Author Topic: KnightOS  (Read 193232 times)

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Re: KnightOS
« Reply #930 on: November 17, 2014, 07:58:52 am »
Well, at least this is pretty nice to have a higher level language running on KnightOS. I'll probably check it out.

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Re: KnightOS
« Reply #931 on: November 17, 2014, 03:28:32 pm »
Just tried playing around with the sdk on a fresh Arch VM and pulling the sdk from the AUR. I'm getting this error when I'm trying to create a new project to play around with:

I just installed Arch from the VM so everything is up to date. It looks like there is an issue with some of the python scripts. I'll also report this issue on the github, but since it's me, SirCmpwn probably will just ignore it.

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Re: KnightOS
« Reply #932 on: November 17, 2014, 04:58:49 pm »
^ that's been fixed on GitHub with SirCmpwn.

By the way, has been fixed ! Now you can actually try KnightOS programming in your browser without downloading anything !

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Re: KnightOS
« Reply #933 on: November 17, 2014, 07:47:54 pm »
Nice to see C support come up for KOS. Also, for CSE programs, will ports of 84+ programs run identically (graphical-wise) on the CSE?

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Re: KnightOS
« Reply #934 on: November 18, 2014, 01:16:56 am »
Yeah, thanks to legacy mode. See Phoenix, for example, or simply the castle.

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Re: KnightOS
« Reply #935 on: November 20, 2014, 06:26:26 pm »
Really awesome!   :thumbsup:   I especially love that C is supported even if it is, at best, experimental.  I would try this on my calc but I need it for school too and I don't want to have to constantly change OS's...  if only dual booting was possible... but I understand that it would be difficult if at all possible and not worth the time.  Time would be best doing other things to help KnightOS.

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Re: KnightOS
« Reply #936 on: December 22, 2014, 06:43:56 pm »
I've just installed KOS on my TI-83+, but when I press [ON], the screen becomes black and turns back white very quickly, and then nothing happens. Does anyone knows what would be the issue?

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Re: KnightOS
« Reply #937 on: December 22, 2014, 07:11:40 pm »
This is probably that the current build is broken. Sadly I do not have an 83+ to test KnightOS on, so I can't really say, but since there are not many other things that could go wrong, I think that's about it. You should probably wait a few days, I'll post here what I find and if it gets fixed.

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Re: KnightOS
« Reply #938 on: December 23, 2014, 03:56:04 am »

After testing on Wabbitemu, I couldn't reproduce the bug, so I guess it's only on the hardware that it happens. Can you give some context ? Where did you download the OS, how was the file named, can you test it on an emulator to see if it causes the same errors ?

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Re: KnightOS
« Reply #939 on: December 23, 2014, 10:44:04 am »
I downloaded the OS from (latest version, 0.3.0-19-g9703c68), I installed the KnightOS-TI83p.8xu file. I just tested it on an emulator, I got no problem using it.
>Installed some older versions (0.3.0-14-g80dc610 and 0.3.0-12-g3756767), it did the same thing again.

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Re: KnightOS
« Reply #940 on: December 23, 2014, 01:00:16 pm »
Maybe there's something in the RAM of the calculator that KnightOS doesn't expect? You can try removing a battery and reinseting it while holding the DEL key. This will ask you to install a new OS, but you can cancel this by pressing the on key. Then when you turn off your calculator and turn it back on, it should start normally with the RAM cleared (at least it does that on the official OS, I don't know if it does the same in KnightOS, but iirc it's the boot code that does this so KnightOS shouldn't affect it)

I can't promise that it'll work, but from personal experience I noticed that when programs get unstable on a calculator, a RAM clear fixes it 99% of the time.
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Re: KnightOS
« Reply #941 on: December 23, 2014, 01:54:36 pm »
It doesn't work, I don't really get why it is doing this anyway... Maybe I've got a problem with my hardware? (even if I think the chances that this is the problem are very low...)

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Re: KnightOS
« Reply #942 on: December 23, 2014, 06:48:43 pm »
It's not your hardware, another user had the same issue. I'm sorry, but I have no idea what it could be. One last thing though: on the TI-OS, can you press [mode], then [alpha], then [ln] and tell me what the base and boot code versions are ?

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Re: KnightOS
« Reply #943 on: December 23, 2014, 07:24:08 pm »
Boot code 1.01 and base code 1.18.

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Re: KnightOS
« Reply #944 on: March 22, 2015, 06:47:23 pm »
This post has originally been posted by SirCmpwn on TI-Planet and has been crossposted with his permission.

Hello again! We haven't posted any updates since November so there is a lot of news for you:
  • New contributors! We now extend thanks to kedarbramhe, Hugo "s0r00t" Courtial, Francis Lewis, Noah "Ivoah" Rosamilia, Kevin Lange, altbdoor, Justin "Jnesselr" Nesselrotte, Bjorn Neergaard, Willem "willem3141" Sonke, and Andrew Boos!
  • New games have been ported: ports/ztetris (thanks unlimitedbacon!) and ports/rubik (thanks Ivoah!)
  • New software from boos1993: community/progcalc is a programming calculator app that lets you do integer math on KnightOS (thanks boos1993!)
  • community/calendar has been added to the default distribution (thanks willem3141!)
  • We have redesigned to be prettier and such (thanks altbdoor!)
  • There is a KnightOS wiki now (thanks boos1993!)
  • Users can upgrade their OS through the settings tool without pulling a battery (thanks, SirCmpwn!)
  • Lots of improvements have been made to PKO ( (thanks boos1993!)
  • Date/time support in the kernel is nearing completion, settings has been updated to support it as well (thanks willem3141!)
  • We've started working on calcsys (thanks, SirCmpwn!)
  • Our new assembler/linker, scas, is nearing completion. It will be released as independent software when it matures. (thanks, lots of people!)
  • The castle is maturing, and now lists app manifests from /var/applications/ so you can run any installed app. We've also made /var/castle/pin-{0-9} symbolic links to app manifests, which defines the apps pinned to the home screen. (thanks, SirCmpwn!)
  • We have partially implemented the KIMG format and produced a tool to convert most image formats into KIMG files. (thanks, neersighted!)
  • We have started work on a text editor called "bed" - Basic EDitor. (thanks, lots of people!)
Pretty pictures:

Quote from: SirCmpwn
This time around, I'm pretty sure most of the work was NOT done by me, which is a first :) Thanks everyone!