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Messages - Ti-DkS

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Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 20, 2010, 04:35:06 pm »
I will maybe posing as a maniac but I enjoyed creating this game myself from start to end (mainly because it would be the first one I'd finish), and I think it is important for me to make it by my own ;D (if you want I can send you a "blank" tilemapper which is same as mine with nothing else than moving and drawing and you see what you can do :), because my code, like all others coming from me, is totally unreadable and I've some difficulties to understand me sometimes  ::) so it's why I'm rewriting all I've done proper before continuing to code ). However can you give me some explanations on how you manage to do ennemies ? I thougth about using a "dynamic list" like with bullets using one of the saferams, do you thing I'm right ? Nevertheless I needed another explanation on 2bytes pointers; I'm using {}r command but it seems to not working... Any ideas ?  :D

PS; you can do [email protected] or [email protected] ;D

I can't sleep bebacuse of this! Damn, it is your fault!

lool, just kidding, but the more I see this GIF; the better I think the game is :)

I can't sleep because of this game too :), but I think it is for another reason, right ? ;D

Axe / Re: (HELP) Ridley Bomber
« on: November 20, 2010, 10:52:52 am »
It's why I've deleted the French translation app from my calculator, It tooks me too many time to translate each functions after so I've erased it ;) (It's also because I've learnt Basic in english !)

Axe / Re: (HELP) Ridley Bomber
« on: November 20, 2010, 04:50:59 am »
Qwerty.55, the problem is he already asked his teacher about these equations, isn't it right Kanak' ?
Try another problem of millenium price, Kanak ;D

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 20, 2010, 01:26:58 am »
@squidgetx : The floor has multiple levels ! it was more difficult to code but it works ;)
@DJ : it is a good idea ! I will do that when I will code sprites' animation ;D

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 19, 2010, 03:07:47 pm »
I do as fast as I can ;D (I've never hard coded platformers before, because GM has built-in gravity and  jumping functions so I discover at the same time)

Axe / Re: (HELP) Ridley Bomber
« on: November 19, 2010, 03:05:47 pm »
Is it what you are looking for to make your game ? It is in Axe so it will be better if you learn Ti-Basic before but it is one of the example programs of the parser :)

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 19, 2010, 02:52:48 pm »
Also, your userbar says you're 40% done already?  wow you work fast...  almost as fast as lolzer123. :)
Yeah but it's because I'm a true fan of Metroid and I've no real difficulties at the moment ;)

@squidgetx : don't worry about that !! I've coded a collision issue auto fixing system which recalculate your position when you are under the floor :) So gravity will not so hard to code when I will doing that ;D

@ASHBAD_ALVIN : Can you post me an ennemies moving test when you will have the time ? Based on tilereading to find the next position ? Because I working on one but I've some (big) bugs :) So yeah I need help ;D

Axe / Re: (HELP) Ridley Bomber
« on: November 19, 2010, 02:51:56 pm »
 ??? Wiki ?

Axe / Re: (HELP) Ridley Bomber
« on: November 19, 2010, 02:44:30 pm »
Yeah Kanak' ! However basic will not allow you to do much complicated games like your Ridley's Bomber (well, it can do it but very very slowly), but Axe's speed is (edit: practically) same than ASM's.

Axe / Re: (HELP) Ridley Bomber
« on: November 19, 2010, 02:39:20 pm »
If you want you can download it here : at the bottom of the topic (0.4.5)
Look at the STARSHIP example ;D

edit : as I said to you it isn't exactly BASIC but it looks like it very much :)

Axe / Re: (HELP) Ridley Bomber
« on: November 19, 2010, 02:36:30 pm »
If you have any problems on the game conception you can call me (maybe for sprite size change !) ;) Welcome to Omnimaga's forums anyways ;D

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 19, 2010, 12:16:15 pm »
Weapons foreseen :
¤ Normal Beam
¤ Charge Beam
¤ Ice beam
¤ plasma beam
¤ Missile
¤ Super Missile
¤ Morph bomb
¤ Morph power bomb

I will try to code them all ;)

Attached : the latest screenie with new morph ball sprite !

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 19, 2010, 01:50:52 am »
@DJ : Totally ! There are independants objects like items or bullets ;)
@Builder : Great thanks :)

Axe / Re: Won't work...
« on: November 18, 2010, 04:29:52 am »
Hi ! Welcome to Omnimaga ! :) Are you working on a precise project or are only interested in Axe at the moment ? It's a very powerful app which allows you to make loads of amazing things ;)

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 17, 2010, 05:14:15 pm »
To make the game faster I will not use grayscale tiles in my smoothscroller but only for Samus, menus, messages and maybe items ::) I made this choice for flickering too : a fast gs  smoothscroller has many flickering :(

¤ Edit : tile based collision detection nearly completed : major bugs were fixed now !
¤ Tilereading-based collision detection system is totally coded ! ;)

Attached : today's gif showing my tilereading-based collision detection system in action ! (there are few bugs but I'm working on fixing them, and don't worry about disappearing bullets : it's because I'm using 1 byte, with a max value of FF/255 for X&Y positions instead of a 2 byte number. Bullets disappears when their absolute position is larger than 255. I will fix it soon !)

The second screenie was made few minutes later when I managed to fix some bugs, like the lag of reading at the bounds of tiles :)

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