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Messages - bfr

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News / The future of Omnimaga
« on: January 06, 2008, 08:33:00 pm »
Hey, it's the Casio guy!

DJ Omnimaga, remember all the people that care for you and Omnimaga whenever you get upset.  I'm glad the regular Omnimaga forums are coming back though.

News / New Year release: MCOG RPG v2.00
« on: December 31, 2007, 05:34:00 pm »
I still haven't gotten the chance, so I'm going to see what happens under WINE with Linux (it probably won't work, but...whatever).  I know a previous release didn't really work, but at least it partially worked, and displayed the Omnimaga logo, before flashing an error and freezing.

News / New Year release: MCOG RPG v2.00
« on: December 31, 2007, 10:57:00 am »
Cool, looks great!  I'll download it as soon as I get on my Windows computer.

While I'm not exactly an IP expert...

Why do you need your IP address to be dynamic, if you don't mind me asking?  I don't think this should be anything to worry about, unless you're trying to...uh...evade IP bans or something without using a proxy.

Although you probably aren't...just in aren't confusing this with your network interface card address, are you?

Art / more random art!
« on: December 28, 2007, 07:55:00 pm »
Nice.  That's a unique design for a ship...I at least haven't seen anything like it before.

TI 68K / MLC 68k
« on: December 27, 2007, 12:43:00 pm »
It's been a while....  But I also said I wouldn't let MLC die.

I worked on the MLC tokenizer for a few hours yesterday, and then for a few more hours today (after not working on it in months)...and now it's finished.

What does it do?  It converts human-readable MLC source code (stored in a TI-OS text file) into a more compact format (the custom MLC file type).  This of course not only makes the resulting program smaller, but makes the MLC interpreter able to interpret it faster.

While at the moment it's fully functional and supports tokenization of all of the MLC commands, I still could probably improve it a bit more to not only make the resulting tokenized programs be smaller, but the MLC tokenizer itself be smaller.

Anyway, to give you an example of how much smaller it can make MLC programs, here are some sample inputs and outputs:

Input: 30 bytes Output: 21 bytes
Input: 51 bytes Output: 42 bytes

UPDATE: I've actually found a bug when tokenization certain source files...I'll hopefully have it fixed soon

EDIT:  The bug is that for whatever reason, sometimes the calculator freezes with the BUSY indicator (TIGCC programmers here...what is this normally a sign of?) after tokenizing a file.  Even if you don't know anything about TIGCC/C, any testing at all would be nice.

You can download the latest version of the MLC tokenizer with the following links (Remember: The MLC tokenizer is still unstable and may damage your calculator, download at your own risk)

Note that the file type of the outputted program should be "MLC", and NOT "EXPR" or anything else. lists some commands you can test with (don't worry about the arguments for the commands...anything, correct or not, should be able to be tokenized at the moment).  You can also try typing in random text to see what happens.  Anything with the "MLC:" header should get tokenized, otherwise, the tokenizer should return an error.

Miscellaneous / Christmas
« on: December 26, 2007, 02:24:00 pm »
It seems like you had a good Christmas.   :thumbup:google.gif And I wish my family's digital camera had as good sound quality as yours..,, :knight:knight3.gif

Computer Programming / C++ programming tutorials
« on: December 23, 2007, 06:32:00 pm »
Yeah, the links JincS and Radical Pi gave you are good.

Also, I recommend you use the,3232.0.html as an integrated development environment (IDE). is decent too, but it hasn't been updated in a few years and seems like it won't ever be updated again, while Code::Blocks is constantly being worked on (the latest nightly build was released today).  Code::Blocks works well with practically every library, and is extendable through plugins.  

If you get interested in making applications with a graphical user interface (GUI) with Qt (which I's free and has an open-source version - wxWidgets is pretty good too and has a less restrictive license, but I still like Qt more), I suggest using a different IDE such as, because I don't know of any general C++ IDE that doesn't have problems with Qt (this is partially due to the fact that Qt kind of adds its own extensions to the C++ language, which need to be processed by it's "meta-object compiler").  

And, once you think you are good enough at C++ to start making games, I suggest you check out, a free cross-platform library that includes keyboard-input routines, primitive graphics routines, the ability to use full screen and sound, and more. has a lot of good SDL tutorials.  You also will probably want to use OpenGL for advanced graphics, which SDL integrates well with. contains many good OpenGL tutorials, in the form of videos and text.

TI Z80 / Ethanderial
« on: December 21, 2007, 05:50:00 pm »
Woah, that looks sweet.  B)cool.gif

Computer Usage and Setup Help / Ubuntu CD problems...
« on: December 16, 2007, 07:42:00 am »
If you go into the BIOS configuration utility (which can often be accessed by pressing the delete key while the motherboard's logo is being displayed, soon after turning your computer on), probably under "Advanced Options" you can change the "Boot Sequence" or something like that.  If your optical drive isn't being listed as an option, then it probably isn't being recognized.  If it is listed as an option, make it be the first to boot (as rivereye kind of said).

EDIT: Never mind...I kind of missed part of your post, so this post may be kind of...useless.   :paf:tripaf.gif

EDIT AGAIN:  Make sure you have power supply cables connected to everything that would need it...including your optical drive.

Introduce Yourself! / Gritins, Eh?
« on: December 12, 2007, 04:24:00 pm »
Welcome to Omnimaga!

Miscellaneous / The Happy Birthday Thread
« on: December 09, 2007, 04:44:00 pm »
Happy birthday, necro!  :gift:party3.gif

Music Showcase / LiquidFusion
« on: December 09, 2007, 12:11:00 pm »
I like it.  :)smile.gif

TI Z80 / Nyaar!
« on: December 06, 2007, 02:50:00 pm »
QuoteBegin-Calc84+6 Dec, 2007, 14:1-->
QUOTE (Calc84 @ 6 Dec, 2007, 14:10)
What is this "book" thing you guys are talking about? (i am currently learning TI-BASIC)

I'm guessing DJ_Omnimaga is referring to the manual for the calculator.

Anyway, wow, this RPG looks pretty complex.  I can't wait to play it.  B)cool.gif

TI Z80 / The resistance
« on: December 03, 2007, 03:46:00 pm »
QuoteBegin-MSR5+2 Dec, 2007, 13:49-->
QUOTE (MSR5 @ 2 Dec, 2007, 13:49)
i'll try to get out a demo of the game by the end of the month, but no guarantee  

 Please do!  I'm looking forward to this!  :Dbiggrin.gif

(Not to put any pressure on you..take your time if you need it)

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