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Messages - Dudeman313
« on: April 09, 2016, 04:03:19 pm »
I love the monster sprites. They look awesome!
« on: April 07, 2016, 04:39:55 pm »
[4:33:05 PM] * Sorunome hides [4:34:37 PM] * Dudeman313 looks for Sorunome [4:34:46 PM] * Sorunome tries to hide super-well [4:35:08 PM] * Dudeman313 looks behind the tree and under the pebble [4:35:43 PM] * Dudeman313 gives up [4:36:04 PM] * Sorunome scares dudeman from behind [4:36:32 PM] * Dudeman313 jumps, then  [4:36:49 PM] * Sorunome apologizes and says hi [4:37:07 PM] * Dudeman313 accepts the apology and also says hi [4:37:14 PM] Sorunome so, what's up? ^.^ [4:37:23 PM] Dudeman313 Nothin' much. 
« on: April 05, 2016, 06:06:46 pm »
I'd be satisfied with just a video of a 5 minute gameplay.
« on: April 05, 2016, 06:05:54 pm »
I know, right? It's just so fancy!
« on: April 05, 2016, 06:04:22 pm »
Cool! Would it be possible to add one extra feature(being in Axe, I think this should be possible), being the ability to graph vertical lines?
« on: April 02, 2016, 09:45:07 pm »
I love that title screen.
« on: March 22, 2016, 04:32:39 pm »
Niiiice! I remember playing that one through 
Is it complete? 
Awesome, this was a great game. I'm liking how it looks when translated to greyscale. As Sorunome asked, how much of the game have you implemented?
As I answered, "Yup!" Sorry for not clarifying.
« on: March 22, 2016, 03:49:43 pm »
« on: March 13, 2016, 05:37:32 pm »
Well, unless you happen to be allergic...
« on: March 13, 2016, 03:31:20 pm »
Welcome! Here are the peanuts you were promised:  I hope you enjoy your stay!
« on: March 11, 2016, 01:22:55 pm »
I know-I used that for the exit screen (Lbl A4), but not for the death screen (Lbl P) because I didn't know how I would be able to place the words where I wanted while doing so.
« on: March 10, 2016, 07:37:25 pm »
I think so too!  I also just realized it's not even attached, so here's the code: ClrHome Lbl A Menu("M[r].Bo[|b]'[s] B[|a][|d] D[|a]y","Pl[|a]y",A1,"H[|e]l[p]",A2,"A[|b]o|u[t]",A3,"Q|ui[t]",A4 Lbl A4 Pause "Created by: John Kolade",0.8 ClrHome Stop Lbl A3 ClrHome Output(1,1,"Thi[s] [p][r]og[r][|a]m i[s] i[n][s][p]i[r][|e][|d]" Output(2,1,"[|b]y M[r].Bill'[s] B[|a][|d] D[|a]y O|u[t]- Output(3,1,"[|a] [t][|e]x[t] RPG [|c][r][|e][|a][t][|e][|d] fo[r] Output(4,1,"[t]h[|e] TI-84+ [|c][|a]l[|c]|ul[|a][t]o[r]. Output(5,1,"I ho[p][|e] yo|u [|e][n]joy my Output(6,1,"[r][|e]m[|a]k[|e]!" Output(10,1,"-Joh[n] Kol[|a][|d][|e] Pause ClrHome Goto A Lbl A2 Output(1,1,"Yo|u [|c]o[n][t][r]ol [t]h[|e] [|d][|e][|c]i[s]io[n][s] Output(2,1,"of [|a] 33-y[|e][|a][r]-ol[|d] i[|d]io[t]. Output(3,1,"Yo|u[r] go[|a]l: [t]o h[|e]l[p] Bo[|b] Output(4,1,"[s]|u[r]|vi|v[|e] [t]h[|e] [|d][|a]y [|b]y hi[t][t]i[n]g Output(5,1,"[t]h[|e] # k[|e]y[s] and [[|e][n][t][|e][r]] Output(6,1,"|wh[|e][n] [n][|e][|c][|e][s][s][|a][r]y. BUT WATCH Output(7,1,"OUT! Thi[s] g[|a]m[|e] i[s][n][t] [|e][|a][s]y- Output(8,1,"[t]h[|e][r][|e] [|a][r][|e] m[|a][n]y |w[|a]y[s] [t]o [|d]i[|e] Output(9,1,"[|a][n][|d] f[|e]|w |w[|a]y[s] [t]o |wi[n]... Pause ClrHome Goto A Lbl A1 Output(1,1,"Yo|u li[|e] i[n] [|b][|e][|d]." Output(2,1,"Th[|e] [|a]l[|a][r]m [|b][|e][|e][p][s] lo|u[|d]ly." Output(3,1,"I[t]'[s] 7:30." Output(10,1,"E[n][t][|e][r] [t]o [|c]o[n][t]i[n]|u[|e]" Pause ClrHome Menu("Wh[|a][t] [t]o [|d]o?","S[t][|a]y i[n] [|b][|e][|d]",B1,"G[|e][t] |u[p]",B2,"E[|a][t]",B3 Lbl B3 Output(1,1,"You grab the box of Output(2,1,"snacks by your bed. Output(10,1,"Enter to continue Pause ClrHome Output(1,1,"A strange man breaks Output(2,1,"in through your window and Output(3,1,"stares hungrily at your Output(4,1,"Doritos. Before you can Output(5,1,"react, he snatches them Output(6,1,"and flees. Output(10,1,"Enter to continue Pause ClrHome Output(1,1,"You try to protest, but Output(2,1,"realize you cannot- Output(3,1,"because there is a glass Output(4,1,"shard in your neck. Output(5,1,"It's small and would be Output(6,1,"totally harmless, Output(7,1,"except that you are Output(8,1,"severely hemophilic. Output(10,1,"Enter to continue Pause ClrHome Output(1,1,"You bleed out completely Output(2,1,"within seconds. Pause ClrHome Goto P Lbl B1 Output(1,1,"Yo|u [|d][|e][|c]i[|d][|e] [t]o [s]l[|e][|e][p] i[n]. Output(10,1,"E[n][t][|e][r] [t]o [|c]o[n][t]i[n]|u[|e] Pause ClrHome Output(1,1,"Yo|u h[|e][|a][r] [t]h[|e] [|a]l[|a][r]m g[|e][t] Output(2,1,"lo|u[|d][|e][r] and lo|u[|d][|e][r]. Output(4,1,"IT'S A BOMB." Pause Output(6,10,"BOOM!!! Output(8,1,"The terrorist with the Output(9,1,"trigger keeps your femur Output(10,1,"as a trophy." Pause ClrHome Goto P Lbl P Output(4,8,"YOU Pause "",0.5 Output(5,11,"HAVE Pause "",0.5 Output(6,15,"DIED. Pause "",0.8 ClrHome Goto A Lbl B2 Output(1,1,"You decide to get up and" Output(2,1,"start your day like the" Output(3,1,"morning person you never" Output(4,1,"were." Output(10,1,"Enter to continue" Pause ClrHome Output(1,1,"You walk up to your alarm" Output(2,1,"clock to seize its..." Output(3,1,"TICKING?" Output(4,1,"You are fiddling with" Output(5,1,"the bomb when FBI agents Output(6,1,"burst into the room. Output(7,1,"There's only one problem. Output(10,1,"Enter to continue Pause ClrHome Output(1,1,"They think YOU are the Output(2,1,"terrorist responsible! Output(10,1,"Enter to continue Pause ClrHome Menu("What to do?","Give them the bomb",S1,"Bribe them!",S2,"Offer them food",S3 Lbl S3 Output(1,1,"You offer the men your Output(2,1,"box of snacks. Output(10,1,"Enter to continue Pause ClrHome Output(1,1,"They mutter to one Output(2,1,"another and seem to make Output(3,1,"a decision. They tell you Output(4,1,"that no terrorist would Output(5,1,"ever care more about chips Output(6,1,"than their life. Output(7,1,"You are allowed 3 hours to Output(8,1,"yourself before they come Output(9,1,"back to question you. Pause ClrHome Output(1,1,"BUT BEWARE, CHOOSER! Pause "",3 Output(2,1,"Anything can happen in 3 Output(3,1,"hours, anything at all... Output(10,1,"As always, Enter 2 cont... Pause ClrHome Stop
Lbl S2 Output(1,1,"You attempt to bribe the Output(2,1,"FBI, but you are a loser Output(3,1,"and your life savings Output(4,1,"are only a fraction of Output(5,1,"a single agent's salary. Output(6,1,"One man steps foward, gun Output(7,1,"raised. You slowly back Output(8,1,"up, hands raised. Output(10,1,"Enter to continue Pause ClrHome Output(1,1,"''Bribery is a federal Output(2,1,"offense sir,'' He sneers. Output(4,1,"The world darkens as the Output(5,1,"bullet rips through your Output(6,1,"skull. Pause ClrHome Goto P Lbl S1 Output(1,1,"You hold out the bomb and Output(2,1,"kindly ask them to take Output(3,1,"it away. Unfortunately, Output(4,1,"the trigger happy man 5 ft Output(5,1,"away sees it as a threat. Output(10,1,"Enter to continue Pause ClrHome Output(1,1,"Fortunately for you, the Output(2,1,"guy is an inexperienced Output(3,1,"n00b, so you are unhurt, Output(4,1,"but instead collapse in Output(5,1,"shock next to a deadly Output(6,1,"spider. You recover from Output(7,1,"Your faint just in time Output(8,1,"to be bitten. You die.(JK) Pause ClrHome Output(1,1,"You did not die due to Output(2,1,"a natural immunity, but Output(3,1,"the FBI don't know that... Pause ClrHome Lbl SA Menu("What to do?","Pretend to die",SB,"Tell them you're fine",SC Lbl SC Output(1,1,"You get up and tell the" Output(2,1,"agents that you are okay." Output(4,1,"They accuse you of sorcery" Output(5,1,"and burn you at the stake" Output(6,1,"your sister's" Output(7,1,"mother-in-law gave you." Pause ClrHome Goto P Lbl SB Output(1,1,"You fake a painful death. Output(2,1,"In fact, you do so well Output(3,1,"that you dont even breathe Output(4,1,"Your instincts kick in, Output(5,1,"and you gasp for air. Output(6,1,"The FBI, seeing this as an Output(7,1,"attempted escape, decide Output(8,1,"to take you away. Output(10,1,"Enter to continue Pause ClrHome Output(1,1,"In jail, you realize you Output(2,1,"have a tiny button stuck Output(3,1,"to your shirt. It's the Output(4,1,"bomb's emergencey self Output(5,1,"destruct button! Output(10,1,"Enter to continue Pause ClrHome Menu("What do you do?","Use button on door",SD,"Use it on the window",SE Lbl SE Output(1,1,"You escape, but then fall Output(2,1,"five stories and slam Output(3,1,"into a randomly placed Output(4,1,"stone slab. Pause ClrHome Goto P Lbl SD Output(1,1,"You place the button on Output(2,1,"the door. It blasts open. Pause Output(3,1,"You walk right out of the Output(4,1,"containment facility Output(5,1,"and into a 'shoot the can' Output(6,1,"contest. The officers Output(7,1,"don't see you there and Output(8,1,"shoot. Output(10,1,"Enter to continue Pause ClrHome Output(1,1,"For some strange reason, Output(2,1,"neither gun hits you. Output(3,1,"Instead, the bullets Output(4,1,"ricoshet off the can, Output(5,1,"both men's bulletproof Output(6,1,"vests, the wall, and Output(7,1,"then fly straight at Output(8,1,"you. Output(10,1,"Enter to continue Pause ClrHome Menu("What to do?","DODGE",D,"CATCH WITH TEETH",D1,"CATCH WITH HANDS",D2 Lbl D Output(1,1,"You attempt to leap out Output(2,1,"of the bullet's path. Output(10,1,"Enter to continue Pause Output(3,1,"YOU FAIL." Pause Goto P Lbl D1 Output(1,1,"You correctly determine Output(2,1,"that the bullet has Output(3,1,"slowed enough to be Output(4,1,"stopped harmlessly between Output(5,1,"your teeth. Output(10,1,"Enter to continue Pause ClrHome Menu("What to do?","Try it",D3,"It's my fate...",P Lbl D3 Output(1,1,"You succeed! The men are Output(2,1,"stunned! Output(10,1,"Enter to continue Pause Output(3,1,"But then your bad luck Output(4,1,"kicks in, and the bullet Output(5,1,"slides from your teeth. Output(6,1,"You are choking and the Output(7,1,"guards don't help. Pause "",0.8 Output(8,1,"You were so close... Pause ClrHome Goto P Lbl D2 Output(1,1,"You attempt to intercept Output(2,1,"the bullet with your hands Pause "",0.8 Output(3,1,"YOU FAIL." Pause ClrHome Goto P
And Demo 2.
« on: March 09, 2016, 09:54:07 pm »
Oh okay. But with this, you could have a TI-BASIC puzzle game inside an Axe RPG? mumble mumble Reuben mumble Quest mumble mumble 3 mumble....
« on: March 09, 2016, 09:39:52 pm »
So, because you are running basic thru Axe, is it as fast as Axe, or as slow as basic? For example, would DJ Omnimaga's original Reuben Quest 2 run as fast as Sorunome's Axe app? Or would there be no change in running speed?
« on: March 09, 2016, 08:11:15 pm »
That looks interesting! I wonder what happens if you try to run a non-existent program, tho.... I would tell you what you could improve on, but I still don't know Axe(but I'm starting in BASIC). But nice!