Sure, I'll give some of 'em a go. I'll do....uh..........Sewers? Sure, why not?
If you want to see some examples of my most recent work, check the Mighty Jill Off thread.
I did see those, ZippyDee, and I'm impressed! Here's what I need for the sewers. Or feel free to suggest your own

7 Walls (White, gray and black, 32x32)
* Brick wall with spots of gunk
* Brick wall with chain fence in front (Something like the image below)
* Brick wall with pipes going across it
* Brick wall with attached ladder
* Smooth wall, curved inward
* Smooth wall, curved inward, with lamp
* Rock wall
6 Objects (White and black, 32 x 32)
* Smooth Pillar
* Lamppost
I can't think of another 4 objects, so feel free to come up with your own

Thanks, ZippyDee!