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Messages - whitevalkery

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News / Re: A Tribute to Omnimaga's Ninth Anniversary
« on: September 13, 2010, 04:08:46 pm »
happy birthday!
even though i am a bit late lol...

but anyways... all these games look great!
but um... how come i have never seen sooo many of the TI-84 games that are shown here???

are some of them not released or still in beta or something?

please reply!

i am especially interested in the space ship shooter like game at 5:12 and the minesweeper at 4:50. and of course starfox at 6:36...

please answer!

General Calculator Help / Re: TI-84 transfering error/crash
« on: May 15, 2010, 09:21:45 pm »
ok... never mind... it would seem that its just another low battery problem...

i couldn't fix it even after i tried all of things you guys have mentioned...
so then i thought it was a lost cause... then i saw that my parents got new AAA batteries because they were on sale so i thought... why not give it a try... i mean the (down arrow) symbol could mean its low battery or something...

and BANG! it worked!!!  (also... i had a hunch about this before as well... since i tried transferring programs from my friend's calc and it worked)

General Calculator Help / Re: TI-84 transfering error/crash
« on: May 08, 2010, 12:31:40 pm »
wow... thanks guys!
i am going to do that list now! :)

off topic a bit lol....

but oh well... i am very happy and excited that DCS7 is really coming out! sooo happy! :)

and about what i thought was the only flaw in DCS6 has been fixed! (folder saving)


General Calculator Help / TI-84 transfering error/crash
« on: May 05, 2010, 11:17:37 pm »
i have no idea why this happens... since i have never seen anything like this...

anyways... today i was trying to transfer in the new DCS password setup program and used TI connect, but for some reason the computer keeps giving me an error message saying the device is not recognizing the command. And the calculator's screen shows the normal cursor blinking, but its blinking on top of an arrow pointing downwards (a symbol), and as soon as i press any button on the calculator, it would then simply resets the ram...

i then tried transferring other programs and it seemed that the problem lies some where in the calculator's hardware or software... or perhaps its the cord...

could anyone help me with this problem? I would try and fix it by reseting the entire calc's ram and rom, but i have an important calc exam tomorrow so i am currently just going to ignore the problem temporarily, since the calculator works fine it self.

 ??? >:( :( :-\ :'(

oh ya... and i am using the new OS for TI-84 as well... though i dont thin that is causing it since i have been using it for a while and did transfer other programs before this problem appeared...


Anime and Manga / Re: Bleach
« on: March 13, 2010, 12:05:00 am »
I think Bleach has been on a hiatus (the dubbed episodes) in america for a few months... The last new episode I saw was when Grimmjow died. Great episode! ;D
man are you missing alot...
i recommend beginning watching bleach subbed instead... its quality is alot better... and voice acting and jokes are lot better... plus a lot of the dubs are just plain stupid... since they may be quite off and stuff! :)

Introduce Yourself! / Re: hello! i am new!
« on: March 12, 2010, 08:33:55 pm »
yeah... now days more then 80% of the people online are out fitted with maphack... so its better to have a version yourself so the game is fair...

as for drophacks and stuff... we the developers always make a counter for ourselves :D
for example, ones we were been evil and released a maphack (normal edition) for stupid people to use, and then we designed a counter hack that will notify the user if the opponent is using the maphack we made, then it will allow us to take control of his unit rally points, see what he is clicking, drop him, lag him, anything lol  ;D (oh... and dont forget self destruct his units! ;D) oh... and self destructing your own units is possibly the easiest hack for yourself... why would you want to kill your own units you say? it becomes quite helpful when your playing UMS games such as Nexus Destroyer, or random micro arena where your next units dont spawn unless your current ones all die off... for example, your opponent may try to be cheap and kill everything you have and leave your medic alive or something so then your nexus is a sitting duck lol, this is when you kill off your own units... but this antihack hack allows you to destroy his units remotely with out dropping yourself... (normally if you try to destroy someone else's units that way will result in miss synchronization and thus you will be dropped)

in a way its kinda like a virus lol :P but it only does things to starcraft...

personally i dont hack at all.. unless i notice something fishy about the other team i wouldn't activate anything...
but ya... i prefer a clean game... and most of the time when i loose i ask for a rematch lol... some of the times i find people who are good and just keep rematching each other we become rivals :)

Introduce Yourself! / Re: hello! i am new!
« on: March 12, 2010, 11:28:45 am »
yes... but in the hacking world of starcraft: drophacks, map hacks, money hacks, etc... there will almost always be a way to do them...

except money hack... it would seem that blizzard have patched anyway to have money hack... :(

but as for drop hack and maphack, they will never be able to get rid of it... since all the computers have to have the data of the entire map to be able to operate... otherwise they will be even more trouble... if the map data is not shared then hacks will be able to make units appear in areas where your opponent is not active in ! :D

but ya... it would seem that it is easier to make hacks for games then hack TI calcs for sure lol...

Introduce Yourself! / Re: hello! i am new!
« on: March 12, 2010, 01:06:38 am »
we could always have something like a donor's forum or an area in which truly trusted hackers and programmers who are well respected are allowed in lol..
and then all the secretes can be discussed there... unless they hack the website database...

we can always call that important underground part of the forum something stupid like "deleted posts" or "donors forum" :P so they dont know whats in it!  ;D

edit: i mean thats what we do on d3jsp for making lol,star craft,lol and lol,di ab lo II,lol 2 h@cks :P (ones again i dont want to accidently leak anything and let them know this lol)

Introduce Yourself! / Re: hello! i am new!
« on: March 11, 2010, 02:32:17 pm »
yes... that is definitely good...
basically almost everything is possible in the world of programming and hacking lol..

i remember the samething happened with the xbox 360 when it came out or something...
as in on the second day the xbox was released and after microsoft just said that their new xbox is virtually uncrackable, some one cracked it and released the crack for free gems the next day lol

lol I always wanted to memorize that alt click mini map thing. I always forget half of the shortcuts when game starts (which is one of the reason why I mess up almost all my drone/probe splits on low-money maps)

One thing to watch out about when entire team attack is that one ally will get counter attacked, though. That's why I never send all my units when attacking. I have a few defense near my main and keep some mobile units nearby

yeah... i do that too... when i play Terran, i dont send everything... i keep my orignal units that were intended for base defenses... such as tanks and stuff.

as for what to build in terran, just spam marines and medics in early game, or tanks and galioths if your playing back up in your team.
also... if you want to play really strategicly, you can build alot of vultures and micro them... if they are well microed... they are extremely deadly

i wonder why they never started or had the idea of making a new version of mirage... since it is really old...

No, but smaller. For assembly programmers they can call special routines for things, like ions fastcopy and window routines, etc

also, Kerm is going to be making window routines for basic programs in DCS7 :p

Builderboy: you do know that you can just press the +/- buttons to scroll and 1/2/3/4/5/6 to run a the mouse system doesn't really matter.
oh ya... that too.. i forgot to mention that... thx!
i guess i used it soo much i forgot that thats something special lol

lol at the ninja lol

yeah.. i always say "alright... i think i am ready... who wants to join me in attacking (color of enemy player here) now?"
and then mark a place on the map with the alt click mini map thingy to tell them to gather all our units there  :D

its quite effective when the entire team attacks in unison lol... its sooo epic sometimes! :D

i have not done that kind of thing in supreme commander in a while though... since i reinstalled my computer and lost my cdkey  :'(

so now i only have a cracked version of forged alliance at the moment... i can still lan with my friends, but i can no longer play on the net...  :'(

ever since i have been searching for people who are selling these cdkeys... but i have never found one...

thx for the update!
i am so glad that its still active...
although i wonder if it will come out at that time lol... as in in 50 days...

as for size, i never minded the size.. since i have practically no applications on my calc these days anyways...

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