Author Topic: Custom vertical line routine crashes  (Read 2041 times)

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Offline MGOS

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Custom vertical line routine crashes
« on: September 30, 2012, 06:45:32 am »
Writing some program in axe, I needed a fast vertical line routine to substitute this:
Code: [Select]
The routine should draw a vertical, at y=22 centered line expanding E pixels up and down to a total length of E*2+1 in column X.
This is my idea:
Code: [Select]
:X:asm(E5) ;push hl
:^8:asm(23E5) ;inc hl, push hl   (gets the number of rotating cycles needed)
:asm(The routine)

Code: [Select]
Stack: #Rotation cycles,  X
HL : E

 pop bc     ; #Rotation cycles  , Stack: 1
 pop de     ; X       Stack: 0
 srl e      ; Div 8
 srl e
 srl e      ; DE: X/8
 ld a,l     ; A: E
 add hl,hl  ; 2E
 inc hl     ; 2E+1
 ld b,l     ; B: 2E+1, #Lines
 push bc    ; #Lines, #Rotation cycles ,  Stack: 1
 ld b,a     ; B: E
 ld a, 22   ; A: 22
 sub b      ; A: 22-E
 ld l,a     ; HL: 22-E
 ld c,l
 ld b,h     ; BC: 22-E   MUL 12
 add hl,hl  ; *2
 add hl,bc  ; *3
 add hl,hl  ; *6
 add hl,hl  ; *12
 add hl,de  ; HL:  (22-E)*12+(X/8)
 ld de, $9340 ; plotsscreen
 add hl,de  ; HL: Start byte
 pop bc     ; #Lines, #Rotation cycles   , Stack: 0
 ld d,b     ; backup b
 ld b,c     ; #Rotation cycles
 ld a,(hl)  ; A: Byte to modify
 rla        ; rotate
 djnz Sloop1
 scf        ; Pixel on
 ld b,c     ; #Rotation cycles
 rra        ; rotate back
 djnz Sloop2
 ld (hl),a  ; restore modified byte
 ld b,d     ; Restore b
 ld de,12   ; DE: 12
 add hl,de  ; Next line
 djnz Lineloop  ; until #Lines-- = 0

I hope somebody can help me finding the error, I'm stuck :/

Edit: It doesn't crash immediately, it does it when the program returns. The error is before lineloop I think
« Last Edit: October 01, 2012, 10:22:30 am by MGOS »