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Messages - TIfanx1999

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TI Calculators / Re: Flash apps for TI-89 series
« on: August 03, 2017, 05:36:59 pm »
Just wondering, why is it that on there's so few Flash apps for the TI-89 (Titanium)/TI-92 Plus/Voyage 200? Are they like super hard to write or something? They seem much more user-friendly than ASM.

I know they're ASM programs technically; I meant the kind that are installed and run like BASIC programs are.

And Flash apps have many benefits that those don't. Like how you can switch between apps, run them in split screen, etc. I can't really think of anything ASM programs can do that Flash apps can't (not even being run as functions; Flash apps can do that too.) So why aren't Flash apps the more popular one? Aren't they better anyway, even without RAM limits on non-Flash apps?

Well, as you said, there's really no difference between what you can do with a flash app and what you can do with a normal asm program. I guess it is a bit more user friendly as you can just access them and don't need a shell or to use the ASM( token to execute them. I'm thinking there's programs out there that let you run an asm program without having to add the token though anyway(i know there is for the 83+/84 series). There's really nothing that makes flash apps "better". As I said before, I don't know if any third party tools for creating apps were made by the community, there probably have been by this point. However, most people were already used to writing asm programs that weren't flash apps, and people saw little or no benefit to making them apps. Also, as Travis mentioned, TI's tools that were released for creating flash apps back then had a bad reputation. Never used them, but IIRC, the where a pain to use and rather limited in some ways.

TI Calculators / Re: Flash apps for TI-89 series
« on: July 29, 2017, 06:11:55 pm »
Flash apps are written in ASM. They never really caught on for the 68k series of calculators. The main reasons being their was plenty of Ram on these models, and there was no size limit on executable code. On the 83+series, there is a limit of 8k on executable code. It has since been circumvented by shells that run programs, and other independent programs. You are still kind of limited by the ram though. Apps have no such limits, thus they had some degree of popularity, and third party programs for writing apps were developed. Not sure if there were any developed for the 68k series. Also, the 68k series has always been more popular in Europe, and in recent years isn't even as popular there (most likely due to the nspire series being released). So yea, that's several reasons why.

TI Z80 / Re: [TI-84+ Series] Sorcery of Uvutu
« on: July 02, 2017, 10:12:48 pm »
Awesome! Just downloaded it. I'll try it out tomorrow! :) Congrats on the release!

TI Z80 / Re: Sorcery of Uvutu (Released!)
« on: June 29, 2017, 08:23:17 pm »
Awesome, I'll try to check it out! :D

TI Z80 / Re: TI84+CE Wrapper for Monochrome TI-BASIC Programs.
« on: June 29, 2017, 08:21:23 pm »
That' really cool, best of luck with this! :D

TI Z80 / Re: Driller kNight
« on: June 26, 2017, 09:42:48 pm »
Hey, any update is a good update imho. Keep up the hard work!

TI Z80 / Re: TI84+CE Wrapper for Monochrome TI-BASIC Programs.
« on: June 26, 2017, 09:41:16 pm »
So basically, old BASIC 83+ games that use the graph screen will function the same on the color model? That's the end goal right?

TI Z80 / Re: Sorcery of Uvutu (Released!)
« on: June 26, 2017, 09:38:17 pm »
The monochrome version of this is looking really nice. Great job!

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Breaking the 8K limit
« on: June 19, 2017, 05:55:40 pm »
The axiom Fullrene should allow you to bypass the 8KB program code limit. There are mixed reports of its efficacy, though. Also, the program needs to be launched from a shell, as the OS simply refuses to launch programs this large.

Alternatively, compile your code as an application to get a bit under 16KB of room, although this may not be desirable for other reasons.

Interrupts being enabled or not should have no bearing on this.
Fullrene uses interrupts to disable the limit. If you read the source, you will see that it uses the I register for interrupts. I know that zStart has a hack to disable the limit, but I don't know if it simply removes the limit firm the OS itself. I don't know about crabcake. I couldn't find a download for it anywhere. Compiling as an app is not an option for me currently for various reasons.
Zstart is by the same author, so I'd imagine it functions similarly. Shouldn't matter according to Runer's post though.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Breaking the 8K limit
« on: June 13, 2017, 06:16:47 pm »
Thanks for the link to fullrene. I couldn't remember what it was called.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Breaking the 8K limit
« on: June 13, 2017, 05:49:33 pm »
IIRC, forum members Hotdog and thepenguin came up with solutions to breaking the 8k limit. I'm not sure if either required interupts to be disabled.Hotdog's was called Crabcake, I think it may have had some stability issues though. I think matrefeytontias, had a hackish way to use multiple app pages. Finally, Both Runer112 and BrandonW might be good people to ask. Runer, since he maintains axe, and Brandon W since he's just incredibly knowledgeable about the hardware from working with it for years.

Ndless / Re: Unable to install ndless
« on: June 09, 2017, 08:56:03 pm »
I can't download Ndless because my hardware version is too recent (p-01115u). Can some please make ndless that will work with  my calaculator. plaese HOPE YOU CANHELP. Can I have it by friday please.  :banghead: :angel: :evillaugh:
I'd imagine the Ndless team is working on it. I'm sure they want it to work on as many models as possible. Try to understand though, asking something like "can I have it by friday please" will not get you anywhere (even if you're kidding). Ndless is a massive undertaking and the people that put in all that hard work do so in their free time.

TI Z80 / Re: Driller kNight
« on: June 09, 2017, 08:50:36 pm »
Seems good, I'm gonna try it, it's always a pleasure to see still some people making game =)
I am still working on it! If you want to see my progress, go to:
Or, you know, you could cross post progress here ;)
^This. :D

Pretty cool DJ, congrats!

I'll let @calc84maniac  answer, but with projects like this, eta's tend to be either nonexistant or very flexible.

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