28. Improved ITERATE command to allow up to 2^16 iterations 29. Resolved issue where two parameter NORMALCDF behaving different in home/CAS. Now two params will give you the area for a standard normal between L/R ends 30. Resolved issue where copying something like 1.5e-25/2 into command line in CAS from history did not do division template properly 31. Resolved issue where stat 1var calculation with frequency when frequency sum was identical to 1 was throwing an error 32. Resolved issue so that LOG(81,3) returns 4 and not 3.9999... 33. Resolved issue with REPLACE expanding with strings, but not vectors 34. Resolved issue with integration in programs not able to use local variables 35. Resolved issue with Σ failing with local variables 36. Pressing Esc from List/Matrix did not return to List/Matrix screen like Program/Notes behavior 37. Resolved issue where [sto] was allowed as first character in home var name 38. Resolved issue that prevented assigning a user variable a complex form polar in a program source 39. Resolved issue where Linear Explorer SolveForSlope function did not have the order of arguments working as expected 40. Resolved issue with Resid() and PredY() throwing an error if Med-Med was fit type 41. Resolved issue where shift-copy would not allow copying of system help text 42. Resolved issue where change of display format did not invalidate 2D expression cache resulting in stale number display 43. Resolved issue where F1(X)=STUDENT(N,X) reports Signed Area as NaN. Fisher, and Chi will also now work as expected 44. Resolved issue where program editor could misbehave and cause memory issues 45. Resolved issue with memory leak when application had embedded PNG images 46. Renamed "Rect" variable in Triangle Solver app to "TriType" 47. Removed error check on proportion z interval to allow a negative confidence interval. - can be negative vs error 48. Resolved issues with WAIT/GETKEY not responding as expected after 3rd screen touch.
Resolved issues and changes in CAS ---------------------------------- 1. Improved results for tan(pi/24) 2. Resolved issue with display of int(sqrt(1/x-1),x,1/2,1) (sqrt(1/4) getting converted to sqrt(1)/4 on copy 3. Improved printing of (e^2)^3 4. Fix for desolve([y'=[[1,2],[2,1]]*y+[x,x+1],y(0)=[1,2]]) 5. Fix for fsolve(x^3-3*x^2+4,x,-3..5) 6. Support for gradians. 7. Fix for solve(3 NTHROOT (2^(4*x-1))>=(2^(x-5))/(4 NTHROOT (16^x))) 8. Fix for polynomial_regression( 9. Resolved issue with "break" being parsed differently than "BREAK" 10. Improved student_cdf for dof>=100 11. Fix for limit((3*e^(2x)-12)/(e^(2x)-7*e^x+10),x,ln(2)) 12. Fix for forms like (sqrt(sqrt()) 13. Behavior change so that fsolve without guess now tries 0 if default bisection returns [ ] 14. Fix for laplace([0,0],x,x) and a:=[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];[y0]:=desolve(y'=a*y and y(0)=[1,0,0]); 15. Fix for solve(x^3=1.2e-15,x) 16. Fix for ∂(∂(x^2*y^3,y),x) 17. Enabled mod in parser as a synonym for irem (prefixed, MOD is infixed) 18. Fix parsing of "return" 19. Fix for int(abs(sin(2*pi*x)),x=0..1) 20. Fix for sum(sum(1/(j+k),k,1,m),j,1,n)) 21. Make circle() work like circumcircle() when called with 3 args 22. Modified implicitplot to returns a list instead of a sequence for hyperbola 23. Fixes for ker and finite field factorization 24. Fix for cfactor(2*x^3+x^2+x+1/2) 25. Fix for solve((3*ABS(6-x)+2*ABS(3/2*x-5))=8,x) 26. Fix for csolve(-256*p^5-128*p^4-16*p^3+2000*p^2+900*p+3233=0,p) 27. Implicit multiplication warnings replaced by errors 28. Fix in DELROW/DELCOL to eval second parameter 29. Fix for int(1/(4+sin(3*x)),x,0,2) 30. Add warning for (1+2)(3+4) 31. Extend areas to support ellipse. e.g. area(ellipse(-1,1,2)) 32. Fix so simplify(sin(x-sin(x))') leaves unchanged 33. Fix SVL for sym. matrices 34. Fix for sum(legendre(j),j,0,3) 35. Fixes for nested sqrt like normal(sqrt((1)-((5)*(sqrt(2))))) 36. Fixes sum bug (-1)^(n+1) / n^2 and sum((-1)^(n+1)/n^4,n,1,inf) 37. Modified geometric_cdf to be inclusive of lower bound 38. Fix for assume(z>1000); sum(3^n*z^(-n),n,0,inf) 39. Added Dirac support in ztrans
« on: February 03, 2016, 08:49:31 am »
« on: May 13, 2015, 04:55:08 pm »
New firmware, virtual calculator and connkit direct link at Prime – Release Notes -------------------------
Date Released: 2015/04/27
Internal Versions ----------------- Firmware Version: 2015 04 27 (7820) Virtual Calculator Version: 2015 04 27 (7820) Connectivity Kit: 2015 04 27 (7820)
Description ----------- This release of the Prime Calculator firmware and associated PC software delivers significant new features and fixes outstanding issues. This document is not a complete list of all changes, but highlights specific items. All users of the HP Prime calculator are encouraged to upgrade for the best possible experience.
Primary focus in this release is enhancements to statistics and graphing gestures.
Statistics 1 Variable: 1. Symbolic view improvements: a. Adds plot types: i Control ii Dot iii Steam and leaf iv Pie b. Box and whisker selection of outlier inclusion c. Non-integer frequency 2. Plot view improvements: a. Plots of various types may be displayed b. Transparency used for color fill 3. Numerical view improvements: a. Creation of additional columns beyond D1-D0 b. Ability to rename columns c. Allows up to 10000 numbers per column d. Better selection, movement and operations for editing
Statistics 2 Variable: 1. Symbolic view improvements: a. Adds med-med regression b. Adds frequency definition c. Adds more plot mark options and color selection 2. Plot view improvements: a. Fit disabled by default 3. Numerical view improvements: a. Creation of additional columns beyond C1-C0 b. Ability to rename columns c. Allows up to 10000 numbers per column d. Better selection, movement and operations for editing
Inference: 1. Symbolic view improvements: a. Adds 1 way ANOVA 2. Plot view improvements: a. Plot view now exists for all calculation types
Function: 1. Plot view improvements: a. Ability to pinch/zoom in the X direction only or Y direction only b. Ability to sketch a function directly of the types exp, ln, sin, x^2, linear
New Functionality (Connectivity Kit) ------------------------------------ 1. Application names not being translated in connkit 2. Ability to view Home Variables, CAS variables, App Variables, and App Files 3. Ability to add application icon to an application 4. Program editor uses monospaced font and has line numbers
New Functionality (Calculator Software) --------------------------------------- 1. Added more distribution functions – density/cumulative/inverse: beta, exponential, gamma, geometric, negbinomial, uniform, weibull 2. Added more random generation functions: binomial, chisquare, fisher, geometric, poisson, student 3. Added functions DDAYS, DATEADD, DATEDAY 4. Added application variables AFiles, AFilesB and DelAFiles. Allows direct access of application specific files 5. Added variables HVars and DelHVars. Allows direct creation and access of home variables 6. Added application variables AVars and DelAVars. Allows direct creation and access of application specific variables 7. Applications now individually contained inside a directory structure to group variables and files together 8. Sequence application can start at a location from 0-1000. Less stringent checking of recursion to allow things like U1(U2(N-1)) 9. Improved on-calculator DEBUG interface 10. Added ability for title and display only in EDITLIST and EDITMAT 11. Improved copy and paste in table editors through entire system 12. Added CellName variable in spreadsheet to interact with names 13. Added Cursor variable in spreadsheet to place cursor and selection 14. Added a product template for 2D equation entry/display 15. Improved plot/object drawing in CAS history to allow geometry objects and plots to be directly displayed 16. Added MEMORY command to allow programs to check space 17. Added UPPER and LOWER string commands to convert case 18. Added display of G0-G9 in history 19. Added ability to use + and – keys directly for one directional limits 20. Added ability to use non-real inputs in the program catalog RUN menu 21. Added clear confirmation on programs and note editor
New Functionality (Virtual Calculator) -------------------------------------- 1. Ability to copy from 2D table/grid editor and paste to other programs like spreadsheets
Resolved issues and changes excluding CAS ----------------------------------------- 1. Resolved issue with local variable initialization in a program with using a complex number 2. Renamed “Program” and “Note” into “AProgram” and “ANote” to distinguish better from variables “Programs” and “Notes” 3. Resolved issue with having a space before the #end in a #cas #end block 4. Resolved issue with local lists to allow local l= {{{1,2}}}; l(1,1,2); 5. Resolved issue with FOR STEP not rounding step calculation 6. Resolved issue with sqrt from catalog not placing cursor nicely 7. Improved setting/getting in stats using H1-H5, S1-S5 8. Resolved issues with the Instruction(n) command 9. Resolved issue where connkit causes emulator to not connect to streamer on connection if the connkit was running 10. Improved interval arithmetic in advanced grapher for non-negative integer exponents 11. Resolved issues with use of Notes variable 12. Resolved issue with unit display in CAS using units in 2D display 13. Resolved issue with Physics constants not being disabled in exam mode 14. Improved named spreadsheet cells to appear in app variable menu 15. Resolved issues with INPUT command 16. Resolved issue with nested CHOOSE calls used from user key 17. Resolved issue with program catalog "RUN" button and terminal
Resolved issues and changes in CAS ---------------------------------- 1. Resolved issue with sum((-1)^k/k^2,k,1,inf) 2. Return exact answer for some integrals like int(t^3/(exp(t)-1),t,0,inf) 3. Added numeric evaluation of digamma and polygamma function Psi 4. Resolved issue with variable in Dirac for ilaplace, e.g. ilaplace(2,x,t) 5. Resolved issue with desolve(y''=(2)-(exp(-(x)))) 6. Return simpler solutions for some linear diff eqs 7. Return something simple for things like sqrt(3)*(2*x)^(1/3)/(3x)^(1/4) 8. Resolved issue with SVD and symmetric matrices 9. Resolved issue with limit((tan(x)-x)/x^3,x=inf) 10. Resolved issue with int(1/sin(x^-1)) 11. Resolved issue with arcLen(ln(cos(x)),x,0,pi/4) 12. Resolved issue with randMat(5,5,4,7) 13. Resolved issue with frequencies median([5,6,2,3],[2,2,2,2]) 14. Improved variable guessing in desolve 15. Resolved issue with limit(√(x^2+2*x+1)-(√(x^2)),x,∞) 16. Resolved issue with int(1/(cos(x)^4+sin(x)^4),x,0,pi) 17. Resolved issue to avoid long calculations in nested sqrt simplification
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous Versions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date Released: 2014/12/03
Internal Versions ----------------- Firmware Version: 2014 12 03 (6975) Virtual Calculator Version: 2014 12 03 (6975) Connectivity Kit: 2014 12 03 (6975)
Description ----------- This release of the Prime Calculator firmware and associated PC software delivers significant new features and fixes outstanding issues. This document is not a complete list of all changes, but highlights specific items. All users of the HP Prime calculator are encouraged to upgrade for the best possible experience.
Primary focus in this release was enhancements to communication and wireless.
New Functionality (Connectivity Kit) ------------------------------------ User interface refined and improved. Much more reliable and capable communication. Multiple antennas supported for wireless communication. Progress bars are now shown for individual units during transfer data transfer. Much nicer "firmware update" window - adds support for detection of multiple units and more ways to receive prompts for updating units. Now possible to send a single item from one unit to everyone in the class in a single step. Improvements to screen monitoring.
New Functionality (Calculator Software) --------------------------------------- Added lower/upper optional inputs in cumulative probability functions. Binomial arguments now consistently ordered. Add ability to mix and edit CAS functions inline as part of larger programs - #cas to start a block, and #end to end it. New variables Notes and Programs created to allow programatic access. Geometry variables Instruction and DelInstruction provide programatic access to geometry constructions. Much faster scrolling in large notes, programs and equations. There is now an "Info" menu key in the memory manager. It reports free ram and available storage. VARS menu now has a "system" group which contains general system variables. TOff variable introduced. It is a millisecond value with minimum of 5s. TIME was renamed to TEVAL to avoid confusion with Time variable. Also now shows up in the catalog. SERIAL and VERSION commands introduced. Added an implicit_diff command to simplify implicit differentiation steps. Improved help throughout system and connected it in more places.
New Functionality (Virtual Calculator) -------------------------------------- Japanese user interface turned on for menus. There is now an "Info" menu key in the memory manager. It reports used ram and available storage.
Resolved issues and changes excluding CAS ----------------------------------------- 0. Resolved issue with x^2 key in RPN and potential problem with app saving/removal. 1. Resolved potential issue pasting formatted text into notes. 2. Improved cursor positioning when working with very large notes or programs. 3. Resolved issues with style selection in note editor. 4. Resolved issue using large font in inference table view. 5. Resolved issue storing into some inference variables from the command line. 6. Improved spreadsheet to allow loading old format without issue. 7. Resolved issue where plotfunc in command line could blink while help was open. 8. Resolved issue with vector use involving MAKELIST and list2mat. 9. Resolved issues with printing some messages from the CAS. 10. Resolved issue where connectivity kit did not allow an empty password for exam mode. 11. e^t^2 not printing with parens making it appear wrong. As part of fix, removed superscript 2 character from [x^2] key. Now does ^2 instead. 12. Resolved some issues with various FILLPOLY inputs. 13. Resolved issue with Send button not showing up on the emulator when selected to communicate with a calculator. 14. Resolve issue in connectivity kit where menu cut/copy/paste were not always working in some places. 15. Improved poll response to prompt for verification on single send, or with missing responses. 16. Resolved issue with digit grouping making equations appear strangely in a few locations. 17. Resolved an issue where [a b/c] could hide a negative sign. 18. Resolved issue with using matrix store notation M1(5,1) on a vector. 19. Resolved many issues in INPUT command. Also, chooser indexes in INPUT command were 0 based instead of 1. 20. Introduced "Fit" variable in 2var statistics to programmatically control fit line removal. 21. Resolved issue involving SetFreq. 22. Resolved issue using built in function variables in makelist. ex: MAKELIST(F1,X,1,5,1) 23. Brought back OS version on help about screen. 24. Improved color choosers through system so initial color selection matches the current selection. 25. Improved first boot screen. 26. Resolved issue with REGRS command and trig fit. 27. Some "NIST" group went and changed the definition of Faraday. 28. Resolved issues with alphabetical app sorting. 29. Switched to have fsolve in CAS->solve menu instead of less capable nSolve command. 30. Improved the exam mode password/time screen to show remaining time better. 31. Improved sleep to avoid the calculator from sleeping while streamer is connected and active. 32. Resolved issue where terminal scrolling could hang system. Also added a titlebar on the terminal. 33. Resolved issue with E+5/ interpreted as (E+5)/ instead of E+5/ 34. Removed ` from catalog. (auto eval quote) 35. Resolved issue with program dialog box and digit grouping. 36. Resolved memory issue in parser when using ICON keyword. 37. Resolved issue where a matrix stored by M2:=M1 in home edited both M1 and M2. 38. Resolved issue with digit grouping in solve application preventing solving with numbers >1000. 39. Resolved issue with kinetic scrolling and editors. 40. Enlarged size of advanced graphing memory so more scrolling can happen before redraw is needed. 41. Resolved issue where define F1=..., F2=d F1(X) / X=X in symb, PLOT view, and then exit could cause undesirable effects. 42. Resolved display issue where DMS value -1<x<0 was not showing negative sign. 43. Improves Function app/Plot/Fcn/Root reports for some functions that jump over zeros. 44. Resolved issue where STRING function was not working well with 4 or more parameters. 45. Resolved issue where DRAWMENU was not able to use pictures as sources
Resolved issues and changes in CAS ---------------------------------- 1. Improved simplify handling of surd/nthroot 2. concat now accepts more than 2 arguments 3. Fix for int(1/x^2,x,0,inf) 4. Fix for fisher_cdf(5,6,2.1,∞) 5. Changes for arcLen - support for curves having more than one arc and for points instead of parameter values for boundaries 6. Additional checks for low accuracy integrals by gaussian quadratures to avoid Romberg method, example int(1/sqrt(1-x^6),x,0,1.) 7. Improves multiple integrals like int(int(int(sqrt(x^2+z^2),z,-sqrt(y-x^2),sqrt(y-x^2)),y,x^2,4),x,-2,2) 8. Fix for desolve(y''=1/x^2) 9. Fix for sign, for example sign(sin(6283185307179586/1000000000000000)) 10. Fix for int((1-x)^(2/3)*x^(1/3),x,0,1) 11. Fix for expand(x*2.9e-13+6.3e-13) 12. Enables new syntax for substitution in expression like f:=x^2+1; f(x=1) 13. int(1/sqrt(1+x^3),x,0.0,∞) now returns an approximate answer 14. Fix for (f)solve(((3.068E-3/(0.118+1.001E-5*X))-(((1+2.126E-5*X)/(1+8.506E-5*X))-(0.3+2.55E-5*X)))=0,X); 15. Setting default arg to 0 in piecewise to make limit work 16. Added support for complex numbers in pmin 17. Fix for limit((-9x^69+x^47+10)/(-7x^69+x^46+10),x=inf) 18. Remove autosimplification after 'reorder' 19. Fix for limit(surd(3^x+5^x,x),x,inf) 20. Fix for solve(6e-34*f=g,f) 21. Sort proot output 22. If taylor or series have polynom as optional last arg, the order_size term is removed (shortcut for convert(series(...),polynom) to series(...,polynom)) 23. Improve warning for some ode that can not be solve explicitly 24. Fix for int(x²/(9+x^6),x,-inf,inf), int(1/(x^2 + 6*x + 12),x,-inf,inf) 25. Fix for trigtan(sin(x)/cos(x)) and for cSolve(x^4-1=3) 26. SVD warnings for exact/symbolic matrices 27. Fix for GD:=line(y=(4859/2500*ln(20)+631/125+(-4859/100000*ln(20)-631/5000)*x)):;GG:=plotfunc(1.301*ln(x)+3.406,x,-50,50):;single_inter(D,G); 28. Changed ihermite to return a list 29. Simplification of conj(conj()), conj(re()) and conj(im()) 30. median({1,2,3,4}) returns 2.5 31. rsolve now handles homographic recurrences if the fixed point has multiplicity 2 32. Computation of Beta(x,y) if x>0, y>0 and x+y is integer, recognition of integrals solvable by Beta, e.g. int(x^(1/3)*(1-x)^(2/3),x,0,1) 33. If partfrac optional 2nd argument is a sqrt, does partial fraction expansion with factorization over this field extension 34. Fixes for rootof (root selection and i with rootof) 35. Improves arg and evalc for pow of complex numbers 36. Fixes solve with piecewise containing a sqrt 37. Fix for solve(x^5=-1) 38. laplace now switches to exact mode 39. Fix for piecewise in regroup and solve 40. Fix order for regroup (fraction/monomials) 41. Fix for SVD 42. Fix for string(matrix), sum(sin(n*x)/n^2,n,1,inf), fsolve in degree mode without interval/guess 43. Fix for Groebner basis and fix for comparing 2 symbolic complexes having the same imaginary part 44. Improves some simplifications like abs(exp(i*x)+1) and some integrals of periodic function over a period 45. Avoid rootofs for some factorizations 46. Change for product/sum, e.g. for product(n,n,1/2,3,1/2) 47. Calls exact on limit arguments 48. Change piecewise printing to CASE 49. Fix for int(exp(-x)/(1+x^2),x,0,inf) 50. Fix complexroot(x^3+8,1e-5,0,2+2*i) 51. Fix for solve(sin(x)=sin(2x)) 52. Accept = instead of - in zeros and czeros 53. Call normal on inverse of matrix 54. Fix for int(abs(sin(x)-cos(x-1)),x,0,3) 55. fsolve now returns itself if the equation has more than 1 var, making commands like fsolve(int(fsolve(x^5+x=y,x,1e-14),y,0,t)=1/3,t=1.0) possible 56. Improve detection of polynomial equation by fsolve. If fsolve has only one solution in a polynomial equation, returns the solution instead of a list of one solution 57. Fix printing of ()^.5 (was incorrectly printed as sqrt()) 58. Fix for int(1/surd(x-1,5),x,1,33) 59. Fix for desolve(y''+1/(x+1)=0,x,y) 60. Make resultant with 0 return 0 61. Fix for ifactor(373196531) 62. Fix for SVD of matrices having more columns than rows 63. Make sorta/sortd work with complex numbers (sorting by real parts) 64. Changed number of Pollard-rho tries for ifactor(2^101+5), removed some optimizations that seems to fail in some rare occurrences 65. Integration - small improvement recognizing f(u)*u' pattern 66. pmin now accepts sqrt and other algebraic extension of Q 67. round([a,b],c) fixed 68. Make limit(exp(-1/x^2)/x,x=0) work 69. Fixed iquorem to behave like iquo+irem with negative integers 70. Fix for int(frac(x),x,-1,2), int(frac(x),x,0,6.4) 71. Fix for int(sqrt((t-5*cos(t))^2 + (6*cos(1+sin(t)))^2),t,0,3) 72. Fix for factor(3*a*cos(sqrt(3)*ln(-x)/2)-b*sin(sqrt(3)*ln(-x)/2)-sqrt(3)*a*sin(sqrt(3)*ln(-x)/2)+sqrt(3)*b*cos(sqrt(3)*ln(-x)/2)) 73. Fix for sum_riemann(1/sqrt(n^2+k^2),[n,k]) ......................................
« on: May 08, 2015, 10:28:21 am »
From the author: It makes me very happy to announce the availability of my HRAST BASIC high-level programming language, interpreter and development environment for HP-48G/G+/GX, HP-49G and HP-49G+/50G calculators. This isn't really an ordinary BASIC as used to be on various home and pocket computers. It is inspired by BASIC but in many aspects it is more like Pascal, C, COMAL or Forth (internally). I've been working on it for quite some time and I have now come to the point where it is stable enough to be released to the public for the first time. This is the culmination of my work as far as HP/calculator development is concerned and I must admit that I am very proud of it. The final result is "the BASIC as I always wanted it to be" because I was never really satisfied with the choice of development tools available on HP calculators.
As far as I know, this is the first and only BASIC interpreter made for any HP calculator after HP-71B released in 1983. And this is the first and only BASIC interpreter developed outside Hewlett-Packard for any HP calculator ever. Those facts make me even more proud and happy Smile HRAST BASIC 48K BASIC 32K here: can be found in the official discussion on MoHPC forum: regards