There's plenty out there, and i actually own a few.
Battle Arena Toshinden: B.A.T. had 3 games (2 games on the Sega Saturn) released for the Playstation (4 if you count the japan-only game). This movie is loosely based off of the second game, and actually starts off with Eiji's flashback memory of the ending of the first game. Basically after Eiji defeats Gaia, Chaos comes along to try to kill Gaia for betraying the organization lead by Urinus, who now wants to control everything (technically Urinus isn't even the boss of the organization, its Master, who was an unlockable character in the playstation game only. In the game, Urinus is just Master's bodyguard). The movie mainly focuses more on Eiji, Sofia, Kayin, and Ellis, but the other fighters join along the battle (near the ending anyways). If you're a fan of the game (which IMO, BAT3 is the better game), then you'll enjoy the movie.
P.S. you see Sofia naked for a brief moment in the shower.
Samurai Showdown: The story is sorta different from the videogame storyline. Amakusa still has control over all the wars going on, but the fighter's themselves instead of having their own personal backstory and individual reasons for wanting to defeat Amaska, are joined together and have basically become the "guardians of the earth" so to speak, with Haromaru being their fearless leader. I think the only legit bad-guys other than Amaska, are Earthquake, and Gen-an. Everyone else is either a good guy, or spies that try to get intel on the bad guys. However, for all you Ukyo fans out there, he is the only character that does not make an appearance in the movie. Basically in the end, the movie is basically another generic "samurai/ninja fighter" movie, unless you're into that sort of stuff, then you'll like it
Sonic The Hedgehog: Need I say more, lol?

This movie is pretty famous around the Sonic community, but it's an actually pretty well made movie IMO. Basically the plot is that Sonic and Tails, who live in the lands of the sky, basically have to stop a generator that robotnik made in the lads of darkness from exploding and taking out planet freedom in the process. Knuckles joins in later to help them. However, it was just a trap for Robotnik to steal Sonic's data to transfer it to his newest creation "hyper metal sonic". Sonic and Metal Sonic have a battle in the ploar ice caps while the other characters prevent Metal from destroying the ice (cause doing so would destroy the planet). In the end, sonic wins, but has remorse for metal and become depressed when metal dies by drowning in a pool of magma. Obviously, from what I just typed out, the story has NO relation to the video games whatsoever with the exceptions of the characters themselves (although the president, the old owl, and the princess IMO are just wastes of spaces). However, it has enough action, awesome house music, the visuals, and few funny bits will have you hooked from start to finish... specially if you're a big sonic fan (such as myself, lol)

I know there's more like Fatal Fury... which I own, but only saw it once, so can't exactly give a legit review on it. Anyone else have their favorites though?