Author Topic: Condor  (Read 5029 times)

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Offline BlakPilar

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Re: Condor
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2011, 10:05:53 pm »
Wow, awesome. I haven't played Advance Wars, but this seems really fun.

If the info screen takes the information from the object in the middle of the screen, which I'm guessing it does, maybe a little crosshair in the middle of the screen could be placed? That'd make it a little easier :D

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Re: Condor
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2011, 10:12:02 pm »
Great job on this! I was actually thinking of Advance Wars as a future "big" project, but I guess you beat me to it :)

Offline zeldaking

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Re: Condor
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2011, 07:37:48 pm »
BlakPillar: Well see that little square, that is the "crosshairs"
mrmprog: Go for it! Why not it would be a fun project to do, so get to it.

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Re: Condor
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2011, 07:41:38 pm »
Nope, didn't/don't see the box :/ Then again, I'm on my Zune HD and it sucks at rendering GIFs...

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Re: Condor
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2011, 08:14:45 pm »

That is the factory, you can select what troop/tank/artillery you want, finished that menu, except for those sprites in artillery. Please comment.

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Re: Condor
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2011, 12:12:30 am »
looks great demo?
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