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Topics - Hot_Dog

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Axe / MirageOS and Crabcake?
« on: September 22, 2011, 10:49:40 pm »
I heard some things about MirageOS not liking Crabcake programs.  Can anyone tell me if it's true?  When I wrote Crabcake, MirageOS was the operating system I used to test Crabcake.

Elimination / Tips for designing FPS levels?
« on: September 15, 2011, 09:51:50 pm »
I've played Doom before, and that's been my inspiration for placing enemies and weapons into levels for Elimination.  However, I have never designed FPS levels before, and so I don't have any ideas for how to keep a level from being too easy or too hard--or too boring.  I have no problem with walls, but I have difficulty deciding how to place enemies and ammunition to create a fun level.

So let's say that I know the power of each enemy and the power of each weapon.  I want to place ammunition, enemies and health/armor just right so that a level is challenging yet fun.  Can you guys offer me tips for how to design a decent level right off the bat so that I won't have to test it much?  If I have to I'll run some computations, but I don't think that ID software did that when they created DOOM :)

And sorry if this is confusing.  Please feel free to ask me to clarify.

Elimination Developers / Designing Game Levels
« on: September 14, 2011, 01:35:22 pm »
Although I've made sure that I can finish Elimination by myself, I am always open to people contributing levels if they want to.  I do have the tools you need, but you'll need to read below about what you need to do:

1. Download the attachment "Level Designing" and take a look.  Let me know what levels you would like to work on.  Terrains and how hard the level should be are listed.
2. I will put a customized level editor in this folder for you, depending on the type of terrain you wanted.
3. From this point, designing the levels is relatively straight forward, though you can always ask for help.  Just remember to left-click to place an object, and right-click on the object to remove it.
4. After you export the level(s), create a post on this topic and attach the "" file that was generated from the level editor.  With my thanks, I will take it from there to place the levels into the game.

Miscellaneous / Ideas for older boys for Operation Christmas Child?
« on: September 13, 2011, 11:29:06 pm »
It's hard for me to get Operation Christmas Child presents for 10-14 year old boys, because most of what I can think of is expensive.  Can anyone suggest ideas that are cheap, yet items that 10-14 year old boys would enjoy?

And please, be serious.

EDIT: While electronics are nice, I'm wondering about non-electronic gifts

News / Omnimaga Rules Update
« on: September 12, 2011, 06:41:58 pm »
We've updated rule #2 of what constitutes inappropriate content and actions on our website and/or IRC:

Negative/rude/destructive comments towards someone's project or program based on file size, amount of sub-programs, programming language/libraries used or coding methods in an attempt to discourage the author of the said program. Criticism should be intended to make the person's program better in its current form.

Perhaps some people like to write code and ask other people to optimize it for them.  Other people may enjoy write their own code and take all the credit for themselves, without having any help from anyone despite people begging to help.  Still others might like to write a program by taking portions of everyone's code from Axe and such, without using any code of their own (crediting the people, of course).  Whatever the case, discouraging this kind of thing is as bad as flaming about what programming language to use.  So we ask that if someone wants to code their own way, let them do so.

On a related note, we at Omnimaga do support friendly methods of encouraging people to "take it to the next level."  If someone likes to write code without any help, perhaps we could encourage them to ask for help at least once.  Or if someone likes to code by using code (with permission) from everyone else, we could encourage writing at least one routine.

Computer Programming / Help with a .bat file
« on: September 07, 2011, 03:09:17 pm »
I created this .bat file to help me compress graphics using pucrunch.

Code: [Select]

spasm FactoryEscapeGraphics.z80 FactoryEscapeGraphics.bin
pucrunch -d -c0 FactoryEscapeGraphics.bin
bintohex a.asm

What do I need to do to replace FactoryEscapeGraphics with a name of my choosing (by inputting the name into command prompt)?

Miscellaneous / The Seven Faces of Genie
« on: September 06, 2011, 11:26:11 pm »
I enjoy this episode of Aladdin, mostly because I like the scenes with Genie's anger

Elimination / Elimination FPS: Ideas for Worlds?
« on: September 02, 2011, 07:12:07 pm »
I'm hoping to have 13 different worlds for Elimination to make the levels unique and creative.  So far I have a few ideas, but I would love suggestions for more.  Here's what I have so far:

Factory Setting (What you saw in the screenshots)
Beach / Grasslands

I just need four more :D  And please, don't joke around on this topic.  Please be serious :)

ASM / Consistencies in LCD Timings?
« on: September 01, 2011, 09:41:50 pm »
It's a known fact that LCD hardware with Ti-83/84 screens is not consistent.  That is, even if one screen requires only 65 T-states between delays, another may require 70.

However, is the delay consistent for the particular screen?  That is, if an LCD for a particular Ti-83+ requires 70 T-states, will it always be 70 T-states?

ASM / Stripes instead of flickerless
« on: August 28, 2011, 05:58:57 pm »
In my topic on the game "Elimination," I mentioned that my grayscale was "almost" flickerless.  However, no matter what I attempt (fixed timings for the LCD delay, never using di, etc.)  I see wierd gray stripes starting from the bottom and working their way to the top, like a barbership pole.  Any ideas as to why?  (Note: when you select this program from applications, press 2nd even if nothing appears.  Also, YOU WILL NEED TO START YOUR CALCULATOR FRESH when using this program, as entrances and exits are unstable.)

EDIT: Here's the interrupt routine I'm using.

Code: [Select]



push af
push de
push bc
push hl

ld a, (frameage)
inc a
ld (frameage),a
cp 1
jr z, doregular
cp 3
jr z, dogray
cp 4
jr nz, EndInterrupt
xor a
ld (frameage), a
jr EndInterrupt

ld hl, regularbuffer
call safecopy2
jr EndInterrupt

ld hl, grayscalebuffer
call safecopy2


pop hl
pop bc
pop de

ld a, %00001000
out (3), a
ld a, %00001010
out (3), a
pop af

;ld hl, plotsscreen

ld c,$10
ld a,$80
in b,(c)
rl b
jp c,setrow
out ($10),a
ld de,12
ld a,$20
in b,(c)
rl b
jp c,col

out ($10),a
push af
inc c
ld b,64

in a,($10)
jp c,rowwait
ld a, (hl)
out (c), a
add hl,de
dec b
jp nz, rowwait
pop af
dec h
dec h
dec h
dec c
inc hl
inc a
cp $2c
jp nz,col


ASM / Problems with Port $2A
« on: August 28, 2011, 12:11:19 am »
I'm trying to use this SafeCopy routine with port $2A when port $20 is set to 1.  However, I get problems that normally occur when one doesn't delay long enough for the LCD.  In other words, the delay port doesn't seem to be working.  Any suggestions?

Code: [Select]

ld a, $87
out ($2A), a
ld c,$10
ld a,$80
;in b,(c)
;rl b
;jp c,setrow
out ($10),a
ld de,12
ld a,$20
;in b,(c)
;rl b
;jp c,col
out ($10),a
push af
inc c
ld b,64

;in a,($10)
;jp c,rowwait
ld a, (hl)
out (c), a
add hl,de
djnz rowwait
pop af
dec h
dec h
dec h
dec c
inc hl
inc a
cp $2c
jp nz,col


Elimination / Elimination: A New FPS
« on: August 27, 2011, 01:25:33 am »
Before I talk about "Elimination," I should probably answer a question that will be on everyone's mind: "Hot_Dog, why are you starting yet another big project when you canceled S.A.D. and haven't finished Correlation?"

Spoiler For Spoiler:
Because I'm modifying another game, not creating an entirely new one.  Modifying a game requires relatively less ASM programming and relies mostly on creating data.  While ASM proves tedious, I find creating data to be both easy and fun.

Anyways, Elimination is a modification of the FPS Gemini.  (  It will, of course, be bigger and better than the original game, and you can look at the spoiler for features new from Gemini.

Spoiler For Spoiler:

A background sky with 360 degree rotation
Almost flickerless grayscale walls  (Don't believe what you see in the screenshots  ;D)
Requires less than 9 KB RAM!  (Sorry, it does require the extra RAM page found on 15 Mhz calculators)
A map that reveals itself as you explore the level
Many, many different worlds (terrains, walls, enemies, etc.)

Coming Shortly: A better object system so that you can see objects and enemies that are far, far away

Features yet to add (NOT hard):

Better map revealing
Secrets revealed by means other than pushing blocks
Status Messages
HUD toggling (On/Off)
Changing the plasma gun to be a small-damage, area-of-effect weapon

The game will be available for 15 Mhz calculators, as well as Nspires with 84+ keypads.

ASM / Constructive and Creative uses of IX and IY
« on: August 19, 2011, 11:37:35 pm »
Although we give index registers a bad name, they can be VERY useful at times, especially if you know what you're doing.  Feel free to post here about a time you used IX and IY for more than just "an extra HL."

For me, I'm working on something which I will announce later, but it involves grayscale.  It started out as monochrome, and IX pointed to plotscreen while HL pointed to necessary sprites and textures.  Then I finally realised that I could do grayscale by drawing to two different buffers (a *duh* moment, but after all I'm new to grayscale), so I used IY to redraw exactly what was drawn to IX, but on a second buffer

General Discussion / "The Planets" by Gustav Holst
« on: August 19, 2011, 04:39:25 pm »
The Planets is easily my favorite piece of music.  And it's not just because it's about the planets.  It's because it's well written, well thought out and well orchestrated.  Each one makes you wish you were playing in the orchestra--and paints a picture as if you were watching a ballet

I know that  a lot of people like the Jupiter part the best.  My favorite is Saturn followed by Mars. 

Miscellaneous / Nobody knows everything
« on: August 17, 2011, 02:32:17 pm »
As you have all noticed, from time to time I like to post some advice to help us all keep this a community-friendly site. 

As far as I know, few people have purposely insulted or hurt the feelings of someone who doesn't know how to do something.  On the contrary, members of the website have generally tried to be friendly and provide helpful and positive results.

What I have noticed on occasion, however, is showing surprise.  Like "I'm surprised you didn't know that."  For example, I was asking for help on a Ti-Basic program, and the problem was I had a memory leak.  The person who helped me said "I'm surprised you didn't know that with all your ASM knowledge."  Well, yeah, just because I know a lot of ASM doesn't mean I'm advanced in Ti-Basic programming.

Whether we intend it or not, a remark of surprise can hurt someones feelings.  I, for one, felt hurt because it was like "You know all this, and yet you don't know something this simple?"  The person who helped me didn't mean it that way, but I felt stupid.

I think it's only calc84maniac who knows each and everything about his area of expertise (a little joke, of course :P)  So it will help if we remember that people good at some things will not be good at everything.  If we avoid displaying surprise, people will feel better about themselves.

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