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Messages - Ti-DkS

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Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 04, 2010, 01:53:30 pm »
Thanks but I done the first method you said and it not worked because there are too many cases of possible directions when hitting a wall. When I have the feeling to have found them all, new cases wet and again and again...
The second method is too hard for me to code because I will have many rooms, someones will be huge so it may take too much place on the calculators :)
Thanks however but if you have some code, don't hesitate ;D

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 04, 2010, 09:55:34 am »
1) ennemies moving like metroids (flying and following samus) and ennemies moving between 2 points coded (it still remains me to code these walking around walls these what make me most problems :mad: )
2) The program takes now around 8000Ko with the 3 rooms test map, but it will be released as app and will be optimized later
3) It remains to me to code all weapons, the ennemies what aren't working, bosses, map. Here is !

Any other questions ? :D

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 02, 2010, 03:27:03 pm »
Progress :
- few minor bugs fixed
- physics & display system updated, to allow next update
- room change working now !! (great thanks nemo but I used your method in a different way ;D )
- missile tanks added !!

Here is my today's and yesterday's work ;D

(screenies if I could have enough time ;) )

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 02, 2010, 04:23:47 am »
Yeah I know, it is a bug in my collision system, but I will fix them all when I will have coded all big stuff and you know adding new stuff always mean new and new bugs I'm :banghead: ing on my map data system now ! For room transition :)

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 01, 2010, 05:06:23 pm »
It would be be better if my map data under 65535 ;D I remember you talked about this method I another topic :) but can I to do an "if" test to put right saferam data for all rooms ? like :
Code: [Select]
if room=1
if room=2

and then to put your code ?

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 01, 2010, 04:35:54 pm »
Okay but does this working for huge maps ? And my ennemies/items datas are coded outside of GDB, in saferams ...

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 01, 2010, 04:20:55 pm »
I meant rooms where you can save your progress :) (attached my quickest screenie because I hadn't had enough time to do it ;D)
But I ve a very big problem !!! I've a program named "METROMAP" holding all my map datas stored like:

if room=1
if room=2

Then how can I access it during game to update map changing room number ???

Axe / Re: Some questions about linking...
« on: November 30, 2010, 05:02:54 pm »
*** Ti-DkS is happy aeTIos like his axe sig and is also happy to allow him to steal it ;D
/!\ However I advice you to copy the file because datas in my perso page move a lot, and I may erase it or rename it later

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 30, 2010, 04:55:20 pm »
okay ;)

Edit : Save Units (not save system) added, but it remains impossible to change room because doors doesn't working yet. I' hard working on it of course ;D

Axe / Re: Some questions about linking...
« on: November 29, 2010, 02:23:13 pm »
hum ... If I understood the Axe documentation, Send takes two arguments :
-byte : the byte you want to send to the other calculator,
-time : the time the calculator has to wait the reception confirm of the other. If timed-out this function returns 0. If the other calculator received this function returns 1

Get command checks if the other calculator tries to send something. If it is, function returns the received byte otherwise it returns -1.
Did you understood ? ;D

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 29, 2010, 02:05:25 pm »
updates :
- ennemies following samus coded (way of moving of metroids) ;D
- fixing ennemies walking (or flying) between 2 points :)
- issues with ennemies moving around walls :
*tile detection up/dwn/lft/rght : done
*x and y increasing or decreasing if the are different to destX and destY : done
* destX and destY calculation regarding differents cases of wall detection : bugging
Does anyone has an algorithm or have I to code all collision detection cases ? ???

edit : items coded ;)

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 28, 2010, 02:00:13 pm »
Ooops ! I ve not fixed totally ennemies yet, when I said AI's moves I meant ennemies ::) I'm working on it now and I'm on the good way but coding all cases takes a long time ! (hoping a switch command for Axe ;D )

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 28, 2010, 12:34:16 pm »
Sorry ScoutDavid but I've no idea of it. The problem with me is sometimes work go very fast and other times it goes very slow (and there is scholar work too :( ). However, it mainly remains to me to code :
¤ missiles & other weapons (time : quite fast for me)
¤ AI's & bosses movements and attacks (time : quite long for me)
¤ Items (time : quite fast)
¤ room transitions (time : quite fast)
¤ menus (time : fast)
¤ maps (time : long but if my engine is finished it will be easy to do ;) )
Here is, so I think my beta will come when it will be a real story with objectives, missions, etc... and then I will release regarding eventual bugs people can find in the game ;D

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 27, 2010, 05:27:11 pm »
Okay thanks ! I've already done list, but changing XandY values isn't too easy because arriving direction must be seen in way to do that :( and it is very long to code !
ps : I succeeded in that way 5 minutes ago and I done half of the work on it ;D

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 27, 2010, 04:32:00 pm »
Dont worry about that I'm not coding menus and M.C.M will certainly be an app (to preserve ram for maths ;D )
I'm coding ennemies yet but I crashed my calculator many times searching to make them walking around room's walls :(
Does anybody have algorithms ? maybe Ashbad ? :D

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