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Offline Zera

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Lost Legends II
« on: November 05, 2007, 04:28:00 pm »
Although the details are vague, I have indeed been working on a sequel. (I actually thought of the idea way before bringing the project to Omnimaga) I decided that since the original project has been so well-recieved, I would sort of step up development on the second while overseeing the programming of the first.

Alright, so I wanted to share some of the basic back story of this installment. It takes place in a world called Terra, which is parallel to Gaia in the series canon. (worlds existing in the same universe, but unaware of each other's presence) The plot focuses on two kingdoms -- Asnoth and Ragnoth. Asnoth lies toward the northern-most corner or Terra, with Ragnoth to the south-most corner.


Asnoth has long been ruled by Lord Leonidas, a just and noble king. Heir to his throne is his only son, Prince Gielgud. Other figures in the kingdom include Princess Rose, the royal daughter, and Sir Edmund, the Prince's personal bodyguard and Leonidas' right-hand man. Asnoth has long been known for its pursuit of steam power and technology, and has established itself as the political super-power of Terra. Though maintaining a peaceful relationship with other kingdoms for many ages, a sinister global conquest ensued only a decade ago. This conquest was led by a mysterious figure known as the Shadow Lord, who bore a strong influence over Lord Leonidas.


Ragnoth was once a beautiful and lustrous Magocracy, renowned for its arcane knowledge and magickal artifacts. Soon after the Shadow Lord's conquest began, Ragnoth was seized and occupied by Leonidas' forces. Many citizens fled toward the east, with the remaining survivors having to endure Leonidas' new rule. Soon after Asnoth's occupation, an underground resistance faction was formed to bring about a civil revolution.


user posted image

A young girl orphaned into the resistance after her parents were slain by the Shadow Lord's forces. As she came of age, she swore an oath that she would be the one to liberate her people and restore Magocracy to Ragnoth.

Having grown up around so much conflict, Maya often regresses upon the childhood that was stolen from her -- particularly, her closest friend, Glenn. Although just a young girl, her preserving spirit has earned her a strong sense of respect and authority among Ragnoth's civil faction.

Sir Edmund of Asnoth

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Once loyal retainer of Leonidas, and personal bodyguard of Prince Gielgud. Noble Sir Edmund had never questioned the King's authority, even when he led the Shadow Lord's forces into Ragnoth. However, a royal scandal quickly brought doubt to Edmund's loyalty after he and the Prince were discovered to be engaged in an intimate relationship. To avoid bringing dishonour to his kingdom, Leonidas banished Edmund from Asnoth and locked the Prince away in the towers, forbidding him to come in contact with anyone outside of the royal family.

Demoted and despondent, Edmund ventured south to Ragnoth, were he found employment as a mercenary for the Shadow Lord's stationed forces. Upon witnessing the travesty of Ragnoth himself, Edmund began to doubt the rationale behind Lord Leonidas' conquest, and instead directed his motives toward stealing the Prince away from his fate.


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A childhood friend of Maya who fled toward the neutral provenance of Tristran soon after the Shadow Lord invaded his homeland of Ragnoth. The regret of leaving his friends and family behind has consumed him ever since.

He spent years training as a great fighter, protecting his village from the invading monsters within the wilderness that surrounds Tristran. However, he could never redeem himself of his past.

The Dark Knight of Asnoth

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A shadowy figure who bears a deep interest in the political affairs of Asnoth. He has been known to both serve the Shadow Lord and outright oppose him at the same time. His alignment and identity remain unclear to anyone...

Lord Leonidas of Asnoth

The once just and proud King of Asnoth. Leonidas underwent significant changes after acquainting himself with a dark figure known as the Shadow Lord. Many have began to doubt the direction of Leonidas' conquest, though his fervent silencing of political opposition has forced much of the resistance to hide itself from persecution.

Prince Gielgud of Asnoth

Once heir to the throne of Asnoth, Prince Gielgud was shunned by the King after bringing dishonour to the family through his forbidden relationship with Sir Edmund.

Princess Rose of Asnoth

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The deceased Princess of Asnoth. Princess Rose was strongly outspoken in her opposition of the Shadow Lord's conquest, and was often silenced by her father for fear of insighting a riot among Asnoth's citizens. One day, the Princess mysteriously went missing. Although Leonidas' forces searched high and low, they could not find any sign of Rose. All that had remained was a family heirloom carelessly discarded near a lake. Many had presumed that the Princess simply could not endure the conflict, and had chosen to drown herself rather than be silenced.


Remains of Terra's oldest civilization, said to be the origin of all magick. It rests on an estranged continent just east of Tristran. Though uncertain, it is said that the Shadow Lord has some interest in a relic that lies there...


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A drone built by the Arcanian civilization, left behind after Arcania's fall. Since the fall of Acania, Marshal has been entombed within its remains for many centuries. Being alone with his thoughts for such a long time, he has slowly developed a will and seeks a purpose of his own.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Lost Legends II
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2007, 05:31:00 pm »
darn you alerady want to start the 2nd one and the first one barely started being coded yet O_Oshocked2.gif ? I hope it start progressing tho after the first one is done :)smile.gif

Offline Ranman

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Lost Legends II
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2007, 07:56:00 pm »
With so much extra white space between each line of text, I would suggest moving to a more legible 4x5 font.

4x4 fonts should only be used when absolutely necessary.
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Offline kalan_vod

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Lost Legends II
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2007, 05:07:00 am »
The font is nice, but is not as needed (too much gs :Ptongue.gif)

Offline Zera

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Lost Legends II
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2007, 06:29:00 am »
user posted image

The font seems decently legible to me. The items are as follows:

 - Seraph Rod
 - (empty)
 - Ribbon
 - Archon Robes
 - Angel Ring
 - Soma Drop

Any trouble reading them?

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Lost Legends II
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2007, 07:33:00 am »
With so much extra white space between each line of text, I would suggest moving to a more legible 4x5 font

I agree, it'll make it look better with the slightly larger font.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Lost Legends II
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2007, 08:26:00 am »
it seems fine to me in the screenshots, it reminds me some old SNES RPGs, you should try them on black background (white letters) to see if it would look better  

Offline dinhotheone

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Lost Legends II
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2007, 08:45:00 am »
QuoteBegin-grendel+6 Nov, 2007, 12:29-->
QUOTE (grendel @ 6 Nov, 2007, 12:29)
user posted image

The font seems decently legible to me. The items are as follows:

 - Seraph Rod
 - (empty)
 - Ribbon
 - Archon Robes
 - Angel Ring
 - Soma Drop

Any trouble reading them?

ill give you a few letters that i think arent easily identifiable (to me), as i would have made them (NBPMH, there are two M's in the image i made) the main problem is that at 4x3, N's are real tough. i make em just like a lowercase but larger. if you did change to 4x4 it would alleviate this but i think that big 'n' is fine. i really couldnt tell what it was saying until i read below, i would defenitely change it either way. other than that, i think the P looks a bit like an F, the B looks like a blob, and M/H are too similar. the two things in the middle just dont look well for an H, and the single line for the M looks too much like an H. for H i would take out the top pixl and for m i would add another either at the top or right below the one you have. the M is the least of your worries though. also for reference i do two bottom pixels for a W if you thought my H looks like your W (you didnt show it)

Offline Zera

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Lost Legends II
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2007, 10:06:00 am »
Thanks for the suggestions. I went ahead and revised it a bit:

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And here is a close-up version:

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Lost Legends II
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2007, 01:40:00 pm »
seems fine to me.  Pictoral organization in the brain is pretty amazing, so you don't have to worry too much.  I think the N is pretty cool.

I'll stick around for the 2nd game too.  I anticipate I'll be around for awhile hopefully.

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Lost Legends II
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2007, 04:33:00 pm »
EDIT: moved to first post

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Lost Legends II
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2007, 05:49:00 pm »
nice ^^ I can't wait  

Offline Halifax

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Lost Legends II
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2007, 09:10:00 am »
Yeah, I would stick around for this game too.

Quick question: Can you do color sprites??
There are 10 types of people in this world-- those that can read binary, and those that can't.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Lost Legends II
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2007, 10:01:00 am »
If he can do I'm sure to start a new RPG Maker project :Dbiggrin.gif (maybe a PC ROL3)

Offline Zera

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Lost Legends II
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2007, 10:20:00 am »
Color sprites? Never really tried... Depends on the bit-depth. If we're talking about NES quality, I suppose it wouldn't be much different than the designs I'm doing now. SNES quality, on the other hand, I doubt.