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Messages - AssemblyBandit

Pages: 1 ... 21 22 [23] 24 25 26
ASM / Re: DivAHLby10 Routine Check
« on: July 06, 2013, 07:22:06 am »
I should have known that it would have always been zero considering I basically just rotated it left  :banghead: Thanks for optimizing it, I put it into Buttonz. Just so you know, I just added some stuff to my divHlby10 routine and randomly checked, the registers I chose are arbitrary and can be changed if needed. I really care about the remainder though to display decimal, but you probably already knew that.

ASM / Re: DivAHLby10 Routine Check
« on: July 06, 2013, 07:09:27 am »
Wow perfect, thanks! Brute force?! Can't argue with the results! How did you write it, on the calculator?

ASM / DivAHLby10 Routine Check
« on: July 06, 2013, 06:23:54 am »
Here's a routine to divide AHL by 10. Just wondering if anyone could spot any potential problems with it. Particularly the inc L, should I inc HL to be safe?

Code: [Select]
 ld d,a
 ld c,$0a
 sub a
 ld b,$18
 add hl,hl
 ld e,a
 ld a,d
 adc a,a
 ld d,a
 ld a,e
 cp c
 jr c,DAHLLoop2
 sub c
 inc l
 djnz DAHLLoop1
 ld e,a
 ld a,d

TI Z80 / Re: TI84+C Buttonz
« on: July 05, 2013, 07:59:53 am »
Yeah full screen is 320x240, calc84maniac's mode is 160x240. Check out the ILI9335 documentation to see exactly whats going on (just remember it displays vertical but its really horizontal).

Bit 10 in register $01 sets the scan mode.
0=progressive (default) 1=interlace

When I say interlace, infer partial imaging as well because its probably (?maybe gaps might be a good thing sometimes?) worthless without it.

TI Z80 / Re: TI84+C Buttonz
« on: July 05, 2013, 05:13:37 am »
Thanks everyone! I'm still surprised at how fast it can go, and that's at full screen resolution, if I used interlacing, it would fly!

TI Z80 / Re: TI84+C Buttonz
« on: July 05, 2013, 04:58:16 am »
Yup... Unfortunately DrDnar is correct. I wish I could tell you that the screen can actually scroll this fast or that there was vertical scrolling, but nope. Just like he says, it just displays a black row at the top of each block and adds a color row to the bottom. You can *not* get this many sprites to move that fast on the TI84+C  :'( Just a little trickery on my part  ;D I originally planned for the whole screen to take advantage of horizontal scrolling to change the colors of the arrows and mess the player up, but erasing and redisplaying the score would be a pain and very slooowww. Instead I'm going to give the player the ability to change the arrow colors him/herself to be able to catch colors in different columns. I already ported it to an app, just need a few more hours to get it ready to be released. Going to take a break and watch Master Chef right now though!

TI Z80 / TI84+C Buttonz
« on: July 05, 2013, 02:47:18 am »
Here's a speed test for my game:

You press the F1-F5 keys to match the colored blocks to the arrows. The closer the block is to the center, the more points you get.
It should be out tomorrow, it will probably be a flash app. Check out my blog for the latest info on it.

ASM / Re: Splash screen test on TI-84+C
« on: July 03, 2013, 08:13:11 am »
I couldn't even get it to work on jsTIfied. Following the code, the bit commands come up as ????. I dont think they're implemented yet or something. It's solid on real hardware though.

ASM / Re: Splash screen test on TI-84+C
« on: July 02, 2013, 01:46:53 am »
50% Wow! So I guess puCrunch is what it needs to be using! Thanks a lot for the info!

ASM / Re: Splash screen test on TI-84+C
« on: July 01, 2013, 11:49:05 pm »
Here's an image that will not compress for me under 70,000 bytes. It's a jungle scene with a waterfall. Reducing the colors or blurring it (within reason) does not get it to the 65,400 limit. As it currently stands, it is 73,553 bytes compressed using rle. Can huffman get it smaller? Thanks.

(Oh yeah, I like your site too!)

Thanks Art_of_camelot! Nice to see you too DJ!

Flash programs use .8ck and assembly programs use .8xp, personally I use the extension .8cp for assembly programs even though its not official it still loads through TI-Connect. In the file format itself, the program version is set to $0A to prevent the file from being sent to a ti83+/ti84+. 84 has $01, 83 probably $00. Also instead of using $6DBB for programs, it uses $69EF.

Yeah is there a section? I just uploaded a flash app but I chose TI83+/TI84+ because I couldn't find anything for the C. Or maybe I missed it :(

News / Re: TI-84 + CSE available in stores!
« on: July 01, 2013, 05:24:14 am »
Over here in germany I can't say that I've ever seen any graphical calc in a store......

Then what kind of calculators do people use???? That's insane!!!

Computer Usage and Setup Help / Re: Dynamic DNS
« on: July 01, 2013, 05:20:59 am »
I use no-ip from on my windows computer maybe it will work for the pi?

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