For my
Homescreen Game Pack, I have been thinking about changing the controls a little. Here's a brief description of each option:
Option one:This would be what I have now. The controls to pause move around, but are generally [2nd] or [Enter], with the same keys unpause.
[2nd] and [Enter] can both be used from the main menu to select games.
Option two:Switch the key to pause to [Mode], with [Enter] to unpause.
Make all gameplay (in game) controlled with [2nd] and all game selection (main menu) with [Enter].
Option three:Switch the key to pause to [Mode], with [Mode] to unpause.
Make all gameplay (in game) controlled with [2nd] and all game selection (main menu) with [Enter].
Read before voting:I could also make it so the user can map his or her own keys. This wouldn't be very hard, but it could cause some very slight slowdowns. (If you want this, just don't vote, as well as if you want a combination of options.)
Thanks for voting!

Please post any questions, comments, or other suggestions you have.