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Messages - Mohammad

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News / Re: Papijump invasion
« on: February 06, 2011, 12:51:34 am »
should i upload my app to ticalc?

News / Re: Papijump invasion
« on: February 04, 2011, 08:21:34 pm »
i like how development follows such pronounced trends here at nomnimaga, with all the games of a certain type coming out at once =D

these both look cool, and i agree about powerups.
Well actually versions of Doodle Jump have been coming out for a while, but I wanted to wait until the next one to post a news, and it happened at the same time as PapiJump, although PapiJump was released a few days ago.

Not sure about competition, though, since both games are great.
lol i would so lose if their was a competition! That papijump grayscale and physics are untouchable by my no gravity jumping lol!
I'm glad to see you found a way to make power-up addition easy. :)
Also, power up adding is easy. each powerup takes up only 1-2 variable (true/false and magnitude) and then i need to go to collision detection code and add like a couple lines for each powerup, and then go to the frame update(dispgraph) and add a Pt-on(Pic... thing so it displays the powerup...sounds complicated but only 3 main parts ;)

News / Re: Papijump invasion
« on: February 04, 2011, 01:03:33 am »
Yes i plan on making it much much better :)
push the limit. its already so big that i have to archive the source to make the app ;)

and also: adding new powerups is very easy the way i organized my code (the real hard part is scrolling all the way down lol) so as of nowi could add pretty much any powerup i want. so please suggest some to me :)

News / Re: OS 2.55MP released
« on: February 04, 2011, 12:59:06 am »
how do you make an OS? i want to make a computer on a calculator that does only gaming no calculator lol!

Doodle Jump / Re: DoodleJump Discussion
« on: February 04, 2011, 12:40:56 am »
It still says it's unsigned, and whenever I transfer it, it does something weird to ticonnect, and I have to force defragmentation to get ticonnect to again.
Really annoying.
Hmm. alright. can someone please sign this thing for me and email me the file? i tried rabbitsign and it sayed its signed. For now please delete the app on your calc using Ti-Connect and then upload

Very sorry :(

Doodle Jump / Re: DoodleJump Discussion
« on: February 04, 2011, 12:35:17 am »
I was gonna say I tried the beta yesterday and the resolution was all messed up in wabbitemu.
People with the glitched resolution!!!!! download again! i updated... sorry about that that was the glitched beta 4 i uploaded. the one on here now is the stable one!!
I tried downloading your app, but it's not signed so I can't transfer it to my calculator - can you sign it before uploading in the future?
as of now...the app is signed![edit: not true!!!]
when you compile for MirageOS, what is the size of your program?
and also my app is 15000 bytes so... no mirage i guess oh well app is the best so win-win :)

TI Z80 / Re: [Project] Sniper 101.
« on: February 03, 2011, 01:21:51 am »
How to actually zoom in Axe?
pixel test certain part and make those pixels take up 4 pixels?

Doodle Jump / Re: Projectile motion, sound, doodlejump
« on: February 02, 2011, 11:45:38 pm »
i cannot seem to make the function if i set axe to compile it to mirage OS or DoorsCS format. what happens is when i start it, it completely freezes and clears RAM. happens in wabbit too so please somebody test this for me and tell me how to fix :)


Doodle Jump / Latest Update [Released: version 1.0]
« on: February 02, 2011, 11:37:35 pm »
Current stable version: 1.0
Discussion Thread:

Featured power-ups  
Jetpack (Press 2nd to use. Used for reaching higher or preventing falling)
Spring Feet (Enables springed feet for 6 jumps)
+100 points (Gives 100 points)
SlowScroll (Makes doodler jump lower)
Arrow (Allows to jump higher)
Question Mark (provides random power-up)
Contrast Flip (Inverts colors on the screen)
Slow Motion (Slows the gameplay down for some time)

Game info  
DoodleJump was originally a game made by Lima Sky for the Apple's iOS platform. This is a similar clone. It features a character (Doodler) who you must guide by jumping off of platforms. The higher you can get Doodler the more points you will get. However watch out for the alien spaceships and moving platforms! Aliens appear every 100 platforms or so that doodler passes by, and can be shot down by pressing MODE. Platforms start moving more often as Doodler rises. Picking up power-ups will give you extra points. Falling will result in the game ending!

Gameplay video:

Or download Application from the attachment below
Installation instructions:
1. Download the file from link above or attachment below
2. Use or TiConnect to connect your calculator to your computer
3. Open the folder where the downloaded file is and drag it into TiConnect
4. Once the transfer is done, disconnect your calculator from the computer
5. Close TiConnect and press the apps button on your calculator to play. Enjoy!

Doodle Jump / Re: Projectile motion, sound, doodlejump
« on: February 02, 2011, 02:23:34 am »
OK...You 9 people who downloaded beta again because you got the glitched version...thats the beta 4 preliminary stages...not stable :O...
I updated to the stable Beta 3 one so download again if you want the real beta 3. the glitched version does not store high score and totally screws up resolution when you hit 3 in the menu

sorry for inconvinience~

News / Re: OS 2.55MP released
« on: February 02, 2011, 12:34:23 am »
Goto format graph is supposed to just jump into the 2ND+[FORMAT] menu (it's been there since 2.53MP).
how stupid is that? why cant you just press that yourself...

News / Re: OS 2.55MP released
« on: February 01, 2011, 12:42:23 am »
under MODE: gotoformatgraph is does nothing and u  cant turn it on in wabbit. its turned on in my calc...and the thing is:

News / Re: OS 2.55MP released
« on: February 01, 2011, 12:28:21 am »
Man, what a dumb OS...wont even accept apps from a computer...

Doodle Jump / Re: Projectile motion, sound, doodlejump
« on: February 01, 2011, 12:01:06 am »
Finally...Beta 3 is released :)

Doodle Jump / Re: Projectile motion, sound, doodlejump
« on: January 30, 2011, 09:14:03 pm »
now the prob is ti connect cant put apps on my no axe for now until i link to my friends calc on always keep files backed up on a friends calc hehe...ANd do not get 2.53MP OS for calc sucky os not good

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