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Messages - fourchanb

Pages: [1]
TI Z80 / Re: Touhou Project 83+
« on: March 07, 2009, 05:21:54 pm »
This project isn't dead! I'm still working on a few things, but sadly the main code was broken when I tried to convert it all to an application.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Nikky
« on: March 07, 2009, 05:20:07 pm »
so, you dodge asteroids?
Yeah and you can shoot too and it has the most amazing graphics. You can also get ca$h for more points or change the speed! It even has a shitty story in the broken readme file.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Nikky
« on: March 07, 2009, 06:06:45 am »

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Nikky
« on: March 06, 2009, 08:53:43 pm »
Sup Nikky
How come my program was never featured

CaDan SHMUP / Re: Yet another shooter
« on: December 05, 2008, 05:58:02 pm »
Well, that's it. I can actually foresee slamming face first into the 16KB memory limit for a 1 page application. I've just started working on the text system for the "story mode" in the game (where the story of the game is told in the dialogue between you and the boss of whatever level you're in) and I'm nearing 11KB.

Know that I have to have boss and enemy image and script data for about 6 to 8 stages, each boss having its own portrait sprite and image data for each of its spellcards that it can use. Then there's your own characters, which I plan on including 6 to 8, each with its own portrait and spellcard images, and their own code. Don't mention anything about backgrounds, which there will be 8+, one for each stage, and maybe one for each of the boss fights. THEN, there will be the actual dialogue between you and the boss, which will vary depending on what character you select for the "adventure."

Then, there's the issue of having an actual title screen, which this game completely lacks at this point. Cramming it all in the remaining 5K seems unrealistic, so... now I have to figure out how to distribute all this data across two or more pages and still have the routines that need to access it still readily available.

BUT... on the bright side, the beta demo version that will release prior to actually writing a coherent story for this will remain as a 1 page, 16K application. I just want to let you all know that this game *will* end up being a 32K or (if worst comes to worst) a 48K app when all is said and done.
What kind of compression are you using? I'm getting pretty nice compression rates (~300 bytes for a fullscreen picture) for my pictures of loli's in this game. I'm using Vertical RLE. My game is 7.5K now, with the insane buffer and lots of loli's etc. Of course I'll be making a lot more code still, and it barely contains level data.

CaDan SHMUP / Re: Yet another shooter
« on: December 01, 2008, 03:47:40 pm »
Damn it, now I'm going to have to code my game again :O

Seriously, it looks great Iambian. Looks like it'd need just a bit more work on the sprites though ;)

TI Z80 / Re: Touhou Project 83+
« on: November 19, 2008, 09:18:17 am »
i just realized the strange magician screencap is doing the caramelldansen!! ^_^
You get ten points for noticing that! It was actually converted from a Touhou caramelldansen movie, might be fun to have on the credits screen :)

TI Z80 / Re: Touhou Project 83+
« on: November 16, 2008, 06:54:05 pm »
I just realized that the engine wasn't maxed out yet, you can see it for yourself even. The second number on the left is the number of bullets, it doesn't exceed 175.

Meh, the game will never have that amount of bullets either way.

TI Z80 / Re: Touhou Project 83+
« on: November 11, 2008, 07:08:44 pm »
I've designed a little event system to make timed events a bit less shitty, and I'm in the process of converting this to an application.

Not much other progress so far, I'm extremely busy at the moment but I might make a bit of progress in the weeks of Christmas, when I finally have some free time.

For now, take a look at the engine totally maxing out:

I'm managing about 6-10 fps at a max of 192 bullets and 12 enemies or so. I had to disable player-death, but all collision checks still occur, so this is as slow as it's ever going to be. It's still pretty playable with all these bullets and enemies on the screen.

If it looks awfully slow and choppy, use Opera or Firefox 3. Google Chrome and any IE version (apparently that includes the "show picture" program in Windows) fail at rendering my screenshot properly.

TI Z80 / Re: Touhou Project 83+
« on: October 18, 2008, 07:20:41 am »
Thanks Iambian, cool that you are working on it too!
I've been working on this since late June, most of the work was done in that last week of June and in the second week of August. Lately I've just been way too busy to do anything.

Maybe you can give me a little help on the timing and the bullet patterns? As you can see my hardest pattern is just that 3 bullets that Cirno shoots in an angle. I can't really get her to shoot more than one wave each pattern. For some reason she floods the screen with bullets every time I try. I guess Cirno really is a (9) Baka.

Seriously though, it's a big timing issue.

CaDan SHMUP / Re: Yet another shooter
« on: October 18, 2008, 07:11:58 am »
Woah, I never knew you were working on this. It looks really nice, you are a lot further than me what bullet patterns are concerned, but there's no enemies?

For the record, I announced the project on June 22nd on UTI ;). Does that make me the first to get this idea?

TI Z80 / Touhou Project 83+
« on: October 15, 2008, 02:43:32 pm »
Crosspost from United-TI, pictures might not work.

Touhou Project 83+ (updated August 18th)
A port of the famous Japanese danmaku (bullet curtain) shoot 'em up game. The game is made primarily for the 83+. It should work on the 83+SE, 84+, 84+SE and nSpire (with 84+ keyboard) because of backwards-compatibility. However, support for fast mode or special 84+ features isn't planned.

A movie of typical gameplay of the original can be found here.

First public alpha
touhou.8xp (7.02k )

Current features
 * 8 directions of movement
 * Sweet splash screen
 * Precise physics engine with fixed speed (no lag if suddenly a lot of bullets appear)
 * Support for up to 32 enemies at the same time.
 * 16 billion directions of enemy movement
 * Custom enemy patterns
 * Shoot and kill enemies
 * Support for 8-pixel wide sprites
 * Getting shot by an enemy
 * Multi-screen levels.

Planned features
 * Custom bullet patterns
 * Awesome boss fights
 * 16-pixel wide sprites
 * Multiple difficulties
 * Nice story with a big focus on the characters (expect something cheesy)
 * Full screen boss pictures
 * Weapon upgrades
 * External level support
 * High scores
Definitely not:
 * Greyscale

Movement and shooting

Menu + diagonal movement

Patterns and bullet hell

Enemy-bullet collision, explosions

Levels, player-enemybullet collision.

Character graphics
Forest Magician

Ice Fairy

Lunarian Nurse

Moon Rabbit

Alternate look:

Chinese Girl (not included)

Strange Magician (player) dancing

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