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Topics - Juju

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News / Randy Compton releases the first TI-80 emulator
« on: October 13, 2011, 06:39:49 pm »
The TI-80 calculator came out in 1995 and was, with the TI-84, the smallest of the TI calculators ever released. Not much was known of it, with its proprietary processor, its tiny 64*48 screen and its lack of a link port (unless you have the ViewScreen model, who have a port for linking with a computer to take screenshots).

As he told us on TI-Planet, in February/March 2010, critor managed to dump both the 3.0 and 4.0 versions of the ROM with a EEPROM programmer and began analysing them. The mysteries of the TI-80 could be solved, but no. None of the 32KB of code could be recognized, since it's a proprietary processor and not a z80 like the TI-73 to 86, and a lot of the system messages seemed to be lacking from the ROM, as if part of the ROM was stored somewhere else. But where is the missing part of ROM? The TI-80 actually stocked the ROM in two different chips: a LH5359 ROM of 64KB capacity, and the proprietary Toshiba T6M53A processor. Unfortunately, no documentation on this processor had been found and no other known devices uses it.

Fortunately, Randy Compton studied the ROMs Critor dumped and found out a TI-BASIC glitch allowing him to dump the entire ROM on-screen. From there, he found 16KB was missing for a total of 48KB and began transcribing the ROM character by character. 97% of the ROM was dumped this way, the rest was non-displayable characters and pairs of codes showing the same character.

Randy didn't stopped there. He then managed to get his hands on a rare TI-80 ViewScreen with ROM 4.0, who have a linkport, and wrote the first ever assembly program, allowing him to dump the entire ROM through the link port, only used until then to take screenshots. The first complete ROM dumping of a TI-80 v4.0 was made.

To conclude this act of wizardry, Randy then wrote the first ever TI-80 emulator, made available today on TICalc and TI-Planet (in french). He also made a documentation available here. The TI-80, the last pre-Nspire calculator to lack an emulator, is now emulated. Randy won't stop there either. He also announced a kernel allowing ASM programs to be ran, a dumping program (the ROM isn't included with the emulator) and programs to transfer data via the link port.

After 15 years, the last locked TI calculator has now been unlocked, thanks to Randy Compton.

Miscellaneous / How many English words do you know?
« on: October 12, 2011, 12:35:09 am »
A native English speaker sent me this on Skype to see if I was as good as him in English.

How it works? Check off a word if you're 100% sure of at least a definition of it, if not (like you heard the word but you're not sur what it means) don't check it.

I got an impressive 13700 words, not bad for a non-native. The guy who sent me this was rather impressed as he got something like 15500 words.

How did you scored? Be honest! (Also specify if you're native or not.)

News / Webchat now available in the navigation bar
« on: October 10, 2011, 06:08:13 pm »
While we are waiting after Netham45 rewriting OmnomIRC, alberthrocks (who have his server linked to our IRC network OmniNet) set us up a webchat so you can access IRC and chat with us even behind the most restrictive firewalls, like you used to do while OmnomIRC was up.

You can already notice a new link in the navigation bar below the Omnimaga logo (which will fill your username in for you and is integrated in the website) or you can access it on

Miscellaneous / MOVED: New free software title for DSi
« on: October 10, 2011, 03:11:40 pm »
This topic has been moved to Gaming Discussion.

News / Omnimaga Contest 2011 Part 3 results
« on: September 30, 2011, 02:03:07 pm »

The results of the third and last part of the contest are in! The voting and judging part ended last night: 25 members voted and Qwerty.55 and shmibs judged the three entries in 14 days. The votes counts for 100 points while the judges count for 200 points, for a total of 300 points (same ratio as Part 1 and 2). The winner gets $100 (about 70€) in gift cards for the online store(s) of his choice. As you see, the results were really close. Without further ado, here's the long-awaited results.

Sequenced (m1ac4)11 (44%)
PrizmCity (Ashbad)11 (44%)
Very Easy Game (JosJuice)3 (12%)
Total25 (100%)

Sequenced (m1ac4)161100261
PrizmCity (Ashbad)151100251
Very Easy Game (JosJuice)462773

You can get the detailed results here.

Congratulations to m1ac4, who won Part 3 of the Omnimaga Contest 2011 with 261 points out of 300! And congratulations to Ashbad, who was very close, the fact his project was incomplete didn't helped.

So that's all for this year's contests, congratulations to everyone who entered each of the 3 parts, stay tuned for the CGPN coming soon in your email inbox and good luck for next year :)

News / 10th anniversary of Illusiat
« on: September 22, 2011, 01:24:35 am »
On September 22nd, 2001, DJ_O releases the first of a series of RPG games for the TI-83+ line. It has been remade 3 times, including a version for the ancient TI-81.

You can download the game here.

Miscellaneous / MOVED: OmNim: 7h3 G4m3
« on: September 20, 2011, 10:39:32 am »
This topic has been moved to Pixel Art And Drawing.

Site Feedback and Questions / How we can improve Omnimaga?
« on: September 19, 2011, 10:58:02 pm »
I know some people criticized some features, such as the rating system, so I need to know what we could do to improve Omnimaga so it would be more friendly and more drama-less. Any ideas are welcome.


Other / Robotics competition
« on: September 16, 2011, 09:52:52 pm »
So my college is holding a robotics competition called Ironbot. Students in computer science, electric and mechanic have to team up to build the best robot who can do 3 tasks the best, such as obstacle courses and stuff like that. Also it stands well on a résumé.

Registrations are next Wednesday and I'll sign up, of course :)


After 2 months, the submissions finally closed, now it's time to judge them and to run a poll! There is a whooping 3 entries for this part of the contest, all available for download below (some of them are also available in their respective topic).

The entries are as follow (by last submission order):
- Sequenced (m1ac4)
- Very Easy Game (JosJuice)
- PrizmCity (Ashbad)

If you are viewing this article from the front page, please click here to access the poll! (You must be a registered member to vote.)

The judges are shmibs and Qwerty.55. While we judge the many entries we received, we are running a community survey so that all forum members can vote on their favorite contest entry. You have 14 days from now to vote, until September 30th, 2011, 02:00 GMT-4.

When the poll and judging ends, we will add the results together and determine who wins and announce the final results. The first place winner will win $100 in online gift cards.

Good luck to everyone!

Miscellaneous / MOVED: ..... O.o
« on: September 13, 2011, 12:24:19 pm »
This topic has been moved to Humor And Jokes.

News / Obliterate 1.0 released
« on: September 09, 2011, 02:31:37 pm »
Kerm Martian released this week Obliterate 1.0, his scorched-earth/tank game for the Casio Prizm.

You can download the game here.

Music Showcase / Xaminaga
« on: September 07, 2011, 07:51:30 pm »

News / TI-Nspire OS 3.1.0 released
« on: September 07, 2011, 06:49:52 pm »
As reported on TI-Planet, the new TI-Nspire 3.1.0 is out! Unlike some people thought, it's not 3.1.1. According to TI-Planet, you can downgrade to 3.0.2 after installing the new OS, since the minimal version number remained the same ( The boot2 was also left unchanged on the TI-Nspire and TI-Nspire CAS, while a new boot2 gets installed on the CX models.

What's new? According to the official website, the OS 3.1.0 supports the TI-Nspire Navigator on computer networks and better manages the battery when used with the TI-Nspire LabStation. We also got reported that the print() function from the built-in Lua language got removed, so serial port and sound stuff no longer works... :( A new (deprecated) function, gcinfo(), appears though.

You can download the new OS for all the TI-Nspire models (original, CAS, CX, CX CAS and even CM and CM CAS!) here, as usual, it's not recommended to install it without having taken the necessary precautions first (TNOC, DowngradeFix et al.).

EDIT: Critor has just reported that a TI-Nspire CM specific version of this OS has also been released. This operating system does include anti-downgrade protection (set to OS 1.7), but as this is the first version we know of it isn't all that important. ;)

Additionally, TI has released (possibly by accident) a version of 3.1.0 for the TI-Nspire CM CAS, a model which has never before been publically mentioned. So we might see a CAS model coming soon?

[FR] Hors-Sujet / MOVED: zContest 2011
« on: September 03, 2011, 03:12:10 pm »

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