As some of you already know, I passed the last few month to convert GLib to an axiom, and if you doesn't know/or guess it, well SURPRISE ! :
I am proud to finally present this works, and hope we will be able to see some 3D project appears. Of course keep in mind
that this is a calculator engine, even if performances are definitly WAY more superior to axe version (thanks to asm/code refactoring).
In cliping, for example, I've got almost a 50%, even 55% performances boost....
For the new features/ changes from the axe version :
-library now use matrix, way more powerful than the previous method that I used, and for now faster
-VBO has been limited to 8 and for now can't be supressed (but don't worry you will soon be able to do that, and I'll post in tuto a way to do it from axe point of view)
-Many many many optimization, size wise and speed wise. Standard cube (example provided) run at more than 40 fps ....
Anyway, the little test screen :

note that the white a the begining is definitly a gif bug >_>
And of course, the download is attached. (I hope I don't forget anything in it !) Wait a little for a tuto update, and you will be able to play with it at is full potential

Concerning the source, I am pretty sure that Asm guru will find a lot, lot of optimization, feel free to take a look

Also, there is most likely going to have update, for example new optimization, bug fixes, but the syntax won't hopefully change (except if a small change can boost performance like hell
