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Messages - Eeems

Pages: 1 ... 366 367 [368] 369 370
TI Z80 / Re: Side Project #2: DUNGEON
« on: May 09, 2009, 10:39:19 pm »
probably, I haven't really made any games. and this one is fun so far...I might just make it into a platform engine though

TI Z80 / Re: Side Project #2: DUNGEON
« on: May 09, 2009, 10:26:32 pm »
lol, I think the For( loop looks a bit more aesthetically appealing. then the way I did, and it's not that much faster

TI Z80 / Re: Side Project #2: DUNGEON
« on: May 09, 2009, 10:17:11 pm »
so far it seems faster

TI Z80 / Re: Side Project #2: DUNGEON
« on: May 09, 2009, 10:10:19 pm »
I'm going to test it yet, but I don't know

TI Z80 / Re: Side Project #2: DUNGEON
« on: May 09, 2009, 10:01:24 pm »
you could just use two store and recall pics

TI Z80 / Re: Side Project #2: DUNGEON
« on: May 09, 2009, 09:57:14 pm »
much faster! hmm, I just noticed that your character slows down a lot when he is in the air...

TI Z80 / Re: Side Project #2: DUNGEON
« on: May 09, 2009, 09:52:51 pm »
sounds good, I'm going to test it out too

TI Z80 / Re: Side Project #2: DUNGEON
« on: May 09, 2009, 09:46:52 pm »
the flickers not that bad, but it is a little slow. hmm, I wonder how big it will be. maybe I'll make it so that you can choose which one you want to use, the big one or the slower one

TI Z80 / Re: Side Project #2: DUNGEON
« on: May 09, 2009, 08:50:25 pm »
well I got them fixed, here it is:
Code: [Select]
:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2
:DelVar M
:DelVar JText(-1,0,90,H
:While A≠0 and A≠10 and B≠0 and B≠16 and H
:If E
:If not(E
:If M
:If K:Then
:If B≠D
:If B and B≠16 and ""=sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1
:If not(J) and ""≠sub(Str1,15(A+1)-14+B-1,1) and ""≠sub(Str1,15(A-1)-14+B-1,1
:If J:Then
:If ""≠sub(Str1,15(A-1)-14+B-1,1
:If (A≠C or B≠D) and B
:If ""=sub(Str1,15C-14+B-1,1
:If 2=M
:DelVar M
:If inString("Î*Δ",sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1
:If "Δ"=sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1
:If 9<H
:Str1+" "+Str3→Str1
:If "~"=sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1
:Str1+" "+Str3→Str1
:If "Î"=sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1
:If B=16
again ~ is that little square 0

TI Z80 / Re: Side Project #2: DUNGEON
« on: May 09, 2009, 05:47:47 pm »
yeah I know, but that's easy to fix, and I was going to get around to fixing the monkeybars

TI Z80 / Re: Side Project #2: DUNGEON
« on: May 09, 2009, 05:37:11 pm »
sure, how 'bout I upload the code and programs
wait for the edit
EDIT: ok, here is the programs so far, in a bit, I'll get you the code for prgmB (it's the game handler)
Code: [Select]
:Lbl 1
:"map data→Str1
:"map data→Str2
:If not(L1(2
:ClrHome:ClrDraw:Output(1,4,"YOU HAVE DIED
:"map data→Str1
:"map data→Str2
:If not(L1(2
:Output(1,4,"YOU HAVE DIED
:If L1(5)=15 and 7=L1(4
:Output(1,4,"YOU HAVE WON
:Goto 1

TI Z80 / Re: Side Project #2: DUNGEON
« on: May 09, 2009, 05:28:17 pm »
of course that's on the TI-84+ SE. mines on the TI-83+ and it's just a tad slow, but fast enough to be fun If I made levels and such

TI Z80 / Re: Side Project #2: DUNGEON
« on: May 09, 2009, 05:16:07 pm »
ok, I was going to use the list so that anybody could use this engine, but maybe I'll just load everything into the list afterwords, and from the list before

TI Z80 / Re: Side Project #2: DUNGEON
« on: May 09, 2009, 03:53:22 pm »
because I need to be able to revert back a few times, read this:
Code: [Select]
:For(A,2,9) ;
:Text(‾1,8A-2(8),0,sub(Str1,15A-(14+15),15 ;this is my
:StorePic 2 ;dual text
:Text(‾1,8A-2(8),0,sub(Str2,15A-(14+15),15 ;sprite engine
:RecallPic 2 ;
:L1(4→B:L1(5→A ;store initial starting point
:DelVar J ;delete jump variable
:Text(‾1,8,90,L1(2 ;display health
:While A≠1 and A≠10 and B≠1 and B≠15 and L1(2 ;check to make sure that you have health and are not on edge of map
:A→C ;store Y
:B→D ;store x
:Text(‾1,8A-8,6B-6,"Ω ;display character
:If L1(3 ;if you are on a spike
:Text(‾1,8A-8,6B-6,"* ;replace spike sprite
:DelVar K ;I have no idea why I put it here...I'll get rid of it
:getKey→K ;store key press
:If K:Then ;if keypress
:B+(K=26)-(K=24→B ;movement
:If B≠D ;tests to see if you moved
:If ""=sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1 ;tests to make sure you are moving onto a blank spot
:D→B ;if not, revert x
:If ""≠sub(Str1,15(A+1)-14+B-1,1 ;if you are not above a tile
:A+1→A ;gravity happens
:If J:A-1→A ;unless you are jumping
:If J:Then ;if you are jumping
:If ""≠sub(Str1,15(A-1)-14+B-1,1 ;test to make sure there is a blank above you
:A-1→A ;if not, you stay still
:J-1→J ;minus one to jump time
:If A≠C or B≠D ;if you have moved
:Text(‾1,8A-8,6B-6,"Ω ;move character
:Text(‾1,8C-8,6D-6," ;clear last spot you were on
:If 2=L1(3 ;if you were on a spike
:Text(‾1,8C-8,6D-6,"* ;reset spike sprite
:0→L1(3 ;clear spike flag
:If Instring("Δ*~",sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1 ;If you are on something that does something to you
:If "Δ"=sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1 ;if on a health pack
:L1(2)+3→L1(2 ;add health!
:If 9<L1(2 ;but keep it below 10
:sub(Str1,15A-14+B,length(Str1)-15A-14+B→Str3 ;get rid of health from map
:sub(Str1,1,15A-14+B-2→Str1 ;still get rid of it
:Str1+" "+Str3→Str1 ;piece together map
:Pause "HEALTH +3 ;tell the player what happened
:If "~"=sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1 ;this is actually a small 0, but there is no equvalent on computers
:Pause "JUMP BOOST ;tell them that they are one step closer to flying
:sub(Str1,15A-14+B,length(Str1)-15A-14+B→Str3 ;delete boost
:sub(Str1,1,15A-14+B-2→Str1 ;delete I say!
:Str1+" "+Str3→Str1 ;now replace
:L1(1)+1→L1(1 ;actually give them the upgrade
:If "*"=sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1 ;if you are on a spike
:L1(2)-1→L1(2 ;lower health
:Text(‾1,8,90,L1(2 ;update health in corner
:1→L1(3 ;set spike flag
:If "..."=sub(Str1,15(C-1)-14+D-1,1 ;if on monkey bars
:If A>C ;and gravity is making you fall
:A-1→A ;don't!
:Text(‾1,8(A+1)-8,6B-6," ;clear the sprite that is falling
:A→L1(4 ;store new y
:B→L1(5 ;store new x

TI Z80 / Re: Side Project #2: DUNGEON
« on: May 09, 2009, 03:22:56 pm »
A and B are the current location, C and D are the ones I'm using for saving my location in case I need to revert it back

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