Author Topic: Ndless 3.6 becomes reality!  (Read 47315 times)

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Offline Springyboy

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Re: Ndless 3.6 becomes reality!
« Reply #60 on: April 27, 2014, 05:48:45 pm »
I posted this also on TI-Planet.
it seems to me that the OS included in the 3.6/3.1 switching pack does not allow custom ndless.cfg files. Can I do this in any way?
The extensions required have already been put into ndless 3.6. Just download that from here and there's nothing to worry about. Custom files are not required

Offline macanhhao

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Re: Ndless 3.6 becomes reality!
« Reply #61 on: May 19, 2014, 12:00:22 am »
How to downgrade Ti-Nspire CX 3.6 (Non CAS)  to 3.2 CAS O.S

- Ti-Nspire CX 3.6 (non CAS)
Now, You want to downgrade Ti-Nspire CX CAS 3.2. Ok!

Step 1: Download [ nLaunchy 3.2/3.6 switching pack ]

Extract: NL_3.2-3.6_switchpack\TI-Nspire CX\ndless
- Send : the  [ndless] folder =>>> Ti Calculator
- On Ti Calc / Open [ My Documents ] //// you see   [ndless] folder.  pess Enter 'ndless_installer' and then [ Y ]
After that, press [ 2] and [ 2 ] ....and [ 0 ] to complete installation.

Step 2: Download ROM 3.2 Ti-Nspire CX CAS
- Run file: TNOC_en.exe  Link:
check Delete boot2
- Rename new file: TI-NspireCXCAS- to [ phoenix.tns ]- Copy file:  phoenix.tns to [ NL_3.2-3.6_switchpack\TI-Nspire CX\non-CAS\nlaunch ] on PC.......overwrite
- Copy
[ nlaunch ] folder in [ NL_3.2-3.6_switchpack\TI-Nspire CX\non-CAS\nlaunch ] to Ti Calculator
- Press [ Reset ] button back: Operating system not found. Install now.
- Connect and copy file: 
nlaunch.tco  in ( NL_3.2-3.6_switchpack\TI-Nspire CX ) on PC. It will reboot

Waiting and using

If there're troubles. You should do:
1.  Press and Hold (4 keys): Doc + Enter + Ee and Release [Reset] Button
[ 2 ] and [ 1 ] ....and then [Enter]
You can install new OS

2. With fail belong to NSC MP V4 Diag. You can do:
Press and Hold (4keys): Esc + Menu+
-and Release [Reset] Button to disable diag test

3. Everything...You can do:
Release [ Battery rechagreable ] about 3 - 5 second to clear fail

I'm from Vietnam. So i don't write Ennglish well. Sorry!
You can send my Email: [email protected]

Offline Streetwalrus

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Re: Ndless 3.6 becomes reality!
« Reply #62 on: May 19, 2014, 12:50:19 am »
Is it possible that you do not spam this post everywhere ? Thank you.

Offline 123outerme

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Re: Ndless 3.6 becomes reality!
« Reply #63 on: May 19, 2014, 04:55:29 pm »
Is it possible that you do not spam this post everywhere ? Thank you.
I believe it's a spambot, so that might be a "no".
This bot is actually kinda pointless, now that I think about it.

Offline Streetwalrus

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Re: Ndless 3.6 becomes reality!
« Reply #64 on: May 19, 2014, 04:57:10 pm »
Not necessarily a spambot. He posted in very specific threads and it's accurate info.

Offline itslutfi

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Not successful Installation
« Reply #65 on: May 20, 2014, 12:39:08 pm »
Hi I am a newbie and need your help on upgrading my TI Nspire Non-Cas  :)

I had tried every instruction and it seems what hold me back from successfully implementing Ndless + nlaunchy (both newest version) is the Diag protocol - after installing Ndless, my calc wont load the OS inside the /nlaunch folder  :-[

(I have tried everything, try CAS .tns files in the folder -I use NL.3.1-3.6.Switchpack and 3.2-3.6 ones-, non-CAS .tns files, download and modify .tco, and .tcs file myself using TNOC, rename it into phoenix.tns) if I only copy phoenix files not phoenix.old.tns one it will change into phoenix.old.tns automatically and OS wont load as consequence)  :'(

When Diag screen appear I go into option nomber 0 and test the battery pack, when I restart it continues loading OS but wont succefully load it. (If I dont test battery pack even if I restart it keeps on going into Diag)

why did I get Diag? probably because during Ndless installation I pressed 2 -2 - 0 and then 5-8-0 (this 5-8-0 prioritizes Diag over boot2) I tried Esc+Menu+(-) and it didnt work for me.  ._.

I tried esc+menu+(+) out of desperation it shows bug PP12D on te upper left corner of the screen I dont know what the hotkey means nor what the bug means :'(

the screen stays at loading and won't change even if you wait for hours *.*

it frustates me, because I need CAS program. I dont ask you to provide me info to change non-Cas to Cas if it violates the law or rule in this forum. :-[

I ask you to help me why wont my TI nspire successfully load the program as it should be. :)

(additional Info, I cant managed to press 2 -delete OS- if I pressed Menu+Enter+EE button, instead I picked 4 -total format- and continue from there everytime)

Huge Thanks everyone ;)