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« on: October 17, 2011, 04:16:50 pm »
Current Version

First of all, I wrote this axiom because I've heard that CrabCake doesn't really like the newer versions of Axe. So if it still works, then I am sorry hot_dog. I also wanted to write this though so I can finally use port (25h) which I spent a long time trying to discover.

The goal of this axiom is exactly what the goal of CrabCake was, to allow you to use all of the memory in the calculator for your program to run. The way I am doing it is completely through ports, which means that there shouldn't be any side effects at all. In fact, you don't technically have to undo these changes, though you probably should.

Since runer told me that we don't want to remake a remake, I'm not even going to post the Axiom yet, instead, I'm going to post the code so that if anyone sees any optimizations, they can tell me. One important thing that I am taking into consideration is that I made a crazy small flash unlock routine that only works on non-83+BE calculators, so I have two versions of the axiom.

Also, I picked Fcdf( as my token, if you don't like it or have a better one, I'm all ears.

Fcdf()r   -   Currently 76 bytes (non-83+BE version)
Code: [Select]

call unlockflash
call rVersionEnd
or a

in a, (06)
push af
ld (saveSP), sp
ld sp, $82AB+$4000

ld a, 1
out (05), a
ld i, a ;$80
dec a
out (06), a ;$7F

in a, (02)
bit 5, a

ld a, $C3 ;jp
ld hl, returnPointz

ld ($80C8), a
ld ($80C9), hl
jp nz, $4528

ld ($80FE), a
ld ($80FF), hl
jp $4276

saveSP equ $+1
ld sp, 0000
xor a
out (05), a
pop af
out (06), a

ld a, $10
jr nc, wasUndoing
xor a
out ($25), a


Fcdf()    -    124 bytes (all calculator models)
Code: [Select]
call doIt
call allVersionEnd
or a

        in a, (6)
        push af
push af
call unlockFlashz

in a, (02)
jr c, regularUnlock

ex de, hl ;HL is too close to SP
ld (hl), b ;b is zero
pop af
ld a, $1F
jr c, notLocking
ld (hl), a ;should be $0F
dec hl
out (06), a
out (05), a ;should be 7
call $46D8 ;hack, works on 1.00 and 1.01

push af

pop af
ld a, $10
jr nc, wasUndoingz
xor a
out ($25), a
pop af
out (06), a

;Unlocks Flash protection.
;Destroys: pagedCount                        
;          pagedGetPtr
;          arcInfo
;          iMathPtr5
;          pagedBuf
;          ramCode

        ld      hl, returnPoint+$8214-$81E3
        ld      de, $8214
        ld      a, e
        ld      (arcInfo), a            ;should be 08-15
        ld      (pagedCount), a         ;just has to be over 2
        ld      bc, $8214-$8167
        ld      (iMathPtr5), de         ;must be 8167
        ld      iy, 0056h-25h           ;permanent flags

        add     a, e
        ld      (pagedBuf), a           ;needs to be large, but under 80
        call    translatePage
        ld      hl, ($5092)
        ld      a, ($5094)
        call    translatePage
        ld      a, $CC
        dec     hl
        jp      (hl)

        ld      hl, $0018
        ld      (hl), $C3               ;dummy write
        ld      iy, flags
        djnz    flashWait               ;wait for write to finish
        add     hl, sp
        ld      sp, hl

        jr      z, not83
        and     1Fh
        out     (06), a


I had to mess with brandonW's routine in this one a bit due to the way axe handles addresses.

So, any optimizations?

    Cut a byte off the normal routine. Chopped off 11 more. Another 4 byte the dust. Fixed a glitch due to the 4 byte cut. 3 More. 1. 11 again

    Before new system - 162. After - 123
« Last Edit: March 25, 2012, 06:29:57 pm by thepenguin77 »
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Re: Fullrene
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2011, 06:59:52 pm »
Why is it smaller on the 84+?
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Re: Fullrene
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2011, 07:00:55 pm »
You got +5 before anybody replied O.O That sounds brilliant, as in really, really useful.

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Re: Fullrene
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2011, 07:08:29 pm »
Why is it smaller on the 84+?

The 83+BE boot code was built rock solid and as of now, ~15 years after it was released, no flash unlock exists. This means that you have to trick the OS into unlocking flash, which due to the many OS's, inherently takes up more space.

The 84+ unlock is really simple and also, in the 84+ code, I don't have to worry about unlocking the 83+BE (because it is drastically different).
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Re: Fullrene
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2011, 07:09:46 pm »
The 84+ unlock applies to the SE too, right?
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Re: Fullrene
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2011, 07:17:39 pm »
Yes, it covers 83+SE, 84+BE, and 84+SE. Those are all basically the same calculator.

It's only when you introduce the 83+BE that things get messy.
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Re: Fullrene
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2011, 07:22:14 pm »
Off topic but about axioms:
Could you make an axiom that could play two or three notes at the same time?
I'm not worried about SOPA creating censorship, that will not stand for long. I'm worried that they'll succeed in stopping piracy!

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Re: Fullrene
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2011, 07:23:05 pm »
I think that was suggested a lot already O.o
For now, you'll have to live with Calcmod XP
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Re: Fullrene
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2011, 05:50:16 pm »
Most Recent Version Here

For those who haven't figured out where the name came from, I knew I had to use the word full, as in "full Ram", but I had to make it cool. So then I decided on Fullrene, those cool carbon creations, only to find out that it's spelled Fullerene.

I believe that this axiom is ready to go. It appears to work on every emulator I've tested it on, so it should be good.

A few notes on usage:
  • Syntax: Fcdf() or Fcdf()r (preferably at the start of the program)
  • The version without r will work on all calculators and is 163 bytes, period.
  • The version with the r won't work on the 83+BE, but is only 78 bytes.
  • This axiom sets up a wrapper around your entire program so that it can disable this feature when you quit. This means that you should either try to end your program by using Return or running off the end of the program. (Returnr still works, but it's bad practice to leave the calculator in this unlocked state.)
  • This routine disables interrupts

You should already know how Axioms work, but if you don't, send this appvar to your calculator and put it in flash. To include the axiom in your Axe program, add the line:
Code: [Select]
:#Axiom(FULLRENE)      (Axe hooks)

Then, include this line preferably at the top of your program.
Code: [Select]
:Fcdf()        (all calculators)
:Fcdf()r        (non-83+BE calculators)

If you can't find Fcdf(, it's in [2nd] [Vars] [9 or 0] ;)

Also, if today is your lucky day, here is the code to optimize: (I'd be happy with even a single byte)
Spoiler For Spoiler:
R Version
Code: [Select]

call unlockflash
call rVersionEnd
or a

in a, (06)
push af
ld (saveSP), sp
ld sp, $82A9+$4000

ld a, 1
out (05), a
ld i, a ;$80
dec a
out (06), a ;$7F

in a, (02)
bit 5, a

ld a, $C3 ;jp
ld hl, returnPointz

jr z, _83PlusSE

ld ($80C8), a
ld ($80C9), hl
jp $4529

push af ;sp-2
ld ($80FE), a
ld ($80FF), hl
jp $4276

saveSP equ $+1
ld sp, 0000
xor a
out (05), a
pop af
out (06), a

ld a, $10
jr nc, wasUndoing
xor a
out ($25), a

Non R Version
Code: [Select]
call doIt
call allVersionEnd
or a

        in a,(6)
        push af
push af
;Unlocks Flash protection.
;Destroys: appBackUpScreen
;          pagedCount
;          pagedGetPtr
;          arcInfo
;          iMathPtr5
;          pagedBuf
;          ramCode

        ld a,7Bh
        call translatePage
        out (6),a

ld hl, ($5092)
ld a, ($5094)

        call translatePage
        out (6),a
        ld a,0CCh
ld b, a
        ld e,(hl)
        inc hl
        ld d,(hl)
ld (iMathPtr5), sp
        push de
;       pop ix

ld a, $C3
ld ($9898), a
ld hl, returnPoint
ld ($9899), hl

        ld hl,pagedBuf
        ld (hl),98h
        ld de,pagedBuf+1
        ld bc,49 ;so lucky VV
push bc
        ld hl,(iMathPtr5)
push hl
        ld de,9A00h
        ld bc,50

ld a, c

        pop de
        ld hl,-14
        add hl,de
        ld (iMathPtr5),hl
pop iy ;that was convenient
;       ld iy,0056h-25h
;       ld a,50 ;covered
        ld (pagedCount),a
        ld a,8
        ld (arcInfo),a
;       jp (ix)
        ret z
        and 1Fh
        ld iy,flags
ld hl,(iMathPtr5)
        ld de,14
        add hl,de
        ld sp,hl
        ex de,hl
        ld hl,9A00h
        ld bc,48

in a, (02)
jr c, regularUnlock

ld (hl), b ;b is zero
pop af
ld a, $1F
jr c, notLocking
ld (hl), a ;should be $0F
dec hl
out (06), a
out (05), a ;should be 7
call $46D8 ;hack, works on 1.00 and 1.01

push af

pop af
ld a, $10
jr nc, wasUndoingz
xor a
out ($25), a
pop af
out (06), a

If you're in Chrome, it's probably best to just quote this post.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 09:21:11 pm by thepenguin77 »
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Re: Fullrene
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2011, 08:25:48 pm »
I was just about to post here asking you if you left the ER out on purpose. It's a cool name anyway though :D

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Re: Fullrene
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2011, 11:47:27 am »
What does it do...?
I'm not worried about SOPA creating censorship, that will not stand for long. I'm worried that they'll succeed in stopping piracy!

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Re: Fullrene
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2011, 12:02:18 pm »
I think it's just like crabcake: get the limit off of asm compiling
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Re: Fullrene
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2011, 02:41:19 pm »
if youre using chrome and know a little html, you can just right-click on the code box, click "Inspect element", double click where it says "height: 20px; " and change the 20 to something more like 260. I dont know why it is set to be only 20 pixels high; it just is.

Edit: or, you could just remove the style="" attribute altogether. that's how normal code boxes are.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 02:42:18 pm by C0deH4cker »

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Re: Fullrene
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2011, 02:52:15 pm »
That is by far the greatest thing I have learned all week. I didn't realize that you could edit webpages on the fly. I'll have fun with this ;D

(Yes, I realize it's only on my computer)
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Re: Fullrene
« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2011, 03:13:46 pm »
if youre using chrome and know a little html, you can just right-click on the code box, click "Inspect element", double click where it says "height: 20px; " and change the 20 to something more like 260. I dont know why it is set to be only 20 pixels high; it just is.

Edit: or, you could just remove the style="" attribute altogether. that's how normal code boxes are.
Thank for the tip!  It's pretty awesome. :D