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« on: September 06, 2011, 11:19:23 pm »
I've been saying for a while that I'd make a physics platformer shmup.  Well, I've finally gotten it off the ground, and figured it's about time to make a thread for it.

As of now the only thing that works properly is the movement engine (and that to an extent)

When any of the fire keys (keys forming a square around [apps]) are pressed the program crashes soon after, I think that's b/c of a list being written to wrong, making zero items to 65535 and causing random spots in mem being written to..

Anyway, a screenie showing the somewhat-complete movement engine and the character's running animation.
Also I attached the source, in case anyone wants to test it.  There's an etherpad showing the source:

Attached things..prgmWAT is the compiled program, other three are source.  (select prgmSGSHUMP in compile menu)
Made with Axe 1.0.3.

EDIT: re-uploaded compiled prog, something was left out

Update here
« Last Edit: April 28, 2012, 12:42:50 pm by Darl181 »
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« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2011, 12:45:13 am »
Ok, It's sort of working now.  Still a bit buggy (I guess the bullets aren't being erased correctly so they reset somehow) but it doesn't crash anymore :D

This time, the 8xps are in a zip.  Same files tho.
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« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2011, 06:58:11 am »
This looks pretty cool.  Nice job, Darl. ;D

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« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2011, 09:30:59 am »
so I can play metal-slug-like game in calc soon? cool! :D
Sig wipe!

Offline Darl181

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« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2011, 02:45:33 pm »
Got it to work over last night, with help from runer and leafy in the etherpad ;D
(Turns out it was just the loops needing the offset, the copy() in gside was fine XD)

Also updated the pad.  Was able to completely re-do gshoot so it now works while an arrow key is being held (it didn't before, b/c getkey?# was used)
WAT03 is executable, source is zipped.

I'm starting to think up some plans for this...maybe a remake of the old Duel on the side..
The AI thread was for this project, I might be bumping that sometime soon.

First things first, tho, I've put in a limit to how many bullets could be out at a time (also limited the fire rate, it's now half of the rate in this screenie :P), but it whould be kind of hard to top ~75 bullets at once..
Soon to come is the platformer aspect, actual gravity and maps and such.

EDIT I've been thinking of an alternate title.. how does "Essence" sound?

so I can play metal-slug-like game in calc soon? cool! :D
Do you mean Metal slug like this?

That's not exactly what I'm going for, tho it's an idea...

Btw got it somewhat working with a map, gravity and such.  Working on a second weapon type.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2011, 05:33:02 pm by Darl181 »
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The Game
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2011, 03:29:36 pm »
So there's now three five under 9000 different weapons, as well as more planned.  This is what I've thought of so far.

Spoiler For Hurricane:
Pretty much your normal machine gun.  Shoots pretty fast, moderate damage per hit.
Spoiler For Bouncer:
Slow-moving projectiles that bounce around the map until they hit a target (for the time being, that's you).  Upon contact it explodes, flinging the unfortunate victim a distance.  Slow fire rate, not much damage (main feature is the explosion :P).  Has large damage, due to how slow-moving it is.  This should make *some* incentive to use it..
Spoiler For Plasma Gun:
Shoots somewhat fast-moving globs of plasma.  Better description pending...  Pretty fast fire rate, and considerable damage.
Spoiler For Pixel Fury:
Shoots a constant stream of pixels.  Fastest fire rate possible, fastest speed possible.  Minimal damage, since there's so many pelting toward the enemy at once.
Might be removed, due to its tendency to slow the game down.
Edit (4/5/12): s/Pixel Fury/Thermite ?
Spoiler For Blitz Cannon:
Somewhat like a cannon from WWI, except handheld and without the ball.  Run up to the other guy and give it a go (or point down, the backfire is huge).  Takes a while to reload, but deals great damage.
(Note, must be airborne to have backfire up/down, due to how the engine is put together.  I'm working on that.)
Spoiler For Grenade:
Pretty much what it says.  Might do fireworks instead (which upon explosion send projectiles in random directions), or a frag grenade. Too many bugs, and more trouble than it's worth :\
Spoiler For Flamethrower:
feasible.  Not much more to say, other than moderate range and undecided damage.
Spoiler For Minigun:
Idea from SCB...think pixel fury with plasma shots and a huge spray.  In the actual game will prolly be earned somehow, way to powerful for a starting weapon :P
(or maybe it's "lost" or something after the first level, and you're left with just the hurricane?  idk)
Spoiler For Jetpack:
Fly around.  Maybe the smoky stuff that shoots out will cause damage somehow, as some sort of flamethrower?
Probably earned, or found, or stolen from a defeated boss (read:earned) or something.
Thinking about:
Spoiler For Land Mine:
Or some other sort of mine.  If you've ever played Interactive Buddy, something like that.  Basically they're just lumps of metal until they touch the surface, be it floor, ceiling or wall; then once it hits a surface it affixes and becomes a touch-sensitive mine.  Fun stuff.  I'll proly have to do two types for this, but I might be able to get away with using a stationary Plasma Shot for a "mine"?  idk
Spoiler For Sniper:
Move scope around screen (with shaking according to jumping running etc), 2nd or something to shoot.  Vary fast-moving stream of projectiles, which hopefully seem to blur into one bullet thing.  Firerate something like the blitz cannon, probably slower.  Great damage.  Possibly earned by defeating boss armed with one.
Spoiler For Lazar:
It would have to be earned somehow* or have minimal damage.  Would prolly have some charging method.
*boss battle :D
Spoiler For Sword:
Some things never get old...this is one of them.  I'm not sure if I'll put this in or not, but it might work well LoZ-style or something.  Firerate n/a, moderate damage.
Spoiler For Ricochet:
Much like the Bouncer, but fast-moving.  Very slow fire rate, say one projectile every 200 frames.
Spoiler For Nethapult:
Incendiary lobsters...?
Spoiler For Bubble Rage:
An incredibly deadly bubble blower.  Like, very deadly.
(yeah I need to work on this one a bit :P)
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 02:45:05 am by Darl181 »
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« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2011, 03:33:46 pm »
Nethapult ftw
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Offline Darl181

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« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2011, 11:19:13 am »
So I have 5 weapons in there now, all listed appropriately above.
Also, the game now displays text in the corner, telling you what weapon you just switched to after pressing [apps].
I've started a level editor for this, shouldn't be too hard b/c I'll prolly just end up modifying one from an early version of Tio or something ;D

A question, though.  Is there a routine similar to the Line() function, but has clipping?  That's what I've been using for the Blitx Cannon.... Half the time the blast either doesn't show at all or only has one line b/c most/all of the lines go off the screen and aren't drawn :\
« Last Edit: September 11, 2011, 11:26:45 am by Darl181 »
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« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2011, 02:49:46 pm »
I don't feel like making a huge post wall describing stuff, plus it's school lunch so I don't have the time, so see screenies :P

There are some buggy things, such as how you can hold down multiple fire buttons at once and multiple forces are applied to the bullet (making things like stationary plasma or fast-moving bouncers possible, enjoy it while it lasts b/c I have an idea how to solve it)
(also if you pause in-game the mode menu is displayed fsr, lingering keypress or something idk)

WAT is still exec, source is zipped.
Also, the pad has been updated with the latest source (tho it's full of the weird stuff sourcecoder injects, but it's in there)

controls: arrow keys move, keys around apps shoot, apps scrol through weapons, F1-F5 select weapon, mode pause, clear quit.

EDIT forgot to upload map outside of zip.  Level needs to be in archive.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 06:25:40 pm by Darl181 »
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« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2011, 03:51:39 pm »
O.o cool

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« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2011, 06:55:05 pm »
I was just about to make something like this, (contra remake) then you show up and make one that's better then I even imagined for mine!!!


Anyway, since you crushed my dreams, I might as well show you what I was planning. It is a really cool animation for a machine gun. (At least better than dots(No offence)(Attached)) You could store the levels externally, allowing users to make their own levels, etc.

Anyway, my machine gun is extremely slow as it is in basic, but you can get the idea of how to make it look cool like that.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 10:37:18 pm by boot2490 »
I'm not worried about SOPA creating censorship, that will not stand for long. I'm worried that they'll succeed in stopping piracy!

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« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2011, 08:48:50 pm »
This looks pretty fantastic.
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« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2011, 09:02:20 pm »
Well, you could still make a run 'n gun type of thing, doesn't have to be Contra (I'm not doing Contra anyway, Deep Thought's already doing it x.x), there's plenty out there ;)

I'm not sure if I'm going to try to port something with this, prolly just make it up as I go :P

And that would work pretty well for a machine gun (or lazar maybe? ;D) but I'd have to make some pre-calculation process to see where it would hit player, map or side of screen and would cause a noticeable lag (prolly something like what Pixel Fury causes)
Tho if done right, it could work...
« Last Edit: March 02, 2012, 10:16:37 pm by Darl181 »
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« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2011, 09:10:21 pm »
so I can play metal-slug-like game in calc soon? cool! :D
I think Lazar will be better than machine gun.. IF you can charge da Lazar
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[|:{P ------->

Yo dawg I herd u lost the game game so I coded the game game in your calc so you can lose the game game while you code your code about losing the game game.

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« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2011, 07:01:09 am »
Thanks for the feedback! I am not actually upset that you are making a run and gun, (everybody is), I am upset because I recently learned that everybody is. So, the machine gun program is attached. It shoots with random lines from one point, so if you make the y displacement equal on both sides, it would look more like a dragonball z laser and less like your cannon thing slowed down (spread vs thick line). If that is confusing, I will update this post later with a gif of the idea, and an 8xp.
Suggestion for plasma cannon: Make the circle it draws filled white.

P.S. How were you able to update this from school lunch?  ???
I'm not worried about SOPA creating censorship, that will not stand for long. I'm worried that they'll succeed in stopping piracy!

Spoiler For Signature, updated march 23, 11:28 PM EST:

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