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Topics - Hot_Dog

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Hi, guys,

I don't have the kind of money to buy Starcraft 2, but I wanted to know about the continuing story.  So I read the Wikipedia article of the game to find the storyline.  I have some questions:

1. What happens to Arcturus Mengsk after the message revealing his actions on Tarsonis was sent?  Does he still rule the dominion?  Is he overthrown?  Do people start respecting Jim Raynor afterwards?
2. When Zeratul says that Kerrigan is the key to saving the universe, does the game reveal whether he means Kerrigan in her "Queen of Blades" form or her human form?
3. I can only assume that Kerrigan is happy to be restored, but is that really the case?

Humour and Jokes / In Honor of Omnimaga
« on: July 30, 2010, 01:05:57 pm »
Feel free to lol and joke around, but I assure you, I am being quite serious  ;D

In S.A.D., every unit takes up a certain amount of supplies, or "food", so that when you have too many supplies, you cannot build any more units.  As a tribute to Omnimaga, this will be the icon to represent the amount of food you have:

S.A.D. (Seek and Destroy) / Groups of Similar Units in S.A.D.
« on: July 27, 2010, 08:43:32 pm »
Hey, guys,

S.A.D. will always be built on the concept of using one unit to fit your strategy, as this will be easy on the calculator processor.  However, I've been thinking that the strategy of the game will be more flexible, more entertaining and less frustrating if a player can be allowed to use more than one of the same time of unit at the same time.  This will NOT be processor-guzzling.  The group of similar ships will appear as a single sprite with a number, telling how many ships you are controlling.

Here's the deal.  Units will be cheaper and less powerful, and buildings will have higher HP.  A player who wants to build a type of unit can select how many of that type of unit he wants (depending on his strategy), and over time add more units to the group as he needs or wants to.  

For example, a player wants to use Reclaudas to take on a Splitron, so the player decides to build 10 Reclaudas.  A player cannot use Balkstones, Camozas or Scouters, only Reclaudas in the group, as the game focuses on using a single type of unit.  Then the player can use those Reclaudas to attack the Splitron, and win the battle.  The enemy player, in return, builds 2 Splitrons.  Noticing that he cannot win the battle, he quickly retreats to his Operation Center and adds 3 more Splitrons, allowing him to win.  The first player with the Reclaudas is losing money, but needs to defeat the Splitrons.  So he purchases a whole bunch of Argos, meaning he currently does not have any Reclaudas.

This will keep players from being annoyed at, for example, having to use an Argo 6 times in a row to defeat a Splitron.  In addition, players will not have as much money to waste.

What do you think?  Incidentally, if most people like the idea, all units of a type will cost the same per unit no matter how many are purchased.  For example, if you buy 1 Raptor for 50 crystals, you can buy 2 Raptors for 100 crystals.  Ptaloid units will not have a non-linear cost for many units purchased.  In addition, defense buildings will be allowed to appear right next to each other, and ACCs will have their rules changed as well.

If the first option is selected, be aware it won't appear in screenshots for a while  :(

Miscellaneous / Timer Signature
« on: July 23, 2010, 08:11:42 pm »
Is there anyway to create a signature that will tell a person how many days/hours/etc. are left till an event?  I'm wanting to put one up for the next SAD alpha that's coming next week

Music Showcase / Help! Need a name for a Trumpet/Piano piece
« on: July 20, 2010, 05:23:57 pm »
I wrote this piece for a composition class.  Somehow it sounds like celebrating New Year's Day while reflecting on the old year, but I can't think of a decent name.

S.A.D. (Seek and Destroy) / My eventual farewell gift to the public
« on: July 20, 2010, 02:12:45 am »
So, I figured when S.A.D. was finished, there will probably be some people who would want to do more with it, especially considering the success of Hot Dog's Ti-83+ Z80 ASM for the Absolute Beginner.  While I have been working hard to make S.A.D. flexible, the Z80 language requires that the game is somewhat difficult to modify to allow for faster speed.  (This is, in particular, true for special weapons and abilities)  It's like DOOM: You had to manually work with a hard-coded WAD file since a WAD data file allowed faster speed than a bunch of file locations.

But I am hoping that ASM programmers--even beginners--will take the finished product and do more with it, such as perhaps a Warcraft SAD or something.  So with the source code, I'm going to release a manual on "How to Modify SAD."  If even one person is able to take SAD and modify it to make a grand game, the time to make this manual will be worth it.

It will be a while, but I decided to give a "heads up."

Music Showcase / Insurgency
« on: July 19, 2010, 03:36:47 pm »
This is a piece I wrote last year for percussion.

S.A.D. (Seek and Destroy) / S.A.D. The Tosonian Race
« on: July 05, 2010, 05:35:50 pm »
Although the Tosonians are completely spiritual, they have the abilitiy to take on solid form.  With the start of the Tosonian War, they were forced to build solid ships and buildings in order to combat the Humans/Ptaloids.

The spiritual characteristics of Tosonians are expressed in their technology.  First and foremost, they have the ability to change their one unit on-the-fly, without requiring the use of structures.  Tosonians cannot teleport, but with the aid of upgraded "Operation Centers", their unit can become "like the wind" and travel from one end to the other.  In this form, the Tosonian unit is invulnerable to all but defense, yet is therefore unable to attack anything.  In addition, the unit requires time to travel, unlike teleportation (which is instant).

With the exception of the Degruser (being a Tosonian invention), all Tosonian ships are air vessels.  Incidentally, a Tosonian unit cannot become a Degruser "on the fly."

Many Tosonian buidings reside in the air, and for an unknown reason are accompanied by a muddy ground beneath them.  These buildings have high HP, and can only be attack by air weapons, but their armor is vulnerable to Argos.

Tosonian Buildings and ships make extensive use of oxygen (though buildings are not organic), and thus Tosonians require a second resource.  Not only is oxygen required as part of the flat price of a building or ship, but buildings require a constant supply of oxygen.  Resource buildings for oxygen can be built anywhere on the map.  In addition, the huge price means powerful units, and thus the Tosonians are the "Protoss" of S.A.D.

S.A.D. (Seek and Destroy) / S.A.D. The Ptaloid Race
« on: July 05, 2010, 11:34:53 am »
This is a discussion/development area for the Ptaloid race (but since priority goes to S.A.D. iteslf, you won't find, say, one update every two days or so).  You'll find out in the manual and story-setting information that the humans and Ptaloids are complete allies around the time of S.A.D.

The Ptaloids are big on cloaking technology.  Of course, this means they have the Balkstone (which was their invention), but a few of their buildings and many of their units can cloak as well.

Ptaloid ships and buildings heal themselves over time.  In addition, all buildings can increase their HP for a price, and culmulitivly.  The strategy here is that you can upgrade buildings in strategic areas, but you lose money if you do it incorrectly when your opponent chooses to attack something else.

Most Ptaloid ships have relatively light armor and weak weapons.  There are about 3 that are able to stand by themselves against other ships, but most require "swarming" in an unofficial sense of the word.  The Ptaloids are the only race where one can add many of the same unit--and only the same unit--together in a group.  These units are joined together, combining weapons and armor.  This means that you're really fighting "one" unit rather than a bunch. All in all, the player can make his group of ships as powerful/expensive or as weak/cheap as he wants.  Balkstones and 2 other units are not capable of this.

Ptaloid buildings must be placed next to each other.  If a ptaloid building is left by itself, with the exception of defense and "Operation" Centers, it will not operate.  Power generators are also required to be next to a least one of these "chained" buildings.

S.A.D. (Seek and Destroy) / S.A.D. The Cythid Race
« on: July 05, 2010, 10:54:28 am »
There is going to be at least one new race in S.A.D., possibly more.  I am putting topics up for discussion and development of these races

ASM / Interrupt routine not executing
« on: July 02, 2010, 07:34:35 am »
I have included the code below for an interrupt routine I wrote, as well as the code for setting it up.  The interrupt routine executes only once, and then Context_Sensitive_Get_Key, which uses ports, occurs indefinitely without a single timer interrupt.  I would appreciate help on how to get this to work.  However, I'm currently experimenting, so please do not offer suggestions about my code below besides getting the interrupt routine working--I'm afraid I will be annoyed at any suggestions that do not involve getting the interrupts working.  

Oh, and DrawMapFull has nothing to do with it.  

Code: [Select]


;Timing in the game, including "forcing" FPS depending
;on what speed we want, is done via interrupts.
;This is to achieve a consistant speed.
;So we need to load interrupt information.

ld hl, Play_One_SAD_Frame
ld de, $9A9A
ld bc, End_SAD_Frame - Play_One_SAD_Frame

ld a, $99
ld i, a

    LD     HL, $9900
    LD     DE, $9901
    LD     BC, 256
ld A, $9a
    LD     ($9900), A

;This is where the game is loaded.  Thus this code is run only once.

xor a ;Start with 0 buildings.
ld (BuildingCount), a

;The game requires user RAM.

ld hl,21000
ld de,$9d95

;Savescreen is used for saving data involving maps.  Thus, we need to disable
;the APD so that the data will not be corrupted.

RES apdAble,(IY+apdFlags)

;Structure_Locations holds the locations of all buildings that could possibly exit,
;up to 200.  Four bytes for each building: TileX, TileY, 6 bits for the building's
;ID, and 10 bits for the buildings HP.

Structure_Locations .equ $9D95 + 17500

;The Map Data, containing the tiles in tilemap form.  Maps can be no bigger than
;3600 bytes, but a 3600 byte map requires 900 bytes for fog-of-war and collision
;information.  Therefore, 4500 bytes is needed in this area.

MapData .equ $9D95 + 5000

;Tile Data.  Requires 8000 bytes.

TileData .equ $9D95 + 9500

;To optimize the drawing of structures


; B_CALL _Load_Sprite_Data
B_CALL _Load_Map_Data
B_CALL _Load_Tile_Data

ld hl,2
ld (delta),hl
ld (DeltaPreserve), hl
ld a,1
ld (Num_Layers),a
xor a
ld h,a
ld a,(mapdata)
ld l,a
ld (mapheight),hl
ld a,(mapdata+1)
ld l,a
ld (Mapwidth),hl
ld hl,0
ld (MapY),hl
ld (MapX),hl
ld hl,TileData
ld (Tileptr),hl
ld hl,MapData+2
ld (MAPptr),hl
ld hl,Mapbuf1
ld (MapbufPtr),hl
ld hl,premap
ld (PreMapPTR),hl

IM 2


call DrawMapFull


call Context_Sensitive_Get_Key

jr Loop


;For those ASM experts out there, it sure looks like I'm making this
;interrupt routine too long with all the subroutines that are running.
;However, by including an interrupt counter and running certain subs only
;when it reaches a maximum, I can achieve a consistent frame rate and
;ensure that the interrupt routine doesn't call itself in the middle of itself.


ld a, (Interrupt_Counter)

;cp Twenty_Frames_Per_Second
;jr z, SAD_Frame
inc a
ld (Interrupt_Counter), a
ld h, 0
ld l, a





xor a
ld (Interrupt_Counter), a

call DrawMapFull ;Only if the map doesn't need to be fully drawn.

ld a,(MapY)
and tile_width*8-1
ld h,a
ld e,PMAPWIDTH*Tile_width
call HxE

ld de,mapbuf1
add hl,de

ld de, plotsscreen
ld bc, 768

BIT MenuMode, (IY + flag)
call nz, Draw_Menu

BIT Cursor_Mode, (IY + flag)
call nz, Draw_Select_Cursor

call Continue_Building_Construction

ld hl, plotsscreen
call safecopy



EDIT: It just seems that the interrupt only runs once, even before Context_Sensitive_Get_Key starts.  I tried placing a whole bunch of "HALT" routines immediately following the "ei", and the debugger says the calculator just stays there, as if interrupts have been disabled.

Back when I started designing Seek and Destroy, I stuck with only one race because I was concerned about the memory the calculator needed.  However, I am realizing just how much memory I am saving with the new techniques I have been incorporating into the game engine. 

So now, the only reason I don't add more races is because I can't think of anything.  S.A.D. requires that every unit has a strength and weakness, and never loses purpose even late in the game.  And of course, S.A.D. requires controlling a single unit rather than an army.  Thus, I cannot think about how to make a unique race with new properties that will allow this.  Also, I don't like the idea of races being identical in everything except looks and special abilities.

However, if someone has an idea for a new race for the game, I will take care of the necessary sprite work and ASM code.  If you come up with an idea, here's what I'm looking for (and this can be over time, not just all at once.  See below for details):


1. A name, although first and foremost I will be looking for someone who comes up with an idea for the Tosonians
2. Sketches for buildings/ships.  There can be up to 9 ships and up to 16 buildings.  One building must be in the form of an Operation Center.
3. HP, Cost and abilities for the buildings
4. HP, Cost, Abilities, Damage, Range, Fuel Capacity, Gas Capacity, etc. for ships.  Remember that each unit should be important throughout the game.
5. Anything else that I can think of later


I don't want to spend months like Blizzard does doing balance testing, so I will look to make sure that the race is somewhat balanced and just needs touching up--against itself, and against other races.

If you think you have something, just let me know, and I'll provide a topic you can post on for your race alone, so that you can show me ideas and I can give suggestions for balancing.  And if you have something, be sure to let me know--I can see S.A.D. having 3 or even 4 races if things work out.

Unexplored fog of war means that you can't see any terrain the beginning of the game until you first scan the area.  Then when the fog covers the area again, you can see some territory, showing what you already explored.

Explored fog of war means that you can see territory from the start of the game, even though you must explore to find buildings controlled by players.

I'd like to have explored fog of war to save memory and make the game easier to program, but I didn't know if that would stir up complaints.  This will be a "majority rule," but is there anyone here who would be upset if the fog of war was always "explored?"

I decided to reveal my project for the Axe programming contest.  It will be a 2D ship shooting game that takes place around 280 AL to 300 AL.  It will contain no spoilers to the RTS version of S.A.D., but it will offer some story insight that the RTS S.A.D. manual won't include

DJ has a lot of interesting points as to why he allowed public announcements of projects.  For those of you who agree with him and want to announce and keep them in a single topic, here it is.

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