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Messages - {AP}

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Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: November 13, 2010, 03:25:11 am »
Thanks. =)
Things are okay over here. Just finally got some free time to see what's going on and get some coding done.

Oh, on that note... to the person uploading all those dragon pictures... I'd like to know who you are and why you're doing it, if it's alright to ask. Nothing wrong with it but there's like 200-300 of them uploaded so I'm REALLY curious. ^^

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: November 13, 2010, 03:15:03 am »
Long time no see, everyone. Just hopped back on to give an update to the image server.

  • Added the number of images that have been uploaded to the front page. (because I was curious... I mean, I went through SO many emails and wanted to know just how many)
  • Changed the way images are named to how I wanted it in the first place. New images uploaded have 40% less annoying URLs.
  • Added a preview of the image you just uploaded to the Success page. If the image is too large, it's resized to fit there and you can view the image at full size by clicking on it.
  • Unfortunately, despite that last update, I haven't gotten thumbnails working yet. I hope to have it done before I'm shipped off to Illinois in December.

That's it for now. If you want to contact me about anything, PM me or email me. (I won't be on Omnimaga really... but when I get PMs it's sent to my email and I check my email daily. Email: [email protected] )

Seeing as there's over 700 images uploaded already I can tell you guys are enjoying the server so I'm definitely making sure I keep it running and hope to update it more in the future.

Miscellaneous / It seems I owe you an explanation
« on: September 07, 2010, 01:29:27 am »
As you may have noticed, I randomly dropped off the face of the earth for awhile.

Well, as some of you know, I was in college. As less of you know, I ended up dropping out of college at the end of the first semester.
Why? I'm not entirely sure and it makes no sense to talk about it now. I'm already out.

Anyway, the next step had to be to get a job. Well, a few weeks had gone by with no luck and I was getting desperate. With not many options where I live, I was pretty much forced to join the Navy. I'm not officially in yet (yay, paperwork~), but the recruiters are already scheduling basic training and such for me so I'm pretty sure they want me in.

What does this mean exactly?
Well, I just won't be able to be around much for a long time. I'm not on IMs much either. Skype if anything and only to check and see if my dad is online since he's in Iraq at the moment and Skype is his only way of making calls out of the country.

But yeah, I've been spending most of my time getting ready for training and trying to maintain a social life offline.
The websites will stay up but most likely won't be updated for awhile. Don't worry, I'll keep paying for the server and web development is still a passion of mine so the sites will eventually get updated. (Oh, and I'm still going to be monitoring everything uploaded to the img server so don't try anything funny. ;P Actually, that'd be a great way to send me a message. I just won't be able to send one back. xD)
This also delays my secret calc project for quite some time too but it's on my PC, laptop, and external hard drive so it won't be lost unless ALL of that goes down.

And... um... yeah... that's everything really. Wish me luck. I'm not quite sure if this is the right path for my life but every time I tried to do what I thought was for the best, it ended horribly. Maybe doing something that I just have to do will turn out better. Regardless, I'm not leaving Omnimaga permanently. This is just a long hiatus. I will be coming back, but next time... I'll be able to swim. xP

Oh, and if you have any questions for me, ask now while I'm still around to answer. ^^;

Web Programming and Design / Re: jBasic OS
« on: August 17, 2010, 07:33:56 pm »
Why do you need a browser in a browser? xD

I mean, it's cool that it works, but... why?

TI Z80 / Re: Star Fox
« on: August 15, 2010, 11:25:50 pm »
"I'm a toad thing!" xD

Best line ever.
(Oh, and amazing work to you and Magic Banana)

TI Z80 / Re: Star Fox
« on: August 11, 2010, 07:41:18 pm »
Btw, are you thinking about using all that black space at the bottom for text and stuff?
You could have incoming transmissions from Peppy at the bottom

I'm not some sort of mind reader or genius or anything... but
I'd never forget the barrel roll. That's part of why I put the screen at the top instead of centered. This way there's room for "Do a barrel roll!"

So... yes. I can say with confidence that the bottom will contain dialogue at some point in gameplay.

Web Programming and Design / Re: {AP}'s Web Projects
« on: August 10, 2010, 05:42:40 pm »
I made it a bit more red than pink now and I did have to use guides for most of it but it still wasn't easy. ^^;
Also, I have the banner, background, and navbar coded in properly now. Slowly getting this done.

And you'd be right about the Pokemon part. The site is for a Pokemon hack that really deserves more attention than it currently has. =P

TI Z80 / Re: Xonix
« on: August 10, 2010, 04:31:48 pm »
The trail is gray, aye.

Amazing work again, BB. Would like to get a hold of this sometime. =P

Miscellaneous / Re: Cleverbot!
« on: August 10, 2010, 04:11:08 pm »
Oh wow... I totally forgot about this thing.
Well, glad you're all having fun with it. =P

Web Programming and Design / Re: {AP}'s Web Projects
« on: August 10, 2010, 04:03:42 pm »
The rickroll has been in there for awhile. I'm surprised more people didn't try "help" before. ;P

Anyway, new project in the works. I'm not disclosing any major information on it now, but you can see a mock-up I made entirely in Photoshop from scratch. (the Text tool is a PAIN to use to make it look like tables) Yes, it's just an image consisting of 92 frames. x.x

Anyway, here it is.

Yeah, I know it's very pink... but it matches the character that I had to use the best and honestly makes for a pleasing color scheme that doesn't hurt the eyes and lets you easily see all information.

Don't worry, I'm not just starting up a random new project for no reason... I'm writing my own database scripts from scratch so it'll be great practice. Helps me work with mysql and gives me a chance to make my own search engine. (Not like Google... but an engine for searching through my own databases and such)

Anyway, off to start getting the design actually coded in and working.

Art / Re: AP Signatures
« on: August 06, 2010, 11:45:04 pm »
It will work like the current userbar generator but instead of giving you the weird URL it will just be:
and it doesn't load any scripts while on pages. Instead, to update the userbar you will have to log in to my userbar site and update the information then it automatically updates the userbar.

Also, while logged in you will be able to make another userbar or update/delete one you already made.

First thing I have to do is make the log in system and then I can get everything else done quickly.
Also, I'm not sure yet if I'll make this work for signatures too. For now, just doing the userbars is easiest... but we'll see.

Art / Re: AP Signatures
« on: August 06, 2010, 11:23:11 pm »
Weee~ It's been awhile since I opened Photoshop. I really just did this because I had the idea in my head for a code and needed something to test it out with. This is just a test of some code that will be available on the userbar site sometime in the future. This uses a script to generate the picture one time and then after that it's just a normal picture so there's no scripts loading on every refresh. Also it has text centering. The centering is kinda buggy right now, but I hope to fix that later.

Anyway, all I have to do is go to a form, type in the new words for the bottom part, and it generates a picture. The beauty is that is keeps the original URL so you never have to update your profiles to change your signatures. (especially good if you use the same signature on a lot of different sites)

This feature isn't available to the public yet but now you know that there's progress.

The signature:

Yeah, it's not my best work as far as the look of the signature... but again, I just did it quickly for the code.

Miscellaneous / Re: webcomics
« on: August 04, 2010, 10:52:16 pm »
I was following 8-bit since it started, (I even started my own webcomic that was a tribute to it) but I forgot about it over the years and when I found it again there was like 400+ more comics and I just gave up. =P

Web Programming and Design / Re: {AP}'s Web Projects
« on: August 04, 2010, 09:17:12 pm »
If you'd like to. I did make it for omnimaga users and it is useful.
Still, that's up to you.

Also, I forgot about 'the game'... I'll have to add that in soon. =P

preventing downgrading is illegal. it falls under cruel and unusual punishment!!!

Cruel and unusual punishment? Dude, it's okay. It's just no more Ndless for a while and what they did is not, and never will be, illegal.
I'm not saying I like what they did, but there's nothing we can do about it. They've won. For now. We'll come back again like we always do.

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