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Messages - {AP}

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Web Programming and Design / Re: [RFG] Userbar Manager
« on: January 26, 2011, 02:20:51 pm »
Alrighty, made some headway. Check out the first post.

I fixed custom backgrounds and expanded on them since the code from Dynamic Userbars. You can now use .JPG, and .GIF images too. Note that the option to put the lines on top is gone though. I'll be experimenting on a new process that should allow you to add more effects than that.

Fixed a bug or two since release. Not all fixes shown because they were more of a syntax issue than anything else.

So yeah. Things are improving. Any feedback would be nice. Especially any problems that are coming up. It's good to get them out of the way before I bulk up the system with fancy stuff. =P

Web Programming and Design / [RFG] Userbar Manager
« on: January 25, 2011, 08:55:34 pm »

It's finally here! The beta for the userbar manager I have been working on.
The site is amazingly easy to use and more details can be found on the homepage. I've only tested it on Firefox so I'll need you guys to let me know how it works with other browsers.

So, let me know of any bugs that come up and any comments, suggestions, complaints, etc.

(NOTE: This version replaces the old dynamic userbars page. You can still use the script like normal and all old userbars still work, but the generator and instructions on how to use it are gone.)

Features I'm working on adding now:
  • Revamped progress bar.
  • Custom colored text and outline. Any hexadecimal color will work.

Known Bugs:
  • None

Fixed bugs:
  • Couldn't select the URL to copy/paste it before. My bad. Fixed it though.
  • Some browsers save to their cache too well and when editing a userbar, the result may look like it didn't change. Fixed by making your browser not cache the page at all. If you've already created userbars and then edit them, the browser may still have them cached. All that needs to be done is the refresh on the manager page again and it'll never save the userbar again. NOTE: Opera users still have this problem and will still need to refresh the main page everytime they edit a userbar.
  • Opera wouldn't create userbars properly. Fixed by reverting to a simpler form.

  • Custom backgrounds now work again but you'll get a black background if the file isn't .JPG, .PNG, or .GIF.
  • Made it to where it automatically selects the URL of a userbar when you click in the textbox it's in.
  • Forced to resort to a simpler form for creation. It now looks exactly like the edit form.
  • Updated the creation and editing form to show a LIVE preview while you're working! All changes made in the form will show you what they look like instantly. (Well, almost instantly. Custom backgrounds take a bit longer to load but otherwise very fast.)

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: January 25, 2011, 01:58:07 pm »
You'll be able to make an account to create and manage your userbars. The beauty is being able to keep the same URL even after you change it so if you have a userbar on like 3 different sites that you want to update, you can update them all at once without having to change your sig on every site or anything else. It also looks better and will have more updated features.

So far I've finished registering, logging in, creating userbars, and deleting them. Just need to finish the editing feature and I can say it's officially open for beta testing.

Miscellaneous / Re: Guess who's back.
« on: January 24, 2011, 04:56:53 pm »
Thanks for the warm welcomes~
* {AP} notices peanuts.

About time! I'd run out of peanuts ages ago. =D
* {AP} takes the peanuts and disappears back to notepad++

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: January 24, 2011, 04:32:48 pm »
And a thanks to ztrumpet. =)

BTW, here's a sneak peek at what I've been furiously coding since 2am this morning.

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: January 24, 2011, 04:26:07 pm »
I like your sig/avatar AP.
Thanks! To be honest, I made it in like 20 mins at 3am one night but it still turned out pretty good. =)

Also about deleting old images, do you think you could simply track images that got not enough hits for a while that are old instead?
I honestly wouldn't know how to track hits like that. I seriously doubt I'll ever need to delete anything anyway though so we don't need to worry. If any problems come up, I'll make sure to let you guys know about it before I take any actions.

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:32:16 pm »
Hm, didn't know that.

I just found this image and changed the colors then worked my Photoshop magic to finish it up.

Interesting to know the real source though. =)

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:25:10 pm »
Oh? Do tell. =)

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:17:13 pm »
Oh, nice. Over 1000 images already. Making great progress. =D

As for monitoring uploads, I've been watching though there was a good number of them that I just skipped but I've seen every upload for 2011 for sure. (And yes, they're getting emailed to me. I just have the site set up to email me the image as it's uploaded so I can check it.)

Also, after thinking about it more, I don't think I'll do the gallery for a number of reasons. It'd have to be done inefficiently one way or another. Also, if two people upload the same image without knowing it and someone deletes one because it's a duplicate than that just screwed up one person's image and it may have been the only one used because we have no way of knowing which is used or not. It just overall will cause more problems than it's worth. Worse case scenario, I'll have to get rid of images uploaded x number of years ago or something but I doubt that will happen.

However, thumbnail support still needs to get done but I have to find an efficient way to handle it without killing the upload time. I'll test some things later, but it's low on my list of priorities at the moment.

Anyway, thanks for the continued support of my image server. Glad it's so useful. =)

Offtopic: anyone know what the image in {AP}'s sig is?

Um, did you mean my old signature (the 'bloody' one) or something else?

Miscellaneous / Guess who's back.
« on: January 24, 2011, 11:45:41 am »
So... a lot of stuff has happened and, quite frankly, most of it isn't very good but I'm alive and back.
I don't know when I'll pick a calc back up again, but I'm working hard on my web projects in between real life stuff so at least there's that to look forward too. =P

Anyway, on to checking up on what I missed and getting back to work on some code I've started working on 8 hours ago.

It's good to be back. ^^

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: December 04, 2010, 11:27:54 am »
I'll just be in Illinois for a couple months then I'm heading down to Florida for a bit. After that, I'm not sure where they'll have me. From the looks of things, I might be heading to North or South Korea. Apparently, we're pissing off North Korea or something and are 'on the brink of war'.
Otherwise, life is great.

Though, I won't be able to do any more upgrades to the image uploader for awhile. I can still fix bugs and such, but that's about it.
Far too busy these days. It'll slow down in a few months and I'll have free time again.

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: December 03, 2010, 03:16:58 pm »
Strange. It was originally supposed to added "-#" at the end of the name but I found that it added it after the ".png"/etc. so I fixed it to do "#-filename.extension".
I haven't seen the [1] thing yet. I think that was actually in the filename that was uploaded. As for how to 'fix' that... I guess I could just strip brackets from filenames.
In fact, I did.
Just tested it fully and it works fine now. Brackets are stripped and it will continue to add a number at the beginning for duplicates to infinity so no more problems should arise.

Sorry for the absence again. I'm leaving for sure on the 13th of December and have been working on a huge project that I want in good shape before I ship off.

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: November 14, 2010, 01:09:58 pm »
Nice. Btw I really love the design, for some reasons.

Thanks. =D
I like it too. I'm not a big fan of complicated website designs so mine are always really simple.

One thing about thumbnails: on 1and1, SMF software had troubles resizing extremly large images (I think 1024px or larger). It gave an 500 Internal Server Error when trying to display the thumbnail, so I was forced to disable this. I think this took too much ressources for 1and1 or they disabled those scripts. I wonder if you may have the same issues?

It shouldn't have the same problem. The SMF script resizes images while they're loading and it's not a permanent change. For my script, as you upload your image it will make a copy of it, resize it, and save it somewhere else. Of course, this will make the upload process take a bit longer... but I can add an option to not make a thumbnail for those who don't want the extra wait.

A gallery would be nice. It might also be easier for people to help spotting bad images if any are uploaded.

Yeah, I plan to make a couple of buttons for people to report either a duplicate image or inappropriate one.
I kinda worry about the duplicates already being used though... If I just get rid of one, then someone's image will be broken wherever they posted it. Hopefully, I'll think of something.

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: November 13, 2010, 07:23:48 pm »
I'm thinking that stealing the first frame is how it'll have to be done. Of course, that wouldn't really be much of a problem because most of the time because you won't need a thumbnail for the calc gifs. They're already pretty small and you really don't wanna have to make people click on an image to see the animated version. We'll see what I can do.

For now, some minor updates.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed the preview image resizing on the success page. It originally resized all images to 350px width even if it was smaller but now it only resizes it when it's bigger than 350px width. This doesn't really change much but just makes things look right while uploading.
  • Update: Added some formatting to make things look a little better. (probably what took the longest)
  • Update: Although the logo takes you back to the upload form, it's not too obvious to those who haven't read this topic so I added an 'upload another?' button to the bottom of the success page.
  • Development: Added a mirror of the image server to test out code before making it live. I should have done this earlier... but it slipped my mind. Oh, and no... you can't get access to it. =)
Also, I was planning on making a gallery for the site but I think I need to get thumbnails working first. Especially since galleries are usually just lists of thumbnails anyway. Though, I think I can set up a really lazy gallery this week (or tonight).

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: November 13, 2010, 01:59:44 pm »
It grows when others view the image, and when the click on your dragon.
When they view it, it doesn't need to be the dragon's page on dragcave, but the image needs to be hosted on dragcave.

That would explain the slowness then. Those images aren't just images, but scripts. Just like my 'dynamic userbars'.
Though, I imagine that code would be massive with so many possible images. Not to mention it must have a LOT of traffic.
No wonder they were killing loading times.

Anyway, it's no problem meishe. Like I said, I was just curious. =P

I think I'll get another update or two on the image server done tonight.
I'll let you guys know my progress.

By the way, the only reason I've been having trouble with thumbnails is I don't know what to do about animated gifs yet.
I'm thinking I'll just have to not make thumbnails for .gif images. I'll keep looking into it. Hopefully I can find a way to distinguish between normal gifs and animated gifs though.

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