Author Topic: [Ndless] nKaruga  (Read 89325 times)

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Re: [Ndless] nKaruga
« Reply #195 on: April 08, 2015, 02:21:07 pm »
That looks absolutely amazing in every way, shape, and form. I want it now!

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Re: [Ndless] nKaruga
« Reply #196 on: April 08, 2015, 03:47:00 pm »
Well, you couldn't have better timing because I'm just releasing beta version 0.2.0 :P see the GitHub comment to the release to know what changed and to download it, and keep feedback going please !

By the way, not missing a combo really becomes freaking hard now. If anyone somehow manages to not combo-break or miss a single combo in the introduction of level 2, tell me your secrets, because I can't do it. I constantly combo break or have to let enemies pass by on the second wave, even if I make all combos in the 1st and 3rd wave.

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Re: [Ndless] nKaruga
« Reply #197 on: September 12, 2015, 07:40:32 am »
Heaviest of bumps !

I finally found motivation to work on nKaruga again (thank Ivoah and gameblabla for this). There will be some changes though.

I will be porting nKaruga to PC, as a tribute to/demake of Ikaruga. I will be keeping n2DLib as a layer of abstration on top of SDL 1.2, so if any of you guys want to port it back to n2DLib itself when I'm 100% done with the game, it should take you around 1 minute :P
I won't port it to PC just now, I'll probably do it when I'll be done with level 2 (as a reminder, introduction 1, level 1, boss 1 and introduction 2 are fully done and playable). I want to have a completely playable second level and a fightable (English ?) second boss before any porting attempt takes place.

Which means, I'll need more sprites ! Again, yes :P If anyone wants to help with that, once again, feel free to tell me.

tl;dr : I'm back on this, I will finish level 2 and then port it to PC. Also, I need more sprites.