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Messages - tifreak
« on: August 13, 2014, 08:54:15 am »
lol well, I only 'back ported' it (I mean, I didn't have to change -any- code for it to work on the older calc, just had to convert the file type) because I own that calc. And holy crap, man, does it blaze in that game. It moves faster on the 9750gii than it does on the Prizm.
« on: August 12, 2014, 09:08:25 am »
Thanks.  I've been working on this off and on, amongst doing other things, and I've gotten code written up to display all properties owned by a player in the stats screen. This is represented by boxes, and inside the boxes it will display a line of X pixels, X being number of houses owned. If you own a hotel, it will put a 4x4 block in the box. I think I'll make it put an X in the middle if the property is mortgaged. From there, I need to work on making the boxes selectable with a cursor of some kind. I'm still working on that one, as I'm not sure what to use as a cursor, might just do a line under each box? I'm not sure if there is enough room around the boxes to encompass the boxes themselves, with the current setup. I'll have to look into some more of the dcs routines for sprites, see what I might come up with in terms of that. Once I get them selectable, I'll see about getting a screenshot posted.
« on: August 12, 2014, 07:07:05 am »
Just letting you all know that Age of Darkness Prizm and all other incarnations of Age of Darkness received a bug fix update, dealing with 2 problems with events, and one map issue.
To take things further, it is also now ported over to the fx-9750gii, but I'm waiting on Kerm to set up the archives so I can post the file for people to download.
Just so you all know, SourceCoder now handles both g1m and g3m file types.
« on: July 31, 2014, 10:21:29 am »
I agree that it looks better, but if you look up above, I admit that I suck at doing stuff like this. :S
« on: July 31, 2014, 08:42:44 am »
willrandship: Just requires that we have enough open slots and if you have sufficient projects worth showing (worth it to you, I mean) At the urging of DJ_O, I've updated the Cemetech icons:  Thoughts over the other ones?
« on: July 30, 2014, 09:16:39 pm »
Oh, I agree it would look better, but I suck at spriting. Though now I've got it aligned, I might try again.
« on: July 29, 2014, 06:11:03 pm »
C's are dumb. :| lol
It was difficult to get that aligned properly for me, and the C I couldn't get to look correctly. So I went with the simple solution of just making the colors match the sites.
« on: July 29, 2014, 08:08:45 am »
And thanks! They're just the icons DCSE will show if people run the game from there.
As a progress update, I've coded in most of the events for the community chest section, keeping that code in a separate program for now, until I know for sure how large the overall game is going to turn out. If the game itself doesn't get too much bigger, then I might just paste it into the main game to reduce sub program usage.
« on: July 27, 2014, 08:39:23 am »
lol Thanks DJ  I hope to have some more significant updates to post soon. Edit:  Monochrome - Cemetech edition - Omnimaga edition These are the icons I've been able to come up with on my own for Calcopoly. As I'm not very good at such things typically, if anyone else has an idea to use for them, feel free to post them. FFFFFF8888FFFFFFFFFF88888888FFFFFF8888FFFF8888FFF888FFAFFAFF888F888FFFAAAAFFF88888FFFAAFFAAFFF8888FFFAAFFAFFFF8888FFFFAAAAFFF F8888FFFFAFFAAFFF8888FFFFAFFAAFFF8888FFFAAFFAAFFF88888FFFAAAAFFF888F888FFAFFAFF888FFF8888FFFF8888FFFFFF88888888FFFFFFFFFF8888FFFFFF Is the hex for the omnimaga version, since I'm not currently writing 2 versions for each calculator of calcopoly, will be easier to edit in the needed data after one version is completed, so this is now in a safe place
« on: July 26, 2014, 10:09:10 pm »
Okay, making progress on actual game play mechanics for the black and white editions. I have a question regarding some of the rules that the real game offers. Should I make it so there is a special pot you win if you land on 'Done' (Free parking)? The game rules indicate if a property is unowned, and the person that lands on it doesn't want it, it has to be auctioned. Should I keep with that system, or just leave it for someone else to land on? The official game has limited amount of houses and hotels that can be bought, last hotel has to be bid on. I think for now, these would answer my most pressing questions, if I could get your alls opinions please  Edit: It seems I've been asked to implement house and official rulings. This should be fun. So, for house rules: Free parking/Done nets you the cash pot (I don't remember what all makes it in there) Unlimited houses 12 hotels Unowned, unwanted property ignored Official rulings: Free parking/done nets you nothing 32 house limit 12 hotels Unowned, unwanted property auctioned I'm going to go back in and edit an options, I'll probably just make it 'house rules' and 'official rules', and let it be set based on that. I hope this doesn't overly bloat the game. :<
« on: July 25, 2014, 09:12:55 am »
 The options for what the players will be able to do is stored to the right of the board, unlike the CSE where it's underneath. I could clear out a little bit of the bottom of the board to display it, but then I won't have the flashing indicator going while waiting on the player to select an option to go with. Getting closely caught up to where the CSE is currently sitting. I still need to work on property card generation for both models, and I need to work on getting all the text data for the chance and community chest cards entered in, for both models. I also need to dig through the topic and verify if there were enough authors and projects to include for the Omnimaga edition of the game.
« on: July 24, 2014, 06:59:24 am »
Yes post box, I'm sure I want to reply and update the status of my topic :p Anyways, forgot to paste this over to here last night: So, I did a thing:  This is a test to move a cursor around the black and white board. Now that that list is generated, and I have the code for displaying the Pt stuff, which I shall share here so I don't lose it: ClrDraw AxesOff 0→Xmin:0→Ymin 94→Xmax:62→Ymax UnArchive Pic1 RecallPic Pic1
1→W:1→Z While W=1 Pt-Change(iPart(L₆(Z)),ᴇ2fPart(L₆(Z) Pt-Change(iPart(L₆(Z))-1(ᴇ2fPart(L₆(Z))=4 or ᴇ2fPart(L₆(Z))=61),ᴇ2fPart(L₆(Z))+1(iPart(L₆(Z))=1 or (iPart(L₆(Z))=58 and (ᴇ2fPart(L₆(Z))>10 and ᴇ2fPart(L₆(Z))<60 Text(1,65,L₆(Z) Text(7,65,Z getKey→K
If K=45:Return
If K=105:Z+1→Z If Z=41:1→Z End Edit:  Main menu works, now  The indicator working just shows that loop for the game is setup to go, just have to get things caught up for it now. Edit 2:  You will now be able to choose the amount of players that are playing. From there, I need to set up rolling dice for each player (must review what I did for the CSE to attempt a match) so I can get which player goes first set up, from there, I'll see about making it roll players to move them around the board. Update:  Progress continues, with dice rolling, though I still need to set it up to pick the winner of who gets to go first. Also realized that some of the data is not calc dependent, so that data has been copied over to the various project folders (Omnimaga and Cemetech editions for both color and non color calcs). More as I have it available.
« on: July 23, 2014, 12:53:56 pm »
Thanks in advance for testing it out  I hope I was able to clear out any bugs that might be there, but as you know, no one is perfect. :p
« on: July 22, 2014, 07:59:17 pm »
Age of Darkness: Prizm edition is now released! Download now here: this is in BETA, please make sure to save your game regularly! Please report any bugs you may come across as you play this game. Thanks!
« on: July 20, 2014, 10:06:37 pm »
I'm honestly not sure I'll use it that much myself, since I do most of my coding in Tokens anyways these days. But I know it will be handy for some people out there, and that makes it awesome  Hopefully no more errors crop up in the text.