Author Topic: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)  (Read 295419 times)

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #1155 on: August 07, 2015, 11:19:27 am »
<(O) Geekboy1011> NO posts at all yesterday
<(O) Geekboy1011> thats sad
<(O) Geekboy1011> well in the last 24 hours :(
<Sorunome> >.<
<Sorunome> wrong
<Sorunome> within the last 23h and 58min
<Sorunome> ;O
<Sorunome> * :P
<(#) geekwork> Close enough :P
<(O) harold> quick quick
<Hooloovoo> quick! someone post
<Sorunome> idk what... <_<
<(O) harold> shitpost obviously
<Sorunome> you do it harold
<Sorunome> :P
<Sorunome> actuallytoo late now<_<
<(O) harold> yea it's too late anyway
<Sorunome> it's all your fault!
<(O) harold> no way, you knew about earlier
Seems like we are all eager to get posts rolling :P

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #1156 on: August 26, 2015, 10:06:11 pm »
Over on #cemetech:
c4ooo: So how exactly would data types look like in axe?
Runer112: strange.
-German Kuznetsov
The impossible chemical compound.

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #1157 on: August 27, 2015, 12:42:44 pm »
Speaking of #cemetech
10:33:50 AM <Runer112> tev: nikkybot's WPM is OP, pls nerf
10:33:51 AM <@saxjax> (C) *Unicorn has entered the room.
10:33:51 AM <nikkybot> you are
10:33:52 AM <nikkybot> OP
10:33:57 AM <Runer112> thanks
10:34:05 AM <Eeems> TIL Runer112 is OP
10:35:05 AM <Eeems> Although
10:35:06 AM <Eeems>
10:36:11 AM <@saxjax> (C) *slick1015 has entered the room.
10:36:31 AM <@saxjax> (C) *slick1015 has logged in.
10:36:32 AM <@saxjax> (C) *slick1015 has entered the room.
10:36:35 AM <@nikky> Sending sexy SMSes to my ex's new man, 'cus I can
10:36:40 AM <DrKerm> What's so OP about a bundle of sticks?
10:37:02 AM <DrKerm> Unless that's supposed to be a fasces.
10:38:34 AM <Eeems> DrKerm: by bundle of sticks do you mean a faggot (fagate, faget, fagett, faggot, etc)?
10:38:55 AM <DrKerm> I think those are usually a larger bundle of sticks.
10:39:11 AM <DrKerm> The image you linked looks more like fasces.
10:39:22 AM <DrKerm> Despite the lack of axe blade.
10:39:30 AM <Eeems> 3 feet in length and 2 feet in circumference
10:39:50 AM <Eeems> I guess that picture is really a nicket
10:40:19 AM <DrKerm> TIL that Eeems is an expert on lots of wood.
10:40:37 AM <Eeems> I know my wood
10:40:53 AM <DrKerm> The jokes write themselves.
10:41:00 AM <Eeems> Morning, afternoon and evening

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #1158 on: December 29, 2015, 12:29:39 pm »
[11:59:10 AM]   Eeems   Hey all
[11:59:23 AM]   Digital   hey Eeems
[11:59:23 AM]   Art_of_camelot   Hey Eeems
[11:59:42 AM]   Eeems   How's everybody?
[11:59:52 AM]   Art_of_camelot   Good, working on some spriting
[11:59:55 AM]   Art_of_camelot   :D
[12:00:13 PM]   Art_of_camelot   Well, sprite modding to be precise
[12:00:17 PM]   Iambian   Doing fine. Had delicious nomz and I'm happy
[12:01:36 PM]   Eeems   sprite modding?
[12:01:42 PM]   Digital   i have now another screen but i haven't decided yet how i'll use it
[12:01:45 PM]   Eeems   Iambian: did you save some for me?
[12:01:46 PM]   *   fishybot has joined #omnimaga
[12:02:25 PM]   Art_of_camelot   Yea, I'm doing color reduction and recolours to accommodate a more limited pallet.
[12:02:32 PM]   Iambian   I'd give some if I had matter teleportation or instant transmission... or S&H, but then the foodies might go bad before it gets there
[12:02:44 PM]   Digital   and I'm searching for a awesome hp prime os/whateverThereIsAndDoesWhatIWant
[12:02:49 PM]   Art_of_camelot   But... It's probably going to end up being the basis for new sprites.
[12:03:13 PM]   Iambian   AoC: *palette. Like a snooty rich guy with the pinky stuck out far while sipping tea.
[12:03:36 PM]   *   Eeems stops sipping his tea
[12:04:06 PM]   Iambian   Hey! That's how *I* remember how to spell that word in that context
[12:04:36 PM]   Art_of_camelot   Good to know Iambian
[12:04:38 PM]   Art_of_camelot   :P
[12:04:57 PM]   Art_of_camelot   English spelling is confusing
[12:04:58 PM]   Eeems
[12:05:08 PM]   Art_of_camelot   lol
[12:05:14 PM]   flyingfisch   haha
[12:05:18 PM]   Art_of_camelot   That looks kind of intimidating
[12:05:40 PM]   Iambian   That's programmer sipping, not snooty sipping. I can tell the diff
[12:05:50 PM]   Digital   lol
[12:05:53 PM]   Art_of_camelot   That would be a good profile pic for our lord and dictator. :P
[12:05:54 PM]   Eeems   AoC: Good, good, let the intimidation flow through you
[12:06:07 PM]   Eeems   AoC: My current one is more flattering though
[12:06:18 PM]   Art_of_camelot   flattering or fattening?
[12:06:20 PM]   Iambian   The pinky isn't stuck far out enough to qualify as even the lowest level of snooty
[12:06:22 PM]   *   Art_of_camelot runs
[12:06:42 PM]   Art_of_camelot   Also, what Iambian said.
[12:07:03 PM]   Art_of_camelot   It's just pointing at me like HEY YOU!
[12:07:07 PM]   Eeems   Iambian: cup is heavy, couldn't hold it and do pinky thing properly :(
[12:07:27 PM]   Eeems   proper pinky requires being able to lift cup with three fingers
[12:08:18 PM]   Iambian   Of course. Proper snootiness requires delicate china, and that cup looks like it could bludgeon interns and PHB's
[12:08:29 PM]   Art_of_camelot   yepp, lmao
[12:08:29 PM]   Eeems   probs
[12:08:39 PM]   Eeems   It's just one of the many work mugs
[12:08:58 PM]   Iambian   Of course it's a work mug. Bludgeoning people wouldn't work otherwise
[12:09:33 PM]   Eeems   I mean, why would I bludgeon people with my own property
[12:10:00 PM]   Iambian   You have a point there. You need something public. Disposable to avoid incrimination.
[12:10:25 PM]   Iambian   Wait. No. You weren't trying to suggest?
[12:11:35 PM]   Iambian   Still.
[12:12:06 PM]   Iambian   Thick mugs, so long as they're empty, are good instruments of deterrance.
[12:12:14 PM]   Art_of_camelot   lmao
[12:13:02 PM]   Eeems   Yup
[12:13:15 PM]   Eeems   Good for zombie defense
[12:14:19 PM]   Iambian   If you want a mug for zombie defense, you need this:
[12:16:23 PM]   Eeems
[12:16:25 PM]   Eeems   Want
[12:18:23 PM]   Art_of_camelot   Holy shit
[12:18:35 PM]   Art_of_camelot   Eeems is going to go to war with a damn coffee mug!
[12:18:41 PM]   Digital   heeeheeee
[12:19:12 PM]   Iambian   drink coffee, mount weapons to mug, fight, drink more coffee
[12:19:20 PM]   geekboy   lol
[12:19:26 PM]   Iambian   Imagine going to work with one of those
[12:19:28 PM]   geekboy   food in mah smoker omnomnom
[12:19:54 PM]   Art_of_camelot   A wild geekboy appeared!
[12:20:07 PM]   Iambian   Pokeballs. Throw 'em!
[12:20:20 PM]   Digital   imagine going to school with one of these... as teacher
[12:20:23 PM]   *   Art_of_camelot tosses bait (1 z80 calculator)
[12:20:48 PM]   *   geekboy catches the calculator overclocks it and throws it back
[12:20:50 PM]   Art_of_camelot   Iambian quickly!
[12:21:01 PM]   *   Iambian tosses the Safari Ball
[12:21:09 PM]   *   geekboy kicks it back at iambian
[12:21:12 PM]   Art_of_camelot   :o
[12:21:18 PM]   geekboy   IM A HUMAN
[12:21:19 PM]   *   Iambian gets caught and then whines
[12:21:25 PM]   geekboy   but now i got a dragon type :3
[12:21:34 PM]   *   Art_of_camelot releases the cherrylicious dragon
[12:21:46 PM]   Iambian   rawr

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #1159 on: December 29, 2015, 10:22:06 pm »
[22:17] <&DT> I feel really uncomfortable editing my own picture for some reason O.o
[22:17] <+^> (#)<geekboy> ?
[22:17] <&DT> wonder if it's some subconscious thing like "what if I chop off my ear"
[22:18] <+^> (#)<geekboy> then you put it back?
[22:20] <&DT> [in operating theatre] "nurse, hit Ctrl+Z, I accidentally took out too much"
[22:20] <+Geekboy1011> hahaha

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #1160 on: December 29, 2015, 10:24:01 pm »
(19:23:41) ***shmibs never gets put in the funny quote thread ever
(19:23:55) shmibs: *harumph*

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #1161 on: January 24, 2016, 05:56:23 pm »
<(#) Runer112> I don't really know any "cool" languages
<-- (#) KED has quit (Quit: :J)
<Sorunome> Runer112: what do you define as a "cool" language?
<Sorunome> axe is cool ;)
<(#) Runer112> I was referring to spoken/written languages
<Sorunome> oh
<(#) notipa> do you not speak in Axe?

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #1162 on: January 25, 2016, 12:09:05 am »
 I dunno, can I axe you a question? :blah:

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #1163 on: January 25, 2016, 11:10:03 am »
<(#) Runer112> I don't really know any "cool" languages
<-- (#) KED has quit (Quit: :J)
<Sorunome> Runer112: what do you define as a "cool" language?
<Sorunome> axe is cool ;)
<(#) Runer112> I was referring to spoken/written languages
<Sorunome> oh
<(#) notipa> do you not speak in Axe?
Chop, chop, muthafucka!

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Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« Reply #1164 on: April 07, 2016, 04:39:55 pm »
[4:33:05 PM]   *   Sorunome hides
[4:34:37 PM]   *   Dudeman313 looks for Sorunome
[4:34:46 PM]   *   Sorunome tries to hide super-well
[4:35:08 PM]   *   Dudeman313 looks behind the tree and under the pebble
[4:35:43 PM]   *   Dudeman313 gives up
[4:36:04 PM]   *   Sorunome scares dudeman from behind
[4:36:32 PM]   *   Dudeman313 jumps, then  <_<
[4:36:49 PM]   *   Sorunome apologizes and says hi
[4:37:07 PM]   *   Dudeman313 accepts the apology and also says hi
[4:37:14 PM]   Sorunome   so, what's up? ^.^
[4:37:23 PM]   Dudeman313   Nothin' much. :)
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