Author Topic: nSDL 1.1.1 Anniversary Edition—The Ultimate TI-Nspire Graphics Library  (Read 131416 times)

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Offline hoffa

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Re: nSDL 1.1.1 Anniversary Edition—The Ultimate TI-Nspire Graphics Library
« Reply #360 on: August 28, 2013, 04:18:13 pm »
hoffa, just to let you know, although this probably won't make you change your mind: I have been circumventing protections, patching, hacking, reversing, extending the TI-89, 92+, Voyage 200, TI-Nspire Clickpad and CX since 1997. Things were a bit more easy on the TI-68k but the page always was often rather white at the beginning and TI has never been cooperative.

I have had hundred reasons for quitting during these 16 years... but I'm still here, not as productive as I would like to be, not doing things always right, releasing things much less used that I'd like, or missing expectations. But the Ndless download stats and the kind words I sometimes receive from people around the world remind me I have at least been able to contribute to change things a little bit in a good way. And to take pleasure anyway.
I understand, and you have all of my most genuine respect and gratitude for all the things you've done. As SpiroH said, I might get that small sparkle of motivation some time in the future for old time's sake, but for the time being I got my mind on other things and I'm too busy doing other stuff (if anyone cares, working, making as much money as I can before university, doing my iOS app, also I've been studying Korean for 3 months now and hoping to do my graduate studies in Seoul).
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 10:24:21 am by hoffa »

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: nSDL 1.1.1 Anniversary Edition—The Ultimate TI-Nspire Graphics Library
« Reply #361 on: August 28, 2013, 04:19:28 pm »
I thought you already moved to university since the army stuff? ???

Offline hoffa

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Re: nSDL 1.1.1 Anniversary Edition—The Ultimate TI-Nspire Graphics Library
« Reply #362 on: August 28, 2013, 04:42:35 pm »
I thought you already moved to university since the army stuff? ???
Nah, I was travelling in Australia for 6 months.

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Re: nSDL 1.1.1 Anniversary Edition—The Ultimate TI-Nspire Graphics Library
« Reply #363 on: August 29, 2013, 08:44:58 am »
I know this is a bit off topic, but is there any reason in particular you are considering Korea? Also, life> than calculators. :)
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 08:45:29 am by Art_of_camelot »

Offline hoffa

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Re: nSDL 1.1.1 Anniversary Edition—The Ultimate TI-Nspire Graphics Library
« Reply #364 on: August 29, 2013, 09:54:46 am »
I know this is a bit off topic, but is there any reason in particular you are considering Korea? Also, life> than calculators. :)
Well I've traveled relatively much and I got some kind of thirst for cultural shock. I was already interested in Korea during high school (not because of K-pop thank God) because of quite a few things (history, culture, very varied and some absolutely gorgeous landscapes, cheap booze, weird food and customs, issues with batshit insane North, weather, etc.) and was planning to go there after Australia, but 6 months wasn't enough. Down under I met a lot of Koreans while doing fruit picking, and I lived for 2 months in Melbourne with 7 Koreans (one of them even became my girlfriend until I left). I had a very positive experience with them and it just boosted my will to go there even more (plus the food they made was really good, I'm a big fan of spicy food and meat; kimchi is godlike). I've always had a desire to do somewhat "extreme" things and to do stuff the massive majority wouldn't do, Korea is still relatively uncharted territory for foreigners (compared to Japan for example). I'm also going to study Computer Science (and will take Korean courses in university), and Korea is a booming economy where IT plays a huge role and opportunities are many. I decided that if I want to do something maybe a bit crazy during my life, I better start early and I better start right away; it's a big investment. I'm going in April to Korea for a few weeks and already had offers from pretty much all of my friends to give me a bed and show me around; it's a good start. :)

What a wall.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 10:01:53 am by hoffa »

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Re: nSDL 1.1.1 Anniversary Edition—The Ultimate TI-Nspire Graphics Library
« Reply #365 on: August 29, 2013, 10:02:58 am »
I wish I could do that kind of traveling, how was Australia? I hope the spark returns someday, but for now it seems your future is great and I wish you the best of luck with your study and other things :)

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Offline hoffa

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Re: nSDL 1.1.1 Anniversary Edition—The Ultimate TI-Nspire Graphics Library
« Reply #366 on: August 29, 2013, 10:51:47 am »
I wish I could do that kind of traveling, how was Australia? I hope the spark returns someday, but for now it seems your future is great and I wish you the best of luck with your study and other things :)
Why couldn't you do that kind of traveling? What's stopping you? If it's really what you'd like to do, then work towards it, get the money, make the plans, most issues and obstacles can be dealt with, and usually the biggest obstacle is yourself. Don't just wait and regret it as time passes. The most difficult part is actually making a concrete step from the planning stage; you'll probably start questioning yourself, wondering if it's a good idea after all, stretching any tiny risk into a massive problem and overthinking everything, but that's entirely normal, that's how it feels to get out of the comfort zone. Even I felt a mix of excitement and fear when I went there as I literally went with a backpack, some cash and no plans whatsoever and I was afraid I'd be alone the whole trip. But it turned out to be one of the best decisions I could make. Met some many people and made long-term friends, experienced so many things (travelling around in a campervan, hitchhiking, sleeping on Bondi beach, learning to play harmonica, freezing my ass off in a single-layer $14 tent while it poured 8 hours, having a massive huntsman spider next to me while I was taking a dump, smoking some synthetic "spices" and being in low-earth orbit in the middle of Sydney during the night, picking apples for 6 hours and getting $30, stopping at some beautiful isolated place with a pond and a whole bunch of kangaroos, etc.).

Sorry for the offtopics, I'm outie now. :P

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Re: nSDL 1.1.1 Anniversary Edition—The Ultimate TI-Nspire Graphics Library
« Reply #367 on: August 29, 2013, 12:06:55 pm »
Good luck in university, and I hope you continue developing nSDL! :)

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: nSDL 1.1.1 Anniversary Edition—The Ultimate TI-Nspire Graphics Library
« Reply #368 on: August 29, 2013, 04:38:13 pm »
The main issue for me when it comes to traveling is money and work schedule. Since I often work on weekends and rarely have two days off in a row, traveling very far is next to impossible unless it's during one of my vacation weeks. Then come the money issue: If I decide to travel somewhere that costs $2000 total, then it will take me one year to save. Also I always was concerned that traveling alone was not a good idea (although I could just avoid going out at night), but traveling with a friend or family member would be even harder, due to conflicting work/school schedules and possible money issues on his side.

In Eiyeron's case, though, I think there is also the issue about him not even being 18+ yet, meaning that parents might not want him to travel far nor pay for the trip.

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Re: nSDL 1.1.1 Anniversary Edition—The Ultimate TI-Nspire Graphics Library
« Reply #369 on: August 29, 2013, 06:28:59 pm »
Now that this is going all the way off-topic, i might just say that you can always start off with short distances travels (to a neighbouring country, for instance) to get a feel, and later decide what you should do next. As already said by DJ, it's not a very good idea to go very far to start with and specially to travel alone when you are very young < 18 years. But do learn to take risks when you're young, it will certainly be very useful, funny and sometimes troublesome as well. :)

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Re: nSDL 1.1.1 Anniversary Edition—The Ultimate TI-Nspire Graphics Library
« Reply #370 on: December 01, 2013, 05:17:14 am »
Epic necro bump, that unfortunately is a bug report,

I found out that nSDL_GetPixel(SDL_Surface*, int, int) is incompatible with surfaces loaded with SDL_LoadBMP(char*) :/ it works with images loaded by IMG_Load(char*) though.

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Re: nSDL 1.1.1 Anniversary Edition—The Ultimate TI-Nspire Graphics Library
« Reply #371 on: December 01, 2013, 07:04:28 am »
I found out that nSDL_GetPixel(SDL_Surface*, int, int) is incompatible with surfaces loaded with SDL_LoadBMP(char*) :/ it works with images loaded by IMG_Load(char*) though.

Hmmmm, that's interesting, because I knew about a same bug in the OCaml SDL binding where grayscale images (bmp here) were incompatible with set/get pixel.

Is your bmp a grayscale image by any chance ?
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Re: nSDL 1.1.1 Anniversary Edition—The Ultimate TI-Nspire Graphics Library
« Reply #372 on: December 01, 2013, 07:07:57 am »
No, it's a classical 24-bits bitmap.

Offline hoffa

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Re: nSDL 1.1.1 Anniversary Edition—The Ultimate TI-Nspire Graphics Library
« Reply #373 on: December 01, 2013, 09:06:04 am »
No, it's a classical 24-bits bitmap.

From the nSDL wiki:
Returns the pixel's color at (x, y). Assumes the surface has been locked. Does no clipping. Supports 8-, 16- and 32-bit surfaces.

I intentionally did not want to support 24-bit surfaces as they require a few extra operations, and I wanted to keep the pixel manipulation functions as fast as possible.

I just looked at the pixel manipulation code in nSDL, and apparently it should call SDL_Unsupported(), which I think IIRC calls SDL_SetError(). Did you try doing SDL_GetError() after the pixel thing?

Also you shouldn't be handling 24-bit images in speed critical code, as neither of the machines use that as their native display bit depth. You'll lose a lot of performance if you start blitting 24-bit stuff on 16-bit surfaces etc. as the conversion is done on the fly. Convert the surface as you load them.

TL;DR it's not supposed to work
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 09:08:37 am by hoffa »

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Re: nSDL 1.1.1 Anniversary Edition—The Ultimate TI-Nspire Graphics Library
« Reply #374 on: December 01, 2013, 09:21:41 am »
Okay then it would better to throw an error when loading 24-bits bitmaps, because it took me several hours to understand where that "nSDL : Unknown error" came from x.x