(Actually I do know a bit about the calc, as I read about the calc several months ago, but I do not know the very exact differences between the 82 STATS and the 76.fr.)
It's easy to mess up things related to those calculators... Let's sum up:
The TI-82Stats has the latest TI-83 hardware, with the latest TI-83 OS (1.10001).
The TI-82Stats.fr has the latest TI-83+ hardware, with a 1.11fr7 TI-83 OS.
The TI-76.fr has the latest TI-83+ hardware, with a 1.00fr5 TI-83 OS.
So the TI-82Stats and TI-82Stats.fr are very different! They're not the same calculator at all.
The TI-76.fr and TI-82Stats.fr are hardware-identical. Just the OS is different. Theorically, they can be flashed with a TI-73/83+ OS.
As for its rarity, it doesn't help that most France Ebay sellers charges 30 euros on Ebay to ship their calculators internationally and that 90% of Ebay'ers won't ship outside their country. This limits my choice even more 
For information, they'll pay 22.5€ at the post office to send you a calculator (less than 1kg, priority/by air plane). I allways show those informations clearly when I'm selling things on Ebay.