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Topics - Hot_Dog

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ASM / I'm having trouble with my crystal timer interrupts
« on: August 16, 2011, 01:10:38 am »
Here's my problem: In my program, the calculator seems to be relying on the hardware timers.  I don't think that the crystal timer is generating interrupts.

I know that I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what it is.  Below is the following code: My interrupt routine, and the code that initalizes the first crystal timer to generate interrupts.  Please don't comment on how my code could be optimized, because that's something I plan to work on once I get this thing working

Code: [Select]


ld a, $80
out ($10), a

ld a, 3 ;3 resets the timer each time.
ld hl, plotsscreen
ld de, 11 ;Add to hl each time
ld b, 64
ld c, $11
ex af, af'

ld c, $10
ld a, $20
ld (copycolumn), a
in f, (c)
jp m, -_
out ($10), a

ld a, $80
out ($30), a

ld a, 3
out ($31), a
im 2
ld a, 100
out ($32), a


Interrupt Routine:

exx ;4
ex af, af' ;4
out ($31), a ;11
dec c ;4
in f, (c)
jp m, -_

inc c

add hl, de ;11
exx ;4
jr z, _ ;7
ex af, af'
ret ;10

;Here, go to the next row of the screen


push af
ld a, (copycolumn)
inc a
ld (copycolumn), a

cp $2c

;If $2C, turn off interrupts and timers

jr z, EndCopy

dec h
dec h
dec h
inc hl

dec c
in f, (c)
jp m, -_

out ($10), a
inc c
ld b, 64

ld a, $80
out ($30), a

ld a, 3
out ($31), a

;ld a, 80
;out ($32), a
pop af

ex af, af'


xor a
out ($30), a
out ($31), a
pop af
ex af, af'

ASM / LCD Delay Ports
« on: August 15, 2011, 10:46:50 am »
If ports 29-2C are told to delay with LCD commands, will the calculator continue running code during the delay, or will it halt until the byte of data has been sent to the LCD successfully?

ASM / Crystal Timers on the Nspire
« on: August 13, 2011, 04:39:46 pm »
I'm sorry if this question was already asked and answered, but are Ti-83+/84+ crystal timers emulated correctly on the Nspire?

ASM / Please avoid using "Decompile Axe" as an answer to an ASM question
« on: August 11, 2011, 02:28:46 pm »
The ASM forum on Omnimaga is where people can turn to when they are stumped with an ASM project.  Recently I've seen several questions where someone replies "Rip the code off of Axe."  We, the staff at Omnimaga, understand that such a person is trying to be helpful, but for the future, we would like to ask you to refrain from posting "Axe-cheating" as an answer to someone's ASM question.

The biggest reason for this is to continue encouraging people to ask for help.  ASM is a hard language, and we want people to know that we are only too happy to answer their questions if they're stuck.  If we simply suggest that they create an Axe program and decompile the result, we are, even if accidentally, telling them "You can take care of yourself, so get your own source code and keep trying to figure it out."  Like I said, we don't mean it that way, but it will eventually come across that way.

That should be reason enough, but here are more reasons:

1. Decompilation from Axe is not necessarily an easy process
2. Often one will learn more from getting actual help or from receving freely-given source code.  I found this true with several of my projects.
3. "Decompile Axe" is doomed to be overused as a response.  This will just be an annoyance.
4. People passionate about ASM games will work to optimize as much as possible.  While Axe is fast, it's not necessarily optimized.

Miscellaneous / Number of Wasp Stings
« on: August 05, 2011, 03:52:42 pm »
I read that wasps can sting over and over again, but I couldn't find anything on how many stings they actually have stored in their body.  I refuse to believe they can sting indefinitely without running out of stings (until the next day of course) it true that a wasp can run out of stings?

Miscellaneous / Star Trek Voyager: The Captain isn't always right?
« on: August 05, 2011, 12:46:59 am »
I haven't seen a lot of Star Trek: Voyager episodes, but I know of at least one episode (Scorpion, and there might be more) where Janeway and Chakotay get into an argument about a decision to make.  Both of them have different opinions about a course of action, and both have very good reasons for their beliefs.  In the end, though, it seems like Janeway has an attitude of "I'm the captain, so I'm always right.  Since you are a dear, dear friend of mine, I want you to agree with me unconditionally.  We're doing this my way."  Of course that's not her attitude, but I sometimes thought that she didn't value Chakotay's advice.

Anyways, is there an episode where they have such a conflict and after a while Janeway realises that Chakotay is the wiser one in that particular instance?  Similar to Star Trek: First Contact when Captain Picard had a fight with Lily and then discovered how right she truly was that he should self-destruct the Enterprise

Gaming Discussion / DOOM / DOOM2 : Chaingun vs Plasma Gun
« on: July 27, 2011, 03:34:08 pm »
If each weapon in Doom has an advantage and a disadvantage, what are reasons to use the chaingun, and what are other reasons to use the plasma gun?  Or is the plasma gun better in any situation?

Other / Curosity Question: Software in Windows
« on: July 27, 2011, 03:15:35 pm »
As we all know, Windows programs are compiled into Intel/AMD opcodes.  I'm assuming that the program run from a specific RAM address, does anyone know which one?  Or perhaps all calls, jumps and returns are relative?

ASM / RAM clear on extra RAM pages?
« on: July 16, 2011, 11:07:45 am »
If a 15Mhz calculator crashes, does RAM on page $83 get cleared, even if the page resides in the $C000-$FFFF area?

Other / Z80 vs 6502
« on: July 06, 2011, 12:41:19 am »
I've been starting a port of Commando, a game which uses the Motorola 6502 processor.  (By the way, Ti-83+ ASM is NOTHING compared to programming for the Atari 7800...I'm glad I'm only making a port!!)  Both the Motorola 6502 processor and the Z80 processor came not far from each other, and both were used for video game systems.

Each processor has its advantages and disadvantages.  While I prefer the Z80, there are some things about the Motorola 6502 that I wish the z80 had.

First, here's some things the Z80 has that the 6502 doesn't have, making the Z80 a dang fine processor indeed

The Z80 processor has more registers--many more
The Z80 has instructions that can compare and copy many values at once  (Like LDIR and CPIR)
The Z80's stack is much more flexible than the 6502's stack
You can work with 2-byte values on the z80, but not on the 6502
The 6502 has no register that can hold a direct address to work with  (The Z80 has HL, plus to a certain point DE, BC and SP)
The 6502 requires the carry flag for all math.  On the z80, it's optional.
On the 6502, you can only use conditions with a relative jump.  You can use conditions with calls, returns and longer jumps on the Z80
You can compare any register with register A.  On the 6502, registers cannot be compared with each other

And now, stuff the 6502 does that I wish the Z80 did:

Indexing is much easier and flexible on the 6502.  For instance, you can use a register to store an offset.
You can save one byte and several T-States on the 6502 by storing and retriving values from $0000 to $00FF.  This is not possible on the z80
On the 6520, you can use CP with almost all 1-byte registers
You can use almost all 1-byte registers to store directly to an address, as well as retrieve a value from it
One can increase or decrease the value in a direct address on the 6502

News / New Board added for Discontinued Projects
« on: July 02, 2011, 03:16:55 pm »
Similar to United-Ti, Omnimaga now has a board for discontinued projects.  If a major project, meaning a project with its own subforum, is no longer being worked on, it will be relocated to the board "Discontinued Projects."  All topics will be locked but 100% viewable.

Generally speaking, all projects in the folder will have source code available, for example the recent relocation of Seek and Destroy.  If another member wishes to continue the project, the project will be returned to its original location.

Note that if a project has been finished successfully and released, it will not be moved to Discontinued Projects.  For instance my ASM Tutorials have not been relocated.

Art / Sprite requests for 2 ships
« on: June 29, 2011, 06:01:31 pm »
I'm fishing for 2 ships for a simpler game I MIGHT be working on.  I would prefer people who are familiar with the Ptaloid and Tosonian ships from S.A.D.:

Anyways, I'm looking for a Ptaloid version of the Reclauda and a Tosonian version of the Argo.  (I don't mean copy their sprites.  I mean the former should be anti-air, the other is anti-everything)  Just one sprite for each.  Sprites should be at most 15 x 15, at least 9 x 9.

Even if I don't choose the ships you submit, I will give you +1 respect for your submission, unless I can tell you are spamming just to win points.

Other Calculators / MOVED: S.A.D. Source Code
« on: June 23, 2011, 02:22:06 pm »
This topic has been moved to S.A.D. (Seek and Destroy).

S.A.D. (Seek and Destroy) / S.A.D. Source Code
« on: June 23, 2011, 02:20:02 pm »
S.A.D. Source Code

I apologize that this code isn't commented as much as I had hoped.  My available time has been cut much shorter.;sa=view;down=686

Gaming Discussion / Anything illegal in what I want to do?
« on: June 18, 2011, 03:55:18 pm »
I'm asking for lots of discussion and help.  Even if no one can do anything to stop me, I want to do the right thing.  Yes, I'm an insistent, crazy do-gooder.  :P

Anyways, as you can read in this website:

Someone crawled into a garbage disposal outside the old atari building and recovered the source code to some games.   I want to take some source code and port it, as well as change the graphics to make an entirely new concept.  However, I don't know if the source code can be considered "stolen" and if it's wrong for me to view it myself.  Sure, no one can stop me, but that's not the point.

So, if I view the source code, port it and change the graphics, am I doing anything that atari would be mad at?

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